

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Install WebSphere Portal Express on an unmanaged node (secondary)

Install IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express on a secondary node in the cell. In this scenario, you install WebSphere Portal Express and then federate the node to bring it under deployment manager control.

  1. Install WebSphere Portal Express. Refer to the appropriate instructions, according to your platform.

  2. Verify that WebSphere Portal Express is operational after installation.

  3. Windows and Linux only: Reconfigure the database from the default database to the database being used by the primary node.

    1. Ensure that the database client software is installed on the secondary node using the same settings as the primary node and that you can connect to the remote database. It is not necessary to create databases or users when configuring secondary nodes.DB2 users: When using DB2, catalog the TCP/IP node and all databases used on each secondary node. For more information, refer to Creating databases and users for DB2.

    2. The datasources for the secondary node must be made to point to the datasources for the primary node. Update the wpconfig_dbtype.properties and wpconfig_dbdomain.properties files to specify which remote database will be used. This information should match the database information used for the primary node installation. Refer to Transferring all domains for information on properties that are pertinent for database configuration.Tip: To simplify this process, you can make a backup copy of the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file on the secondary node, and then copy the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file from the primary node to the secondary node.

    3. Validate the database settings by running the following commands.

    4. Update the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file and set the DbSafeMode property to true to prevent the database configuration from being changed.

    5. Reconfigure WebSphere Portal Express to use the remote databases by running the following command from the portal_server_root/config directory on the secondary node:

      • Windows:

        WPSconfig.bat connect-database

      • Linux:

        ./WPSconfig.sh connect-database

      At this point, do not access WebSphere Portal Express and do not log in to as any user, as it could result in database corruption.

    6. Update the wpconfig_dbtype.properties file and set the DbSafeMode property to false.

  4. i5/OS only: Specify database settings and complete the configuration of WebSphere Portal Express.

    1. Ensure that the following properties are uncommented. wpconfig.properties file:

      • PrimaryNode property: Because this node is a secondary node, set this property to false.

      • PortalAdminId property: specify the fully-qualified name of the WebSphere Portal Express administrator.

      wpconfig_dbtype.properties file:

      • DbSafeMode property: Set this property to true to prevent the database configuration from being changed.

      wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file:

      • domain.DbUser: Specify the administrator ID for the following domains in the database.

        • release

        • customization

        • community

        • wmm

        • jcr

        • feedback

        • likeminds

    2. Reconfigure the datasources for the secondary node to point to the datasources for the primary node. Update the wpconfig_dbtype.properties and wpconfig_dbdomain.properties files to specify which remote database will be used. This information should match the database information used for the primary node installation. Refer to Transferring all domains for information on properties that are pertinent for database configuration.

      If you configured a local database when installing the primary node, be sure to set the appropriate property values to point to the database on the primary node machine, as described in Setting up an i5/OS database in a cluster.

      When specifying property values for the remote database on a secondary node, ensure that you replace instances of *LOCAL/schema with primary_node_hostname/schema, as described in Creating database libraries and users for DB2 for i5/OS.

    3. Validate the database settings by running the following commands.

      where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

    4. Reconfigure WebSphere Portal Express to use the remote databases by running the following command from the portal_server_root/config directory:

      WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root connect-database

      where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

    5. Set the DbSafeMode property to false in wpconfig_dbtype.properties.

  5. Change the timeout request period for the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) client. The default, in seconds, is 180. Edit the soap.client.props file in the was_profile_root/properties directory:

    Change the line to: com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout=6000

  6. Linux only: If you have not done so already, use the ulimit command to increase the number of files that can be open concurrently. Enter the ulimit -n 10240 command.

  7. Increase the Java Virtual Machine heap size, and then add the portal application server on the secondary node to the deployment manager cell by typing the addNode command. Do not include the -includeapps or -includebuses parameters. Refer to the addNode command topic for steps on increasing the JVM heap size, the addNode command syntax and other information.

    • It is important to exclude the -includeapps and -includebuses options to avoid transferring the applications and service buses because they already exist in the deployment manager's master configuration.

    • Applications stored in the master configuration are still only assigned to the primary node. In order to share them with a secondary node, the node must be added to the cluster.

  8. Ensure that ALL properties in the wpconfig.properties file are correct. Update the PrimaryNode property value on the secondary node to indicate its status. Use a text editor to open the wpconfig.properties file.

    Ensure that the following properties are uncommented and specify appropriate values:

    • PrimaryNode property: Because this node is a secondary node, set this property to false.

    In a clustered environment, the CellName value to which the WebSphere Portal Express node belongs is not automatically updated in the wpconfig.properties file for the unmanaged node path. Therefore, check and update the CellName value on the secondary node in an unmanaged node scenario.

  9. Update the deployment manager configuration for the new WebSphere Portal Express.

    • If LDAP security is already enabled in the cluster, ensure that you have updated the wpconfig.properties file with the appropriate LDAP user registry information before updating the deployment manager configuration.

    • The post-portal-node-federation-configuration task requires complete and accurate database information in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file. Before running the task, ensure that the database properties are correct and that password values are specified.

  10. If you are using an LDAP user registry to provide security for the cluster, update the security configuration on the node.

    • If LDAP security is already enabled in the cluster, enable security on the secondary node with the enable-jcr-security configuration task. Before running the following configuration task, ensure that the wpconfig.properties file on the secondary node contains the same LDAP user registry information you used to configure the primary node.

      • Windows and Linux:

        Run the following command from the portal_server_root/config directory:

        • Windows:

          WPSconfig.bat enable-jcr-security -DPortalAdminId=portal_admin_id

        • Linux:

          ./WPSconfig.sh enable-jcr-security -DPortalAdminId=portal_admin_id

        where portal_admin_id is the fully qualified distinguished name (DN) of the portal administrator (for example, uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com).

      • i5/OS:

        Run the following command from the portal_server_root_user/config directory:

        WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root enable-jcr-security -DPortalAdminId=portal_admin_id

        • profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

        • portal_admin_id is the fully qualified distinguished name (DN) of the portal administrator (for example, uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=example,dc=com

      The configuration task enable-jcr-security will fail if there is a space in the LDAP user's fully qualified distinguished name (DN). For more information refer to the detailed notes on using properties .

    • If you intend to use an LDAP user registry for security but have not yet performed that configuration, refer to Enabling LDAP security after cluster creation.


Parent topic:

Installing and federating secondary nodes