

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Create databases and users for DB2

This section provides information on setting up DB2 to work with WebSphere Portal Express.

If you use a remote DB2 server, manually create the databases that are required by WebSphere Portal Express before performing WebSphere Portal Express database transfer to work with DB2. If you use a local DB2, WebSphere Portal Express can create and set up the required databases for you.


Before you begin


Note the following information:


Create users

IBM recommends that one user with administrative rights on the operating system and the DB2 instance be used for all databases. This user can be the database administrative user that is created automatically by the DB2 installation program. If you choose to have WebSphere Portal Express create the databases, the database user should be given SYSADM rights.

When installing DB2, there is a limitation on what user names you can use. A common user name is db2inst1, but you can assign any user name as long as it has administrative access and follows the limitations set out here. IBM recommends that you do not change the user name after creating it.

The limitations are as follows:

Following are the basic steps to create new users and granting the privileges. For more information, refer to the DB2 product documentation.

  1. From the DB2 Control Center, expand the object tree until you find the DB Users folder.

  2. Right-click the DB Users folder and select Create/Add from the pop-up menu. The Create DB User notebook opens.

  3. In the User name field, type a 1-8 character user ID.

  4. Click the tab for the type of object for which you want to grant privileges to the user ID. The privileges can be altered pertaining to the user.

  5. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.


Create local databases

If you use a local DB2 server, run the following tasks to automatically create the required databases as a remote database on the local system:


  1. Open a command prompt, and change to the directory portal_server_root/config.

  2. If WebSphere Portal Express is on Linux, export the DB2 user profile (that you created when installing DB2) onto the administrative user. This gives that administrative user rights over DB2. It is important to complete this step before running database tasks. . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

    where db2inst1 represents your database instance.

  3. Perform the following steps to set up the configuration file with values specific to your environment:

    1. Locate the following files and create a backup copy of each before changing any values:

    2. Use a text editor to open the properties files and enter the values that are appropriate for your environment. Tip:

      • IBM recommends to print out the properties tables in this step for reference while modifying the properties files.

      • Make sure to enter the appropriate values for each instance of each property. In wpconfig_dbdomain.properties, most properties are repeated for each domain.


      • The WebSphere Portal Express database can be used to hold information for applications such as Document Manager, Personalization, Feedback and LikeMinds. In this case, the user should use similar naming conventions for property values such as release.DbName, jcr.DbName, feedback.DbName, and likeminds.DbName. For example:

        • releaseDbName=wpsdb

        • jcr.DbName=jcrdb

        • feedback.DbName=fdbkdb

        • likeminds.DbName=lkmddb

      • Do not change any settings other than those that are specified in these steps. For instructions on working with these files, see Configuration properties reference for a complete properties reference, including default values.

      • If you are using a remote database, be sure to enter the values for the remote server.

      • Use / instead of \ for all platforms.

      • Some values, shown here in italics, might need to be modified to your specific environment.

      • There might be additional database properties other than those listed here. Only change the properties within this table; skip all other properties.

      • The value listed for each property in the following tables represents the specific information that is required to configure WebSphere Portal Express to your target database.

      • Depending on which database domain has to be configured, dbdomain may need to be replaced by:

        • release

        • customization

        • community

        • jcr

        • feedback

        • likeminds

        • wmm

      • The values for at least one of the following properties must be unique for the release, customization, community, and jcr domains:

        If you use the same values for all four properties across the release, customization, community, and JCR domains, the database-transfer task will fail. If DbUser, DbUrl, and DbPassword are not the same across domains, the value for DataSourceName must differ from the DataSourceName of the other domains. In other words, this value must be unique for the database domain.

      • Do not modify the values for the sync and designer database domains. These domains are not used by WebSphere Portal Express and the values should remain pointing to the default database.

      Update the following properties in the file wpconfig_dbdomain.properties.

      Database domain properties
      Property Value
      dbdomain.DbType The type of database used to store information for WebSphere Portal Express.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string


      • DB2: db2

      dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal Express domain database and schema.


      • This value is also the database element in the dbdomain.DbUrl property.

      • For non-Windows platforms when using DB2, this value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string


      • For DB2 this value cannot exceed 8 characters and can only contain letters and numbers. Refer to your database documentation for more information.

      • For DB2, this value must be different from the value of dbdomain.XDbName.

      • If you change the name of the WebSphere Portal Express data source due to a database migration, manually update this property in the portal_server_root/config/wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file to maintain the proper resource reference mapping.


      Recommended value for all domains:

      • Release: release

      • Community: comm

      • Customization: cust

      • JCR: jcrdb

      • WMM: wmmdb

      • Feedback: fdbkdb

      • LikeMinds: lmdb

      dbdomain.DbSchema The schema name of the database domain.


      • For i5/OS: dbdomain.DbSchema must match the postfix of dbdomain.DbName after /. For example, if release.DbName=*LOCAL/REL60, then release.DbSchema=REL60.

      • Follow the documentation of the target database management system in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for some database management systems, for example on i5/OS.


      • This property is not used on Member Manager, which only uses the dbdomain.DbUser name as the schema.

      • Follow the documentation of the target database management system in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for some database management systems.

      • For SQL Server and non-wmm databases only, unless you are the system administrator, the values for dbdomain.DbUser and dbdomain.DbSchema must be the same.

      • For Oracle only: For non-feedback domains, DbSchema and DbUser MUST be the same. For Feeback domains, the default schema name is FEEDBACK. If the value is set to something besides FEEDBACK, you also have to set the schemaName property in <wps_home>/shared/app/config/services/FeedbackService.properties to the new schema.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string


      Default value: dbdomain

      dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal Express database with JDBC. The value must conform to standard JDBC URL syntax.

      The database element of this value should match the value of dbdomain.DbName.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string, conforming to standard JDBC URL syntax



      The user ID for the database administrator.


      • For SQL Server and non-wmm databases only, unless you are the system administrator, the values for dbdomain.DbUser and dbdomain.DbSchema must be the same.

      • For Oracle and SQL Server, if the user you are using is an administrative user that has authority over the FEEDBACK schema, the administrative user should be entered for the dbdomain.DbUser property.

      • For Oracle only: For non-feedback domains, DbSchema and DbUser MUST be the same. For Feeback domains, the default schema name is FEEDBACK. If the value is set to something besides FEEDBACK, you also have to set the schemaName property in <wps_home>/shared/app/config/services/FeedbackService.properties to the new schema.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Default for all domains: wpdb2ins ReplacewithyourDBAdminUser


      • Release: releaseusr

      • Community: communityusr

      • Customization: customizationusr

      • JCR: icmadmin

      • WMM: wmmdbusr

      • Feedback: feedback

      • LikeMinds: lmdbusr


      The password for the database administrator.

      A value must be set for this property; it cannot be empty.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Default for all domains: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd


      The database loop back alias that needs to be set if you plan to use the create-local-database-db2 task.


      • For DB2, this value must be different from the value of dbdomain.DbName.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Default value:

      • Release: wps6TCP

      • Community: wps6TCP

      • Customization: wps6TCP

      • WMM: wps6TCP

      • JCR: wps6TCP

      • Feedback: fdbk6TCP

      • LikeMinds: lmdb6TCP


      The value for the node database.

      Required for non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Default values:

      • Release: wpsNode

      • Community: wpsNode

      • Customization: wpsNode

      • JCR: wpsNode

      • WMM: wpsNode

      • Feedback value: pznNode

      • LikeMinds value: pznNode


      The name of the data store that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases.


      • If the DbUser, DbUrl, and DbPassword are not the same across domains, this value must differ from the DataSourceName of the other domains. In other words, this value must be unique for the database domain.

      • The value for dbdomain.DataSourceName should not be set to the same value as dbdomain.DbName.

      • i5/OS: The value for dbdomain.DataSourceName must match the postfix of dbdomain.DbSchema name. For example, if release.DbSchema=REL60, then release.DataSourcename=REL60. This name must be unique for each database schema.

      • Follow the documentation of the target database management system in order to define a valid schema name, as restrictions apply for some database management systems.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Default values:

      • Release: wpsdbDS

      • Community: wpsdbDS

      • Customization: wpsdbDS

      • JCR: JCRDS

      • WMM: wpsdbDS

      • Feedback: feedback5

      • LikeMinds: lmdbDS

      Update the following properties in the file wpconfig_dbtype.properties.

      Database type properties
      Property Value
      DbSafeMode This only applies to database-specific tasks. If this property is set to true, database-specific tasks, such as create/modify/drop database, will not be performed. The property should be used if a pre-configured database (from a previous installation) already exists. If the property is set to false, the database will be updated and the pre-existing database configuration will be overwritten.

      Recommended: false

      Default: false

      db2.DbDriver The name of the class that SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files.

      Version 6.0.1 and later The JDBC driver class name depends on the JDBC connection type that will be used.


      • For JDBC type 2 connections: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver

      • Version 6.0.1 and later For JDBC type 4 connections: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver

      db2.DbLibrary The directory and name of the .zip or .jar file that contains the JDBC driver class.

      Version 6.0.1 and later The value depends on the JDBC connection type that will be used. For JDBC type 2 connections the JDBC driver archive is named db2java.zip, but for JDBC type 4 connections the archive is split into two files: db2jcc.jar, which contains the JDBC driver, and db2jcc_license_*.jar, which contains the corresponding license. The name of the license archive depends on the actual license. For licensed connections to DB2 on Windows, Linux and Linux the file may be named db2jcc_license_cu.jar. The JDBC driver archives can be found in the DB2 installation directory in the "sqllib/java" subdirectory.


      • JDBC Type 2 connection: db2_install/java/db2java.zip

      • Version 6.0.1 and later JDBC Type 4 connection: db2_install/java/db2jcc.jar:db2_install/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar

      In Linux environments, use a colon (:) instead of a semi-colon (;) to separate multiple paths.

      db2.JdbcProviderName The name of the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal Express uses to communicate with its databases.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Update the following properties in the file wpconfig.properties.

      WebSphere Application Server properties
      Property Description
      WasPassword The password for WebSphere Application Server security authentication.

      If a value is specified for WasPassword, a value must also be specified for WasUserid. If WasPassword is left blank, WasUserid must also be left blank.

      Type: Alphanumeric text string

      Recommended: Set this value according to a environment.

      Default: ReplaceWithYourWASUserPwd

    3. Save the file.

  4. To create the WebSphere Portal Express, Member Manager, DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition, Feedback and LikeMinds databases, type the following command:

    • Linux:

      ./WPSconfig.sh create-local-database-db2 -DDbPassword=password -DJcrDbPassword=password -DFeedbackDbPassword=password -DLikemindsDbPassword=password -DWmmDbPassword=password

    • Windows:

      WPSconfig.bat create-local-database-db2 -DDbPassword=password -DJcrDbPassword=password -DFeedbackDbPassword=password -DLikemindsDbPassword=password -DWmmDbPassword=password

  5. Perform this step only if WebSphere Portal Express is on Linux. Use the following steps to export the db2instance environment in your profile:

    1. Open a command prompt, and change to the root directory /.

    2. In your .bashrc, .dshrc, or .profile file, add the following:

      if [ -f /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile; fi
      where db2inst1 represents your database instance.

    3. Reopen all the shells.

    4. Validate that your environment has set the DB2 profile environment variables, such as DB2INSTANCE=db2inst1 wheredb2inst1 represents your database instance by running the env command.

  6. Perform this step only if WebSphere Portal Express is on Linux. On the DB2 server machine, check the services file. If it does not specify DB2 connection and interrupt service ports, specify the ports for your operating system:

    • Windows:

      Use a text editor to open the file /etc/services and add the following text (where db2inst1 is the default instance): db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp

      The /etc/services file is located under %systemroot%/system32/drivers/, where %systemroot% is the location of the Windows operating system. For example C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\services.

    • Linux:

      Use a text editor to open the file /etc/services and add the following text (where db2inst1 is the name of the DB2 instance ID on the system):

      db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp # DB2 connection service port db2i_db2inst1 50001/tcp # DB2 interrupt service port

  7. Perform this step only if WebSphere Portal Express is on Linux. On the DB2 server machine, set DB2COMM to TCP/IP by using the db2set command, as follows:

    db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP

  8. Perform this step only if WebSphere Portal Express is on Linux. Set up the correct service name by entering the following command on the DB2 server machine:

    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING svcename svce_name"
    where svce_name is the connection service port name that is specified in step 7.


Create remote databases

A remote database resides on a different machine than WebSphere Portal Express. If you use a remote DB2 server, manually create the databases that are required by WebSphere Portal Express. See Planning for DB2 for more information on the database architecture recommendations. Before creating these databases, note the following information:

WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0 does not support the DB2 JDBC Type 3 driver, also known as Net Driver.

  1. Log in to the DB2 server machine as a user with sufficient database privileges.

  2. Ensure that the user you are using for the JCR Database User has been created, granted appropriate privileges, and has a password assigned to it. If the user has not been created, refer to the Creating users section for information on how to create users.

  3. Initialize a DB2 command environment:

    • Windows:

      Open a command prompt and type db2cmd.

    • Linux:

      At a command prompt, type su - db2inst1, where db2inst1 represents the database user.

    The prompt changes to $. In this mode, type "db2" at the beginning of each command and use quotation marks ("") around the entire command. For example:


    If you are using the Command Lind Processor (refer to your DB2 documentation for details), the command prompt is db2=>. In this mode, commands can be entered without the "db2" prefix or the quotation marks. However, the following steps assume you are not using the CLP and are entering commands from the $ prompt.

  4. Run the following command on the DB2 server machine to configure the DB2 database instance:For DB2 Version 8:

    db2set DB2_RR_TO_RS=yes db2set DB2_EVALUNCOMMITTED=YES
    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING query_heap_sz 32768"
    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING maxagents 500"
    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING sheapthres 50000"
    For DB2 Version 9:

    db2set DB2_RR_TO_RS=yes db2set DB2_EVALUNCOMMITTED=YES
    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING query_heap_sz 32768"
    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING maxagents 500"
    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING sheapthres 0"

  5. Run the following commands on the DB2 server machine to create the necessary databases:


    • Please replace dbname with the actual name of the database; run the commands several times and each time replace dbname with the actual values for release, community, customization, jcrdb, wmm, fdbkdb, and lmdb.

    • Database names can contain one to eight characters.

    • By default, all databases collate using the UCA400_NO collation of DB2. As this collation may not be suitable for certain needs, you may decide to change this collation in the 'CREATE DB' command below. Please refer to the DB2 InfoCenter for more information on this topic.

    db2 "CREATE DB dbname using codeset UTF-8 territory us COLLATE USING UCA400_NO PAGESIZE 8192"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING applheapsz 2048"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING app_ctl_heap_sz 1024"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING stmtheap 8192"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING dbheap 2400"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING locklist 1000"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING logfilsiz 1000"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING logprimary 12"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING logsecond 20"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING logbufsz 32"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING avg_appls 5"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname USING locktimeout 30"
    db2 "UPDATE DB CFG FOR dbname using AUTO_MAINT off"

  6. On the DB2 server machine, run the following commands, where:

    • jcrdb is the name of the database used to store user data and objects

    • icmadmin is the database user for jcrdb

      This value can be replaced with any id that has administrative authority.

    • dbpassword is the password for jcrdb

    These steps are only required for the database for the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition (jcrdb).

    db2 "CONNECT TO jcrdb USER icmadmin USING dbpassword"
    db2 "DISCONNECT jcrdb"
    db2 "TERMINATE"

  7. On the DB2 server machine, check the services file. If it does not specify DB2 connection and interrupt service ports, specify the ports for your operating system:

    • Windows:

      Use a text editor to open the file /etc/services and add the following text (where db2inst1 is the default instance): db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp

      The /etc/services file is located under %systemroot%/system32/drivers/, where %systemroot% is the location of the Windows operating system. For example C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\services.

    • Linux:

      Use a text editor to open the file /etc/services and add the following text (where db2inst1 is the name of the DB2 instance ID on the system):

      db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp # DB2 connection service port db2i_db2inst1 50001/tcp # DB2 interrupt service port

  8. If you are using a JDBC Type 2 connection: On the DB2 Client machine, use a text editor to open the /etc/services file. If it does not specify the DB2 connection service port, add the following text to specify the port for the remote DB2 instance:

    db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp # DB2 connection service port
    where db2inst1 is the name of the DB2 instance ID on the system.

    The connection service port on the DB2 Client machine, WebSphere Portal Express server, must match the connection service port on the DB2 server. The ports should match by number but not necessarily by name.

  9. On the DB2 server machine, set DB2COMM to TCP/IP by using the db2set command, as follows:

    db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP

  10. Set up the correct service name by entering the following command on the DB2 server machine:

    db2 "UPDATE DBM CFG USING svcename svce_name"
    where svce_name is the connection service port name that is specified in step 8.

  11. If you are using a JDBC Type 2 connection: On the DB2 Client machine, set DB2COMM to TCP/IP by using the db2set command, as follows:

    db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

  12. If you are using a JDBC Type 2 connection: On the DB2 Client machine, WebSphere Portal Express server, catalog the TCP/IP node with the IP address of the remote database server, as follows:

    db2 "catalog tcpip node remote_db_node_alias remote database_server_node server connection_service_port"
    where remote_db_node_alias is the alias name of the Database Server that you are defining for the WebSphere Application Server node name, database_server_node is the fully qualified host name of your database server machine, and connection_service_port is the name of the DB2 connection service port that you specified in the /etc/services file on the database server machine in step 8.

    The alias name can contain one to eight characters.

  13. If you are using a JDBC Type 2 connection: On the DB2 Client machine, WebSphere Portal Express server, catalog the WebSphere Portal Express, JCR, Member Manager, Feedback and LikeMinds databases as follows:

    1. Perform this step for all installations:

      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_release as release_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_community as comm_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_customization as cust_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_fdbkdb as fdbkdb_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_lmdb as lmdb_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_jcrdb as jcrdb_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      db2 "catalog db remote_db_name_wmmdb as wmmdb_alias_name at node remote_db_node_alias"
      where remote_db_name_<domain>, is the cataloged name of the databases on the server machine for each domain, <domain>_alias_name, is the database alias names that you are defining, remote_db_node_alias is the name that was used previously when you cataloged the TCP/IP node in the previous step.

      The alias for each database must be different from the actual database name, and can only contain up to eight characters.

  14. If you are using a JDBC Type 2 connection: Log out of the DB2 Client machine by entering the following command:

    db2 "quit"

  15. If you are using a JDBC Type 2 connection: On theDB2 Client machine, test your remote connection by issuing the following command in the DB2 command window:

    db2 "connect to alias_name user username using password"
    where alias_name is the alias name that you defined in step 14 and username is the database user.

  16. Restart your database server.

  17. Continue to Creating users.


Next steps

You have completed this step. Continue to the next step.


Parent topic:

Configuring DB2


Previous topic

Installing DB2


Next topic

Transferring DB2