

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Install WebSphere Portal Express on an unmanaged node (primary)

Install IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express on the primary node in the cell. In this scenario, you install WebSphere Portal Express and then federate the node to bring it under deployment manager control.

  1. Install WebSphere Portal Express. Refer to the appropriate instructions, according to your platform.

  2. Verify that WebSphere Portal Express is operational after installation.

  3. Configure the node to use a remote database.

    i5/OS only: Depending on the scaling topology you are using with your cluster, you can choose to use different database configurations. Before continuing refer to the information in Setting up an i5/OS database in a cluster.

    1. Ensure that the remote database server is installed and operational.

    2. Transfer the database from the default database to another database.

    3. Verify that WebSphere Portal Express is operational with the new database configuration.

  4. Increase the HTTP connection timeout value for the WebSphere Portal Express application server and the deployment manager. On some machine configurations, WebSphere Portal Express components might cause a timeout exception when the node is being added to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cell. Increasing the timeout value eliminates the risk of this happening.

    1. Log into the administrative console for the WebSphere Portal Express node.

    2. To change the timeout values for the WebSphere Portal Express application server, click Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere_Portal > Web container settings > Web container transport chains

    3. Increase the timeout values. For each entry listed in the web container transport chains section, complete the following steps to increase the timeout values:

      1. Click HTTP Inbound Channel.

      2. Change the Read timeout value to 180.

      3. Change the Write timeout value to 180.

      4. Save the configuration changes.

    4. Log into the administrative console for the deployment manager.

    5. To change the timeout values for the deployment manager, click System Administration > Deployment Manager > Web container transport chains.

    6. Increase the timeout values for the deployment manager as you did above for the WebSphere Portal Express node. You might find that there are fewer entries listed on the deployment manager than on the application server node. It is not necessary to add additional entries to the deployment manager configuration; simply update those timeout values that are already listed.

  5. Change the timeout request period for the Java Management Extensions (JMX) connector.

    1. Log in to the administrative console for the deployment manager.

    2. Click System administration > Deployment Manager > Administration Services > JMX connectors > SOAPConnector > Custom Properties.

    3. Select the requestTimeout property, and increase the value from 600 to 6000.

    4. Save your configuration changes.

  6. Restart the WebSphere_Portal application server and the deployment manager.

  7. Change the timeout request period for the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) client. The default, in seconds, is 180. Edit the soap.client.props file in the was_profile_root/properties directory:

    Change the line to: com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout=6000

  8. Update the security configuration on the deployment manager machine before adding the WebSphere Portal Express node to the cell.

    To configure security on the deployment machine use the instructions in the row of the following table that corresponds to your security configuration.

    What type of security are you using? Complete these steps
    Database user registry with realm support (default security with installation)



    Configured LDAP user registry with realm support

    Copy required Member Manager files to the deployment manager machine by following the substep in it's entirety found here. Return when the copy and verify is finished so you can configure security next.Configure the deployment manager machine with the same security settings for your node by completing the following steps:

    1. Use a text editor to open the wpconfig.properties file.

    2. Ensure that the following properties are uncommented and specify appropriate values:

      • DMgrHostName property: Specify the host name of the machine where the deployment manager is running.

      • DMgrSoapPort property: Specify the port number where the deployment manager machine receives SOAP requests. The default port number is 8879.

    3. Enable security on the deployment manager machine:

      • Windows and Linux:

        Run the following command from the portal_server_root/config directory:

      • i5/OS:

        Run the following command from the portal_server_root_user/config directory on the WebSphere Portal Express node: WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root enable-security-wmmur-dmgr -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=password –DLTPAPassword=password

        where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

    4. Restart the deployment manager and WebSphere Portal Express.
    Configured LDAP user registry without realm support You must manually configure the deployment manager machine with the same security settings as the WebSphere Portal Express node before you can add the node to the cell. Refer to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment information center for details:

  9. Linux only: If you have not done so already, use the ulimit command to increase the number of files that can be open concurrently. Enter the ulimit -n 10240 command.

  10. If you have installed WebSphere Portal Express into a profile containing WebSphere Process Server Version 6.0.2 or higher, complete the steps at this link to configure the Business Process Choreographer container database.

    Federation of unmanaged nodes into a deployment manager cell is not supported for earlier versions of WebSphere Process Server, such as Version 6.0.1.

  11. Increase the Java Virtual Machine heap size, and then add the node to the deployment manager cell by entering the addNode command. You must include the -includeapps parameter. If this profile contains WebSphere Process Server, also include the -includebuses parameter. Refer to the addNode command topic for steps on increasing the JVM heap size, the addNode command syntax and other information.

  12. In a clustered environment, the CellName value to which the WebSphere Portal Express node belongs is not automatically updated in the wpconfig.properties file for the unmanaged node path. Therefore, check and update the CellName value on the primary node in an unmanaged node scenario.

  13. Update the deployment manager configuration for the new WebSphere Portal Express.

    The post-portal-node-federation-configuration task requires complete and accurate database information in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file. Before running the task, ensure that the database properties are correct and that password values are specified.

    1. Run the post-portal-node-federation-configuration task.

    2. After the post-portal-node-federation-configuration task is complete, wait at least 30 minutes and then restart the node agent on the WebSphere Portal Express node.

      After this task is complete, the Node Agent runs a background thread to expand all the EAR files of the updated applications into their target directory. Attempting to restart the node agent while this EAR expansion is in process can result in conflicts which will cause an application to be unusable. Although the time to complete EAR expansion is environment-dependent, for a typical environment wait 30 minutes after the post-portal-node-federation-configuration task has completed before restarting the node agent to allow sufficient time for EAR expansion to complete.

      1. Open the administrative console, and click System Administration > Node Agents.

      2. Select the check box beside the node agent that you want to restart, and click Restart.

    3. Restart the deployment manager.

      1. Stop the deployment manager.

      2. Start the deployment manager.

        • Windows and Linux:

          startManager command

        • i5/OS:

          startManager -profileName dmgr_profile

          where -profileName is the profile of the application server process in a multi-profile installation. The -profileName option is not required when running in a single profile environment. The default for this option is the default profile.

  14. During the federation of a primary node portal server installed on a WebSphere Application Server with WebSphere Process Server profile, the J2C authentication alias for SCA (SCA_AUTH_ALIAS) is not forwarded from the standalone profile into the new cell. This is because an alias with the same name already exists in this cell. To update this alias perform the following steps:

    1. Open the application server administrative console.

    2. Click Security > Global Security > J2EE Connector Architecture (J2C).

    3. Select SCA_AUTH_ALIAS .

    4. Update the user name and the password.

    5. Click OK.

    If you have switched to an LDAP based user registry, specify the full distinguished name here.

  15. Update the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property used by IBM Workplace Web Content Management™.

    1. Stop the portal application server.

    2. Edit the SchedulerService.properties file, according to your operating system.

    3. Set the value for the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property to true.

      If the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property is not present in the file, add the scheduler.ejb.reschedule=true property.

    4. Save your changes.

    5. Restart the portal application server.

    Make sure the node agent remains active to allow EAR expansion to complete.

  16. Once complete, the federated servers are visible in the deployment manager administrative console in the Servers > Application Servers view. Verify the operability of the WebSphere Portal Express profile.

  17. Disable the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property.

    1. Stop the portal application server.

    2. Edit the SchedulerService.properties file, according to your operating system.

    3. Set the value for the scheduler.ejb.reschedule property to false.

    4. Save your changes.

    5. Restart the portal application server.

  18. Ensure that you can use the Portal Scripting Interface with the cluster.

    1. Verify whether the wp.wire.jar file is present in the app_server_root/lib directory on the deployment manager machine.

    2. If the file is not present, copy the file from the app_server_root/lib directory on any WebSphere Portal Express node to the app_server_root/lib directory on the deployment manager machine.

    3. Restart the deployment manager.


Parent topic:

Installing and federating the primary node