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Troubleshooting Containers

This section lists the basics of troubleshooting the containerized image or your deployment. If the issue is suspected to be specific to the containerized image or deployment, please collect the following information. Otherwise, please follow the standard Mustgather for the reported problem.





Issue Solution

  • Out of memory

Ensure that the memory request and the limit defined in the custom resource are high enough for the specified heap size in the Portal configuration

  • DX pod will not start
  • Unschedulable pods
  • Pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims

Ensure that the specified volume exists, and meets the deployment requirements. To reuse a volume, see the Delete topic.

Logging and tracing for HCL WebSphere Portal Containers and services - Access the tracing options that can be used to capture logging and tracing for HCL Digital Experience (DX) 9.5 container based services with container update CF_181 and higher releases.