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Understand the OpenShift deployment

This section describes the output and artifacts created when deploying HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Docker images to Red Hat OpenShift.

Note: All modifications must be done on the custom resource instance and not the individual pieces of the deployment. See Customize the container deployment for details. Deploy with the following command:

Results in the following output:

The following artifacts are created during deployment:


Note: Before executing OpenShift CLI, we need to set the project:

Figure 1. Setting project on CLI


The Project /Namespace gets created if it does not already exist.

Figure 2. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Figure 3. Namespace sample with CLI

Note: dx-latest is the project name in this example.

Service AccountThe operator is scoped to the same namespace as the project namespace. It is also possible to implement multiple DX 9.5 deployments in one namespace, sharing a single operator.

Note: The Operator is used to deploy, configure, and manage the HCL DX9.5 deployment to Red Hat OpenShift. Consult the Red Hat OpenShift Operator documentation for more information.

Figure 4. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Figure 5. Service accounts sample with CLI

Role A Role that defines the access required by the operator.

Figure 6. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Role Binding A Role Binding that binds the operator service account to the operator role.

Figure 8. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Deployment A Deployment that defines/describes the operator Replica Set.

Figure 10. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Replica Sets

A Replica Set based on the deployment. This maintains a stable set of replica pods.

Figure 12. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Metrics and Services

Services to expose HCL WebSphere Portal running as part of the Stateful Set and to provides metrics for the operator are created.

Figure 14. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console


There are several secrets that are created.

Figure 16. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Config Map

A Config Map is created to handle clustering in scenarios where multiple operators are deployed.

Figure 18. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Persistent Volume Claims One or more Persistent Volume Claims are created, one for the shared profile, and another, if configured, for the logs of each pod.

Figure 20. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Stateful Set A Stateful Set is created for the HCL WebSphere Portal core. A Stateful Set manages pods that are based on an identical container specification.

Figure 22. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Pods Pods are part of the Stateful Set, running HCL WebSphere Portal.

Figure 24. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Routes These are used to expose various ports in the HCL WebSphere Portal service, including those used to access HCL WebSphere Portal, the WAS console, and the Config Wizard.

Figure 26. Sample with OpenShift Container Platform console

Extras There are several files created for each deployment. HCL recommends to keep these files.

Figure 28. Extra files

Parent topic: OpenShift