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Overview of configuration services

The following table lists the configuration services:

  1. The first column gives the names of the services and provides links to the respective topics for those services we can configure in the WAS console.

  2. The second column gives the name of each services by which we can access it in the WAS console.

  3. The third column lists the related properties files.

The configuration for each service is stored in the WAS console. We can change the configuration only there.

HCL WebSphere Portal service Service name in the WAS console HCL WebSphere Portal properties file
Administrator Unique Names Mapping Service WP AdminUniqueNamesMappingService AdminUniqueNamesMappingService.properties
Cache Manager Service WP CacheManagerService CacheManagerService.properties
Common Component Configuration Service WP CommonComponentConfigService CommonComponentConfigService.properties
Configuration Service WP ConfigService ConfigService.properties
CP Configuration Service for tagging and rating WP CPConfigurationService CPConfigurationService.properties
Content Access Service WP PortletServiceRegistryService PortletServiceRegistryService.properties
Data Store Service WP DataStoreService DataStoreService.properties
Deployment Service WP DeploymentService DeploymentService.properties
HTTP Client Service WP HTTPClientService HTTPClientService.properties
Live Object Service WP LiveObjectService LiveObjectService.properties
Loader Service WP LoaderService LoaderService.properties
Localizer Service WP LocalizerService LocalizerService.properties
Model WebDAV Service WP ModelWebDAVService ModelWebDAVService.properties
Navigator Service WP NavigatorService NavigatorService.properties
Portlet Container Service. WP PortletContainerService PortletContainerService.properties
Project Identification Service WP ProjectIdentificationService ProjectIdentificationService.properties
Registry Service WP RegistryService RegistryService.properties
State Manager Service
See also URL normalization for search of portal pages by external search engines
WP StateManagerService StateManagerService.properties
Virtual Portal Configuration Service WP VirtualPortalConfigService VirtualPortalConfigService.properties

HCL WebSphere Portal security service Service name in the WAS console HCL WebSphere Portal properties file
Authentication Service WP AuthenticationService AuthenticationService.properties
Credential Vault Service WP VaultService VaultService.properties
Portal Access Control Services    
    Access Control Data Management Service WP AccessControlDataManagementService AccessControlDataManagementService.properties
    External Access Control Service WP ExternalAccessControlService ExternalAccessControlService.properties
    Auditing Service WP AuditService AuditService.properties
    Access Control Service WP AccessControlService AccessControlService.properties
    Access Control WarmUp Service WP AccessControlWarmUpService AccessControlWarmUpService.properties
    PAC Group Management Service WP PACGroupManagementService PACGroupManagementService.properties
Puma Store and Validation Services    
    Puma Store Service WP PumaStoreService PumaStoreService.properties
    Puma Validation Service WP ValidationService ValidationService.properties

HCL WebSphere Portal service Service name in the WAS console HCL WebSphere Portal properties file
Credential Type Registry Service WP CredentialTypeRegistryService CredentialTypeRegistryService.properties
Dynamic UI Manager Factory Service WP DynamicUIManagerFactoryService DynamicUIManagerFactoryService.properties
Identification WP Identification Identification.properties
Plugin Manager Service WP PluginManagerService PluginManagerService.properties
Portal Filter Service WP PortalFilterService PortalFilterService.properties
PortletFilterService WP PortletFilterService PortletFilterService.properties
Site Analyzer Log Service WP SiteAnalyzerLogService SiteAnalyzerLogService.properties
Virtual Portal Identification Service WP VirtualPortalIdentificationService VirtualPortalIdentificationService.properties
WSRP Web Service Security WP WSRPWebServiceSecurity WSRPWebServiceSecurity.properties
Web Content Service WP WebContentService WebContentService.properties
Work Manager Service WP WorkManagerService WorkManagerService.properties

Web Content Manager service Service name in the WAS console Properties file
Configuration Service WCM_WCMConfigService WCMConfigService.properties
Messaging Service WCM_MessagingService MessagingService.properties
Prerendering Srvice WCM_PrerenderService PrerenderService.properties
Search Service WCM_SearchService SearchService.properties

There is a number of other WCM configuration services. The Web Content Manager properties files are located in...


Parent Set service configuration properties