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Cache Manager Service

The portal Cache Manager Service is responsible for managing the different caches that are used in HCL WebSphere Portal.

In the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, the portal Cache Manager Service is listed as WP CacheManagerService.

The portal provides two different types of caches: shared and non-shared:

Plan ahead and apply special care when modifying these properties. There are two levels of properties:

Change some or all of these properties can dramatically improve or impair portal performance. Therefore, HCL recommends not to change the shared setting for any cache unless the consequences are understood and agreed. To determine the optimal values for the size, lifetime, admit-threshold and replacement properties, monitor the cache properties during the staging phase of the portal installation. Use the Tivoli Performance viewer that is the WebSphere Application Server PMI client (PMI = Performance Monitor Interface) to find the optimal settings for the environment.

The following list is the properties for the Cache Manager Service for both shared and non-shared caches:

We can set the following additional properties for non-shared caches. (Setting them for shared caches does no harm, they will be ignored.)

For information on the available caches, refer to the HCL WebSphere Portal V8.5 Performance Tuning Guide. Related information