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Content Access Service

Portlets can access content from remote systems located on the other side of a firewall by invoking the portal Content Access Service. If we configure properties of the Content Access Service, these settings applies only to the portlets that call this service.

In the WAS console, the portal Content Access Service is listed as WP ContentAccessService.

We configure the properties of the portal Content Access Service at either of the following locations:

  • Under the WP PortletServiceRegistryService in the WAS console.

  • In the property file PortletServiceRegistryService.properties under the items beginning with com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.no.proxy.for =
    Specifies host names for which ContentAccessServices does not use a proxy, even if a proxy is configured. Values must be separated by semicolon ( ; ). Wildcards are not supported.

    Example: com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service...no.proxy.for =localhost;

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.protocol.handlers =
    Assigns additional URL protocol handlers that Java uses to handle connections to various URL protocols. Values must be separated by a vertical bar ( | ). The default is usually sufficient, as it supplies a handler for HTTPs URLs.

    Example: com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service...ServiceImpl.protocol.handlers = com.ibm.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol

Proxy protocol and port properties

The following properties allow us to specify proxy protocol and port settings for different protocols. Specify for each protocol the name and port number of the proxy servers that we use. The general format is as follows:

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.proxy.http.host = hostname
    HTTP proxy host for HTTP URLs.

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.proxy.http.port = port number
    Port for the HTTP proxy. If not specified, 80 is used as the default value.

    HTTP proxy host for HTTPs URLs. The proxy must support CONNECT requests, otherwise known as 'tunneling' requests.

    Port for the HTTP proxy. If not specified, 80 is used as the default value.

    Specifies a SOCKS V4 proxy host for any URL.

    Port. If not specified, 1080 is used as the default value.

    Specifies a SOCKS V5 proxy host for any URL.

    Port. If not specified, 1080 is used as the default value.

    Whether authentication should be tried for proxied connections. This applies to the proxy server, not to the origin server from which the Content Access Service is fetching. Also, this only applies to HTTP proxy (with settings from proxy.http.* and proxy.https.*) and SOCKS proxy (with settings from proxy.socks4.* and proxy.socks5.*).

    Whether proxy authentication should be used for connections that use a proxy server. We provide the user ID and password in a credential slot of the portal credential vault. We also specify the name of this slot in the content access service configuration. The credential must have the type UserPasswordPassive. Proxy authentication applies to the proxy server, not to the origin server from which the ContentAccessService is fetching. Also, this only applies to HTTP proxy (with settings from proxy.http.* and proxy.https.*) and SOCKS proxy (with settings from proxy.socks4.* and proxy.socks5.*).

If no proxy host is set, HCL WebSphere Portal tries to load all URLs directly. If no port is set, the default port for HTTP (80) is used. Alternatively, we can socksify the TCP/IP stack of the system. Examples:

The name of the HTTP proxy host:

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.proxy.http.host = host.somewhere.ibm.com

The name of the HTTP proxy port:

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.proxy.http.port = 80

The name of the tunneling HTTPs proxy host:

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.proxy.https.host = securehost.somewhere.ibm.com

The name of the HTTPs proxy port:

    com.ibm.wps.pe.pc.legacy.service.ContentAccessServiceImpl.proxy.https.port = 443

Parent Portal service configuration