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Securing the WSRP Producer by WS-Security

We can configure Web Services Security according to the WS-Security standard for your WSRP Producer and the provided web services.

The WSRP Producer in HCL WebSphere Portal provides a set of JAX-WS compliant service providers. We can manage the configuration of the WSRP service providers in IBM WebSphere Application Server through the concept of policy sets. You might want to configure the service providers of the WSRP Producer for WS-Security-based authentication and caller identification. We can do so by attaching an appropriate policy set to the service provider, for example using the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console.

The WebSphere Application Server ensures message security and quality of service according to the configuration that we defined. The WSRP Producer provides a set of default policy sets and default provider policy set bindings. We can use them for configuring WSRP service providers. We do not have to create our own policy set and provider policy set binding. The following table describes the provided WSRP application policy sets and the provided WSRP provider policy set bindings:

WSRP application policy sets WSRP provider policy set bindings

    LTPA based

    LTPA-based message authentication policy set

    This policy set defines LTPA token-based message authentication. It does not define other security mechanisms such as message confidentiality, or other web service mechanisms such as WS-Addressing.

    LTPA-based message authentication provider binding

    We must use this provider policy set binding with the LTPA-based message authentication policy set. It defines the corresponding provider binding, including caller identification.

    Username based

    Username-based message authentication policy set

    This policy set defines Username token-based message authentication. It does not define other security mechanisms such as message confidentiality, or other web service mechanisms such as WS-Addressing.

    Username-based message authentication provider binding

    We must use this provider policy set binding with the Username-based message authentication policy set. It defines the corresponding provider binding, including caller identification.

The WSRP application policy sets and client policy set bindings are contained in compressed format in the directory PortalServer/doc/policy-sets-samples of the portal installation. For instructions about how to import and attach policy sets and provider policy set bindings, read the WebSphere Application Server documentation. To use the WSRP policy sets and provider policy set bindings for service configuration, use the procedure given later in this topic.

Note: You are not limited to using the default policy sets and provider policy set bindings. Instead, we can also create and use a policy set and provider policy set binding of your choice. The WSRP Producer supports all service configurations that WebSphere Application ServerWebSphere Application Server supports. Therefore, we can use all security tokens that WebSphere Application Server supports. Some token types might require a specific setup. For more detailed information about web service configuration, read the WebSphere Application Server product documentation.

Note that it is necessary to define a compatible web service configuration on the WSRP Consumer portals.

  1. Import the WSRP policy sets and provider policy set bindings. To do so, use a WebSphere Application Server administrative client, such as the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console:

    1. Open the Application policy sets panel.

    2. Select Import (From Selected Location).

    3. Select the LTPA-based message authentication policy set.zip file or the username-based message authentication policy set.zip file that we want to import.

    4. Open the General provider policy set bindings panel.

    5. Select Import (From Selected Location).

    6. Select the LTPA-based message authentication provider binding.zip file or username-based message authentication provider binding.zip file that we want to import.

  2. Attach the policy set and provider policy set binding to a WSRP service provider. Proceed as follows:

    1. Open the Service providers panel.

    2. Open the service provider that we want to configure. Do not select one of the internal service providers, such as WSRPBaseService_v2_internal, WSRPPortletManagementService_v2_internal, or WSRPServiceDescriptionService_v2_internal.

    3. Select the service. The service is the first resource listed.

    4. Use the Attach option to select and attach the LTPA-based message authentication policy set or the username-based message authentication policy set.

    5. Select the service. The service is the first resource listed.

    6. Use the Assign Binding option to select and assign the LTPA-based message authentication provider binding file or username-based message authentication provider binding.

    7. Save changes to the master configuration.

  3. After we have completed this configuration, restart the portal.

Parent topic: Configure security on the Producer portal
