Workspace state flows
Workspaces can be used in a variety of states. State-flow diagrams can help you understand the allowed actions during various states in workspaces, task groups, and tasks.
Workspace states
The following state-flow diagram describes the typical workflow of workspace states:
Task group states
The following state-flow diagram describes the typical workflow of task group states:
Task groups contain 14 states, categorized into the following groups:
State groups Technical state Allowed actions Inactive 0: Inactive Activate, Delete, Cancel Working 1: Working Cancel Ready for approval 2: Ready for approval Approve, Reject, Cancel, Return to Active 3: Approved Return to Active Approved 4: Ready to commit Return to Active 8: Commit in progress 9: Committed 10: Ready to publish 11: Publish in progress Commit/Publish (ongoing) 12: Published 7: Commit failed Cancel, Return to Active Commit/publish failed 13: Publish failed Delete Complete 5: Complete Delete Canceled 6: Canceled Delete
Task states
The following state-flow diagram describes the typical workflow of task states:
Related concepts
Workspaces overview
Workspaces, task groups, and tasks
Workspaces roles
Related tasks
Manage roles in workspaces, task groups, and tasks
Manage workspaces
Manage task groups
Manage tasks
Related reference
Workspaces best practices
Workspaces limitations
Workspaces data model