Change the status of a customer's logon account
Use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to change the status of a customer's logon account.
- Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Find the customer we want to work with.
- Do one of the following steps:
- Open the Customer Information notebook by selecting the check box next to the customer to work with, and click Change. The General page is displayed.
- Under Account status, select the status of the customer's account with the store:
- Enable to specify that the account is enabled. For example, if a customer is locked out of the account, we can manually enable it by selecting this option.
- Disable to specify an inactive account. For example, if the customer tries to log on several times with an invalid logon ID or password, the customer might be locked out of the account.
- (B2B direct)
- Select the check box next to the customer to work with, and click Customer Summary to view the details of the customer.
- We can enable only the customer's account with the store (for example, if a customer is locked out of the account, we can manually enable it). To do this, click Enable Account to enable the account from the customer summary. The Account status field displays Enabled to indicate that the account is active.
- To make other changes to this customer's registration information, use the links on the left side to switch between each customer information page. To save the changed registration profile and close the notebook, click OK.
Related concepts
Customer information
Related tasks
Changing a customer's registration profile
Changing a customer's password
Changing a customer's address
Changing a customer's contact information
Changing a customer's demographic information
Changing a customer's information