Fixes included in WebSphere Commerce runtime Update Packages
Review the following tables for more information about the fixes that are included in Update Packages for WebSphere Commerce. The fixes are organized by product.
- WebSphere Commerce fixes
- WebSphere Application Server fixes
- WebSphere Liberty fixes
- Container operating system fixes
For information about new features included in Update Packages, see What's new in Update Packages.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Category APAR Description Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR60226 When using sharding, the Global.preprocessing-locale property can only accept a SINGLE locale value, or ALL. Catalog, Assets, Contracts, and Pricing JR60227 Dataload throws NullPointerException during populateCATENTDESC. Member and Session Management JR60271 Guest user sessions created on the transaction server cannot be used on store server. Member and Session Management JR60185 Access Control error with IntegrationResource when making REST calls. Member and Session Management JR60302 StoreId was cached in context cache while session was shared between different stores. Member and Session Management JR60308 Option to configure HTTPOnly when using WebSphere Commerce with Liberty. Member and Session Management JR60234 401 Error thrown when activity token for WC_PERSISTENT cookie doesn\'\'t exist. Messaging and Integration (including Sterling integration) JR60180 Wrong validation code in reset password email with decrypt one when the password is null for the logon user. NoCategory JR60313 Enable the category facet browsing to reuse facet configuration with keyword search. Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR60150 Value Added Tax not applied after binding a CALRULE to all FFMCENTER /JURSTGROUP tables by setting columns to null. Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR60345 Checkout failed due to insufficient inventory, but the user is still directed to the shipping/billing page. Orders, Payments, and Inventory JR60311 Inventory cache key contains null string. Runtime JR60269 REST error messages displayed in incorrect language. Search JR60235 Buildindex failed on SQLException: Invalid column type. Search JR60213 Unable to add languages to store in Management Center when using an Oracle database. Search JR60301 Swagger fails with NoClassDefFoundError error after upgrading to Commerce 9.0.1. Search JR60281 Discrepancy between CatalogEntry and Inventory cores when re-indexed; can cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Search JR60272 CacheInvalidationForAll property not recognized. Search JR60314 Enable Atomic Updates in indexload. Search JR60268 NullPointerException thrown when running price index with storeId. Stores and Mobile JR60141 Esite store creation with shared organization fails in Accelerator.. Stores and Mobile JR60267 Part of landing page was displayed in unexpected language after logging off.. Stores and Mobile JR60054 wcst:getContent is not working with remote Store.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
APAR Description JR60141 Use Accelerator to create a new ESite store with shared organization fails. JR60313 Enable the category facet browsing to reuse facet configuration with keyword search JR60314 Enable Atomic Updates in indexload JR60227 Dataload throws NullPointerException during populateCATENTDESC. JR60226 When using sharding, the Global.preprocessing-locale property can only accept a SINGLE locale value, or ALL. JR60271 Guest user sessions created on the transaction server cannot be used on store server. JR60185 Access Control error with IntegrationResource when making REST calls. JR60302 StoreId was cached in context cache while session was shared between different stores. JR60308 Option to configure HTTPOnly when using WebSphere Commerce with Liberty. JR60234 401 Error thrown when activity token for WC_PERSISTENT cookie doesn't exist. JR60180 Wrong validation code in reset password email with decrypt one when the password is null for the logon user. JR60150 Value Added Tax not applied after binding a CALRULE to all FFMCENTER /JURSTGROUP tables by setting columns to null. JR60311 Inventory cache key contains null string. JR60269 REST error messages displayed in incorrect language. JR60213 Unable to add languages to store in Management Center when using an Oracle database. JR60301 Swagger fails with NoClassDefFoundError error after upgrading to Commerce 9.0.1. JR60281 Discrepancy between CatalogEntry and Inventory cores when re-indexed; can cause ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. JR60272 CacheInvalidationForAll property not recognized. JR60235 Buildindex failed on SQLException: Invalid column type. JR60268 NullPointerException thrown when running price index with storeId. JR60267 Part of landing page was displayed in unexpected language after logging off. JR60054 wcst:getContent is not working with remote Store.
Note: The Version package is available for download on the IBM Cloud Registry. We can download this package from Passport Advantage in approximately 7 days.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR59875 Different number of products are showing on storefront must include JR59557 JR60000 Reorder is incorrectly adding item to cart without inventory JR60042 Content Carousel widget with multiple web activities JR60060 Incorrect update logic in set-system-property run-engine command for CRS container JR60064 DownloadStatistics job is throwing exception for SRCHSTAT JR60069 Error while loading Category Pages with Watson CI enabled JR60087 Accelerator not opening JR60117 Buildindex fails when no localeName is specified for JR60132 Unable to Save page layout with CatalogEntryRecommendation widget when created using Dataload JR60137 Access control error when migrating user entries using MigrateUserEntriesCmdImpl JR60149 IndexScopeTag is not getting set correctly JR60164 Typo in the logic that prevents it from acquiring a vault certificate JR60143 Unexpected ${CommandContext.commandName} value for SEO URL JR60065 EOConfigurationRegistry slow initialization when using thousands of stores JR60180 Wrong validation code in reset password email with decrypt one when the password is null for the logon user JR60185 Access Control error with IntegrationResource when making REST calls
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR60143 Unexpected ${CommandContext.commandName} value for SEO URL. JR60132 Unable to Save page layout with CatalogEntryRecommendation widget when created using Dataload JR60087 Accelerator not opening JR60065 SEOConfigurationRegistry slow initialization when using thousands of stores JR60042 Content Carousel widget with multiple web activities
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR59996 BatchOrderRequest fails to create order because it fails to create shipping address JR60020 Exception thrown causing confusions when product does not have list price JR59680 NullPointerException is thrown when loading catentry attribute values data JR59620 CacheFilter Exception occurs on all pages after migrating to Version 8 JR59673 Management Center cannot persist the Display to Customers Flag to the FACETCATGRP table JR59679 When the text is updated in a text widget, the cache is not invalidated JR59819 Di-preprocessing is slow after upgrading Db2 from v9.7 to v11.1 JR59770 Promotion Split View Issue JR59861 Performance issue when opening the catalog filter to include or exclude a large number of products JR59635 WC_USERACTIVITY cookie is returned in cache response, even when store-cookies is set to false in cachespec.xml JR59812 di-preprocess is slow - CatalogHierarchyPreprocessor JR59912 Customer segment data cache not invalidating JR59913 Login failed because of cookies with no domain name JR59931 Provide an option to skip updating USERS.LASTSESSION when multiple logon is enabled JR59970 Too many open cursors when dataload updates catgpenrel JR59972 Shopping cart gets lost for returned guest shopper using REST call JR59982 JR59703 causes issues during dataload when not including the CatalogEntryTypeCode JR59993 Moving bundled SKU between products causes issues
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR59872 Parallel processing (sharding) failing when using vertical shard JR59826 Payment instructions are not equal to the order amount total JR59814 Struts servlet fails to start caused by Targetable files loaded in Developer toolkit JR59935 REST custom command cannot be found when the store ID includes multiple digits JR59909 Fix for CVE-2018-1541 JR59908 Fix for CVE-2018-1807 JR59844 The ts-web container allows TLS 1.1 to be used. JR59683 Error occurs for the registered user context data if CTXMGMT is deleted (dbclean). JR59862 SQL error during preprocess when using positive language_id value
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR59620 CacheFilter Exception occurs on all pages after migrating to Version 8. JR59684 APAR JR58887 is not working as expected. JR59486 API CatalogEntryAccessBean.findByChildCatalogEntryAndStore results in a CMN0409E error. JR59685 CMC Catalog tooling does not trim trailing spaces when saving values in the database.. JR59703 New SKU with dataloaded not being added to Rule-Based Sales Category. JR59493 UI function issue when creating or editing content with Multiple (image map). JR59645 onStagingServer default value incorrect. JR59687 Partial Authentication configurations for REST services are not loaded properly in Version 9. JR59768 Error occurs if JR59606 is enabled and REST context configuration is missing. JR59672 Unable to change multiple orders with OMS P2P integration. JR59408 When searching with grouping enabled, the store shows the SKU URL. JR59410 Irrelevant search results if you search by using a single search term.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR59598 SolrJoin does not work on customized extension index. JR59530 Order Management issue when order is placed as a guest user. JR59627 Need to make getInternalFetchOrderCmd method protected for customization. JR59667 Command Not Found exception when going from Shipping and Billing method page to Order Summary page. JR59382 Null pointer exception after installing JR57861. JR59567 Cannot add products to cart after upgrading to Version JR59606 HTTPServletRequest object is not availabe from the command context.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR59528 Support for using temporary password feature. JR59548 Search REST runtime defaulting to Staging Workspace CORE and not main CORE. JR59553 SqlDataException for findUsersByPersonalizationId. JR59364 Inactivity warning dialog does not work for HttpOnly cookies. JR59301 DataImportParallelProcessorMain System.exit code incorrect. JR59341 Recommending the same product on Product Display page. JR59508 Use x-data-config.xml.template file to create x-data-config.xml will not work.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR58889 Cannot submit order with a shared public promotion code. JR59074 LDAP: error code 53 - The provided new password was found in the password history for the user. JR58971 Performing buildIndex causes high disk usage. JR59339 Encounter NullPointerException when you run CleanSEOURLS. JR59262 Pagination does not work on Order History page. JR57980 Publish jQuery Aurora store fails with SAXParseException. (v9.0.0.2)
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR58705 Duplicate SEOURLKEYWORD in Management Center are inconsistent with seourlkeywordgen. JR58862 Attribute values are saved with trailing spaces. JR58887 B2B store contract id does not transform from generic user to guest user. JR59215 Logon Id is written to log file when user tries to register twice. JR58769 WC_USERACTIVITY is not updated after switching stores. JR58820 ActivityCleanUp fails to clean up on iSeries. JR59102 After expired session, redirect to original URL instead of ReLogonFormView. JR58921 Invalid Cookie error when registering a user from guest user if multiple logon is enabled. JR58949 IllegalStateException: The following session is not valid!. JR59082 NullPointerException fetches context from DataBeanManager through REST. JR59087 Store-specific implementation for OrderStatusNotifySendCmd is not invoked. JR58732 Allow a user to review their order history details despite the contract having expired. JR58850 Order notification emails are not sent to customers for recurring orders. JR58386 BODMappingUtility throws NullPointerException when converting null UserDataField to string. JR59124 Access Control Resources registry update in Administration Console does not work. JR59212 di-buildindex utility does not return correct exit code. JR59084 Incorrect price facets after price index load. JR58999 'confFiles' for replication in solrconfig.xml are not being replicated. JR59100 Keyword search returns SKUs with grouping enabled. JR58905 Make addCategoryChildren() available for customization. JR59150 Foundation trace gives generic error on the store. JR59156 di-preprocess utility ignores the langTables parameter. JR59178 TriggerMetricFileDownloadCmd scheduler job fails with Search call. JR59059 REST API does not respect expanded category navigation flag. JR59073 ListPrice is not displayed due to bug in PriceDisplay_Data.jsp.
List of WebSphere Commerce fixes
Fix Description JR58770 DN is not added to generated LTPAToken with loginidentity JR58832 REST Locator using Lat/Long returns wrong recordSetTotal and recordSetCount. JR58879 Manage attribute dictionary faceted navigation attributes in categories do not work in workspaces. JR58890 Category facets with large sequence number were not returned in the search REST call. JR58964 Long username and password for basic authentication causes error. IT23302 Enable configuring top-level domain whitelist through a run-time parameter. Fix FileNotFound exception due to missing swatch images in the storefront. New feature The WebSphere Commerce Build tool is now available in the Utility server Docker container. New feature We can now migrate directly from Version 7 Feature Pack 8 to Version 9 without having to install Version 8.
WebSphere Application Server fixes
These fixes apply to the Transaction server Docker container and Utility server Docker container, which are running the WebSphere Application Server.List of WebSphere Application Server fixes
Fix Description Code execution vulnerability in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2018-1567).
WebSphere Application Server traditional V9.0 Fix Pack 9.
WebSphere Application Server traditional V9.0 Fix Pack 8. (v9.0.0.2) WebSphere Application Server traditional V9.0 Fix Pack 7. Security vulnerability in Apache Commons used by WebSphere Application Server.
WebSphere Application Server traditional V9.0 Fix Pack 6.
WebSphere Liberty fixes
These fixes apply to the Search server Docker container, Store server Docker container, and Web server Docker container.List of WebSphere Liberty fixes
Fix Description
WebSphere Application Server Liberty
WebSphere Application Server Liberty (v9.0.0.2) WebSphere Application Server Liberty Security vulnerability in Apache Commons used by WebSphere Application Server.
WebSphere Application Server Liberty
Container operating system fixes
These fixes apply to all containers, which are running CentOS as the base operating system.List of Base operating system fixes
Fix Description
CentOS V7.5 7.4 CentOS V7.4
IBM Java SDK fixes
These fixes apply to all containers, which are running IBM Java SDK.List of IBM Java SDK fixes
Fix Description
IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 8 Service Refresh 5 Fix Pack 16