Run utilities from the Utility server Docker container

To run utilities, enter the Utility server Docker container container and use a bash shell.

If we store configuration and data files in the Utility server Docker container, they will be lost the next time we upgrade the Utility server image. To avoid this, place any files that could be changed into a separate volume mounted to the container as a writable directory. Ensure that all configuration files and data files are written to this directory. Now, when we upgrade the Utility server Docker image, the files we changed in the Utility server Docker container are not lost. We need only again mount the volume to the new Docker container. The files in the directory are also accessible in the host machine, where editing files may be more convenient.


  1. Verify that the containers are running.

      docker ps

  2. Locate the utility container name in the NAMES column. For example, myproject_utils_1.

  3. Start a bash shell...

      docker exec -it <utility_container_name> bash

  4. Go to the bin directory.

      cd /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/bin

  5. Run the required utility.

Related reference