Tag: eMarketingSpotCache

We can include the wcf:eMarketingSpotCache tag within an e-Marketing Spot JSP fragment to indicate that the JSP fragment is to be dynamically cached. This tag dynamically sets dependency IDs for e-Marketing Spot cache entries. When the wcf:eMarketingSpotCache tag is used, the class for this tag dynamically sets the dependency IDs to invalidate the cached e-Marketing Spot JSP fragment when the e-Marketing Spot definition changes. The e-Marketing Spot definition changes whenever the content (marketing content, products, categories) or web activities associated with the e-Marketing Spot changes. The dependency IDs are set for the e-Marketing Spot (ID or name). Dependency IDs can also be set for the data (catalog entry, category, content) that is being displayed within an e-Marketing Spot.

To set dependency IDs for the content, catalog entries, or categories that display within an e-Marketing Spot, we must include the appropriate tag attribute. The value for the tag attribute should match the names that are issued by any database invalidation triggers. The value for the tag attribute should also match the names that are defined within the cachespec.xml for the e-Marketing Spot cache entry. For about e-Marketing Spot caching, see Overview of e-Marketing Spot JSP caching based on activity behavior.

Tag information
Body Content empty


Name Required Request-time Type Description
marketingSpotData true true java.lang.String The MarketingSpotData SDO that returns from a service call to Get MarketingSpotData.
categoryDependencyName false true java.lang.String If this value is set, the value for this attribute is used as the dependency name. This name is used to create a dependency rule for the categories that displays within the e-Marketing Spot. If this attribute is not set, then no dependency rules are set for categories that displays in the e-Marketing Spot.
catalogEntryDependencyName false true java.lang.String If this value is set, the value for this attribute is used as the dependency name. This name is used to create a dependency rule for the catalog entries that displays within the e-Marketing Spot. If this attribute is not set, then no dependency rules are set for catalog entries that displays in the e-Marketing Spot.
contentDependencyName false true java.lang.String If this value is set, the value for this attribute is used as the dependency name. This name is used to create a dependency rule for the marketing content that displays within the e-Marketing Spot. If this attribute is not set, then no dependency rules are set for the marketing content that displays in the e-Marketing Spot.


No variables are defined for the wcf:eMarketingSpotCache tag.


The following example uses the wcf:eMarketingSpotCache tag within an e-Marketing Spot JSP fragment with the following format:

The following example specifies dependencies IDs for the content, catalog entries, and categories that display within an e-Marketing Spot:

For more information about this tag, see the com.ibm.commerce.marketing.cache.TagEMarketingSpotCache.java class.

Related tasks
Enable JSP caching
Setting up JSP snippet caching based on activity behavior

Related reference
WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library