Marketing component configuration files (wc-admin-component.xml)
The marketing component configuration files (wc-admin-component.xml) contain properties related to configuring and customizing marketing features for Management Center. We can change the properties to suit the needs of the site by creating a custom wc-admin-component.xml file containing the changed properties only.The marketing component configuration files are divided into several sections, and the file itself contains embedded information and examples for the properties in each section. The marketing component configuration files is in the following location:
- timedEventTest
- Controls whether Wait triggers for dialog activities should be in test mode. The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- true
- If this value is true, then when a Wait trigger is reached in a dialog activity, the time to wait is not the time that was specified in the Management Center. The actual time to wait is set to the number of minutes set in the timedEventTestInterval property. Use this property when you perform unit testing.
- false
- The time to wait is the time specified in Management Center. This value is the default value.
- timedEventTestInterval
- Controls the number of minutes that elapse before the Wait trigger is sent. The value that you set for this property is used regardless of the time that is scheduled. For example, we can set the interval to 1 minute. This setting ensures that you do not have to wait for the number of days specified in the Wait trigger when you test the dialog activity. Default is 1.
Retrieving Data
To specify the access profiles to use when retrieving categories, catalog entries, and content to display in an e-Marketing Spot on a store page.
- categoryAccessProfile
- Set the access profile to use when retrieving categories for display in an e-Marketing Spot. This access profile is used by the command RetrieveCategoryCmdImpl. Default is WC_CatalogGroupDetailsProfile.
- catalogEntryAccessProfile
- Set the access profile to use when retrieving catalog entries for display in an e-Marketing Spot. This access profile is used by the command RetrieveCatalogEntryCmdImpl. Default is WC_CatalogEntryDetailsProfile.
- marketingContentAccessProfile
- Set the access profile to use when retrieving marketing content for display in an e-Marketing Spot. This access profile is used by the command RetrieveContentCmdImpl. Default is IBM_Store_Details.
- charactersToRemoveFromContent
- Remove invalid characters from marketing content. To specify the value for this property, enter a comma-separated list of the characters that are to be removed when retrieving marketing content. For example, the following property removes the end of text Unicode character.
- sessionLength
- Controls the default length of a session for experiments. This value is set in seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
- orderSubmitProcessingFrequency
- Controls the frequency at which the server processes order submit events with the RaiseECEvent scheduled job. This job gathers operational marketing statistics and stores the statistic information in the database at a set interval. By default, this job runs every 5 minutes. If we must decrease the frequency of this job to reduce any performance impact it might have, we can increase the interval between the jobs. If you change the frequency in the SCHCONFIG table, we must also change it in the wc-admin-component.xml file. See Marketing statistics considerations. The value for this property is in seconds. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
Send Marketing Triggers
- dailyScheduledJobTimeForTriggers
- Controls the time of day that the SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job processes dialog activity triggers that get handled once a day. The trigger processing occurs after the specified time each day (during the first run of the SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job after the specified time). The SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job sends the appropriate triggers to any active dialog activities. The format is HH:MM on a 24 hour clock. Default is 02:00.
- waitAfterProcessOnCommandExit
- Specify the number of minutes to wait after a trigger is detected by the successful exit of a controller command. After that wait, the next run of SendMarketingTriggers sends the trigger to the dialog activity. Default is 1.
- deactivateExpiredActivities
- We can use this property to have the SendMarketingTriggers scheduled job find all expired activities and deactivate them once a day. An expired activity is an activity that has an end date that is before the current date. The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- true
- The scheduled job finds all expired activities and deactivates them. This value is the default value.
- false
- The scheduled job does not find and deactivate the expired activities.
To specify the names of the marketing cache and the user behavior cache. Includes configuration settings for the marketing cache.
- Specify the name of the marketing cache. Default is services/cache/DM_Cache
- Specify the name of the user behavior cache. Default is services/cache/DM_UserCache
- timeToLiveUserBehaviorCache
- Specify the time to live setting (in minutes) for how long entries remain in the user behavior cache. Default is 30.
The following properties specify the settings (in minutes) for how long entries remain in the marketing cache.
- timeToLiveMarketingCache
- This property sets the time to live value of cache entries. Cache entries expire after they are in the cache for the configured amount of time. Set the value to -1 to allow entries to remain in the cache indefinitely and rely exclusively on explicit invalidation. If you have many marketing activities, then we can use the timeToLiveMarketingCacheMax setting to spread the expiration of entries over time. Default is 2880 (48 hours).
- additionalTimeToLiveMarketingCache
- Controls the maximum amount of additional time to add to the timeToLiveMarketingCache value to set the time to live of cache entries. This value is an optional value that assigns time to live values that range between timeToLiveMarketingCache and (timeToLiveMarketingCache + additionalTimeToLiveMarketingCache). This property can be useful in allowing the rebuild of the cache to be spread out over time. By default, cache entries are randomly assigned a time to live value 48 - 60 hours (48 + 12). The setting is not used if timeToLiveMarketingCache is set to -1. If only timeToLiveMarketingCache is set, then all cache entries have that value. Default is 720 (12 hours).
- inactivityMarketingCache
- Controls the amount of time after which a cache entry is removed from the cache if the entry is not accessed within that time. Default is 1440 (24 hours
View e-Marketing Spot
- We can use this property to specify the element template identifier (DMELETEMPLATE_ID from the DMELETEMPLATE database table) of the e-Marketing Spot trigger. Default is 105.
Behavior Rule - Process Command On Exit
- processOnCommandExitEventFactory
- Specify the command factory used for command execution triggers. This factory is called when a controller command successfully exits. Default is
The following parameters are used for behavior rules that are matched when a command successfully exists.The parameter processOnCommandExit<valueOfCommandParameterInBehaviorRuleDefinition> is used to specify the package name and class of the controller command interface associated with the command. For example, the following example shows the behavior rule definition:
<BehaviorRule command="UserRegistrationAddCmd" processOnCommandExit="true"...Based on this definition, the parameter processOnCommandExitUserRegistrationAddCmd specifies the name of the controller command interface:
<_config:property name="processOnCommandExitUserRegistrationAddCmd" value=""/>The parameter processOnCommandExitWebappFilter<valueOfCommandParameterInBehaviorRuleDefinition> is used to specify the list of web applications for which the behavior rule should not match. If the command is running under one of the excluded web applications, then the behavior rule does not match. For example, the following example shows the behavior rule definition:
<BehaviorRule command="UserRegistrationAddCmd" processOnCommandExit="true"...Based on this definition, the parameter processOnCommandExitWebappFilterUserRegistrationAddCmd can specify the excluded web applications. If the UserRegistrationAddCmd is running on one of the excluded web applications, then the behavior rule is not matched.
<_config:property name="processOnCommandExitWebappFilterUserRegistrationAddCmd" value="/webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet,/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet"/>The following properties are available by default:
- Registers:
- processOnCommandExitUserRegistrationAddCmd
- Default is
- processOnCommandExitWebappFilterUserRegistrationAddCmd
- Default is /webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet,/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet
- processOnCommandExitUserRegistrationAdminAddCmd
- Default is
- processOnCommandExitWebappFilterUserRegistrationAdminAddCmd
- Default is /webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet,/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet
- Purchases
- processOnCommandExitOrderProcessCmd
- Default is
- processOnCommandExitWebappFilterOrderProcessCmd"
- Default is /webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet,/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet
- Logs on
- processOnCommandExitLogonCmd
- Default is
- processOnCommandExitWebappFilterLogonCmd
- Default is /webapp/wcs/tools/servlet,/webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet,/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet
- Adds to cart
- processOnCommandExitOrderItemAddCmd
- Default is
- processOnCommandExitWebappFilterOrderItemAddCmd
- Default is /webapp/wcs/tools/servlet,/webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet,/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet
Behavior Rule - URL Command
We can use these properties to specify URL commands to match for behavior rules. The following properties are examples for overriding the name of the command used for matching on a command on a URL. To override the command, put a similar entry in the\wc-admin-component.xml file and specify the name of our custom command. The format is behaviorRuleCommand<valueOfCommandParameterInBehaviorRuleDefinition> to specify the custom command. For example:<_config:property name="behaviorRuleCommandProductDisplay" value="MyCompanyProductDisplay"/> <_config:property name="behaviorRuleCommandCategoryDisplay" value="MyCompanyCategoryDisplay"/> <_config:property name="behaviorRuleCommandCatalogSearchResultView" value="MyCompanyCatalogSearchResultView"/> <_config:property name="behaviorRuleCommandAjaxCatalogSearchView" value="MyCompanyAjaxCatalogSearchView"/>
Behavior Rule - Record Data
- doNotPersistBehavior
- Use the following properties to set the element template for which behavior rules data should not get persisted to the database. The format is doNotPersistBehavior-<DM_ELETEMPLATE_ID> to specify the element template. If you set the value for these properties to true, the data is not persisted to the database. The following properties are available by default:
- doNotPersistBehavior-307
- This property sets the persist behavior for recently viewed categories. Default is true.
- doNotPersistBehavior-308
- This property sets the persist behavior for recently viewed products. Default is true.
- userBehaviorBatchUpdateCacheSize
- Set the size of user behavior data that gets recorded in memory and is then persisted as a batch. Default is 200.
- templatesThatAllowCommaSeparatedValues
- Set the template identifiers of templates that allow a comma-separated list to be entered as a name-value pair value. Search activity-related elements require this feature to implement search filter:
- 216
- searchResult target
- 217
- searchCriteria target
- 336
- displayProductStandardSearch action
- 338
- orderSearchResult action
- 341
- replaceOrAddSearchCriteria action
Default is 216,217,336,338,341
Support Time Zone Preference
Use these properties to ensure that a Management Center business user can specify a preferred time zone that is different from the preferred time zone when converted to the server’s time zone. If a customization completes that adds date or time fields to a campaign element, unidentified variable names for the fields must be identified to support conversion.
- dateTimePropertiesList
- Specify the value for the property with a comma-separated list that contains date information. For example, date1,date2,baseDate,startDate,endDate,startDate2,endDate2
- timePropertiesList
- Specify the value for the property with a comma-separated list that contains time information. For example, startTime,endTime
Search Rules
- topSearchResultBoostFactor
- Specify the boost factor used to force the first product that is specified in the "Specify top search results" action to the top of the search results list. The default value is 10000.
- topSearchResultBoostFactorDecrement
- Specify the boost factor decrement is used to control the order of the products specified in the "Specify top search results" action. Each product displayed lower in the list has the boost factor of the preceding product minus boost factor increment. The default value is 50.
SEO for content URL links
- seoUrlConverterImplementationClassName
- Set the SEO URL hook parameter, the SEO URL converter implementation class name. Default is
Location Based Rules
To configure recording user behavior events that are independent of a campaign element. The location-based rules use this configuration to receive customer check in events and record the customer's most recent checked in location.
- traceEventConfig
- Use this property to configure the events to detect. The syntax is a set of three parameters:
- The event to detect
- The parameter in the marketing event that should be recorded
- The identifier of the data in the user behavior string
Default is CheckInStoreEvent,pointOfInterestId,pointOfInterest,CheckInStoreEvent,regionId,region
- traceElementTimeoutConfig
- Use this property to configure a validity period for the recorded data. For each recorded identifier in the user behavior string, define the number of seconds as a timeout value. If the value is set to 0 seconds, there is no timeout for that recorded data. Default is pointOfInterest,3600,region,3600.
Disable Collecting Statistics
Controls whether to stop collecting activity and experiment statistics if the statistics are not required.
- disableCollectingWebActivityStatistics
- Use this property to stop collecting web activity statistics. The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- true
- Statistics are not to be collected.
- false
- Statistics are collected. This value is the default value.
- disableCollectingDialogActivityStatistics
- Use this property to stop collecting dialog activity statistics. The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- true
- Statistics are not to be collected.
- false
- Statistics are collected. This value is the default value.
- disableCollectingSearchActivityStatistics
- Use this property to stop collecting search activity statistics. The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- true
- Statistics are not to be collected.
- false
- Statistics are collected. This value is the default value.
- disableCollectingExperimentStatistics
- Use this property to stop collecting experiment statistics.The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- true
- Statistics are not to be collected.
- false
- Statistics are collected. This value is the default value.
e-Marketing Spot Caching Behavior
Controls the settings for caching e-Marketing Spots, including:
- Settings to specify that certain web activity actions are to be considered dynamic when determining the activity caching behavior.
- Setting to control if the entire marketing cache is to be cleared on the production environment after a Quick Publish.
- catalogEntryActionBehavior
- Specify whether the Display Catalog Entry Action is to be considered dynamic. If you set the action to be dynamic, the marketing engine should evaluate whether the catalog entry can be displayed to each individual customer. For example, if the catalog entry filter is enabled to remove recommendations in the customer's shopping cart, purchase history, or based on inventory level. The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- 1
- The behavior of the action is dynamic.
- 0
- The behavior is not dynamic. This value is the default value.
- categoryActionBehavior
- Specify that the Display Category Action should be considered dynamic. If you set the action to be dynamic, the marketing engine should evaluate whether the category can be displayed to each individual customer.The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- 1
- The behavior of the action is dynamic.
- 0
- The behavior is not dynamic. This value is the default value.
- contentActionBehavior
- Specify that the Display Content Action should be considered dynamic. If you set the action to be dynamic, the marketing engine should evaluate whether the content can be displayed to each individual customer. For example, we can set this value to be 1 if the content filter is enabled to remove recommendations and if either of the following conditions are true:
- The customer is not in a segment associated with a promotion.
- The customer is not entitled to the promoted products.
The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- 1
- The behavior of the action is dynamic.
- 0
- The behavior is not dynamic. This value is the default value.
- invalidateEntireMarketingCacheOnProductionDuringQuickPublish
- Controls whether the entire marketing cache should be cleared on the production environment after a Quick Publish. If the DynaCacheInvalidation scheduled job is enabled on the production environment, then this value should remain false. Entries are created in the production environment CACHEIVL database table during the Quick Publish process, and when the DynaCacheInvalidation scheduled job runs, then the appropriate individual cached entries are invalidated in the marketing cache. If the DynaCacheInvalidation scheduled job is not enabled on the production environment, then this value should be changed to true. After the Quick Publish, the entire marketing cache will be invalidated.The Value parameter can be set to the following values:
- 1
- The cache is invalidated.
- false
- The cache is not invalidated. This value is the default value.
System Limits
Controls the maximum number of active activities that can exist in your system.
- maxNumberOfActiveWebActivities
- Controls the maximum number of active web activities that can exist in your system. If this maximum number is reached, the activation of a new web activity is prevented until another web activity is deactivated. Set this value to -1 to allow an unlimited number of active web activities. Default is -1.
- maxNumberOfActiveWebActivitiesWithExperiments
- Controls the maximum number of active web activities that contain experiments that can exist in your system. If this maximum number is reached, activation of a new web activity that has an experiment is not prevented until another web activity with an experiment is deactivated. Set this value to -1 to allow an unlimited number of active web activities that contain experiments. Default is -1.
Note: If you set both the maxNumberOfActiveWebActivitiesWithExperiments property and the maxNumberOfActiveWebActivities property to a non-negative number, you should set the value for the maxNumberOfActiveWebActivitiesWithExperiments property to be smaller than the value for the maxNumberOfActiveWebActivities property.
- maxNumberOfActiveDialogActivities
- Controls the maximum number of active dialog activities that can exist in your system. If this maximum number is reached, the activation of a new dialog activity is prevented until another dialog activity is deactivated. Set this value to -1 to allow an unlimited number of active dialog activities. Default is -1.
Marketing Runtime
- templatesThatAllowCommaSeparatedValues
- This property identifies the templates that allow a comma-separated list to be entered as a name-value pair. We can include any of the following templates as the value for this property:
- 216
- searchResult target
- 217
- searchCriteria target
- 218
- currentPage target (product attribute)
- 336
- displayProductStandardSearch action
- 338
- orderSearchResult action
- 341
- replaceOrAddSearchCriteria action
- 343
- displayProductStandardSearchCombined action
- 417
- searchCriteriaV7FEP6 target
- 438
- orderSearchResultV7FEP6 action
- 441
- replaceOrAddSearchCriteriaV7FEP6 action
Default is "216,217,218,336,338,341,343,417,438,441".
Customer Segment Export
- HostForCustomerSegmentExportScheduledJob
- Identifies the scheduler instance that is to execute the customer segment export scheduled job. There is no default value.
- CompressCustomerSegmentExportFile
- Indicates whether the customer segment export function compresses the export file before the file is uploaded to the WebSphere Commerce database.
- true
- The export process compresses the exported file.
- false
- No file compression occurs. This value is the default value.
(Developer) CustomerSegmentExtractUseProductionConnectionInDeveloperEnv
(Developer) Indicates whether the customer segment export function in the development environment uses a connection with WebSphere Commerce production database to extract customer segment customers information.
- true
- The customer segment export function uses a connection with the production database.
- false
- The customer segment export function does not use the production database. Only customer segment information from the development environment database is included within the exported file. This value is the default value.
Related tasks
Changing properties in the marketing component configuration file (wc-admin-component.xml)