Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator > Marketing


eSpots reserve space on the store pages in which content displays.

There are two kinds of eSpots:

e-Marketing Spots

This kind of eSpot contains content associated with marketing activities. This content is dynamic, and can be targeted to specific customer segments.

Content Spots

This kind of eSpot can contain almost any site content that is not associated with a marketing activity.

eSpots are used during page creation to reserve space for dynamic content that will be shown to the customers. When a page is requested by a customer, the eSpot contains logic to determine the content to display, generating a more flexible site, and providing more direct control to the business users that generate the site content.

Placement and creation of eSpots must be determined collaboratively between the business users responsible for the content, the developer responsible for creating JavaServer Pages files. This ensures that the spots are implemented in a way that provides adequate space and retains the site design's aesthetics. eSpots should be descriptively named so as to include their location, such as HomePageBrandImage, or CheckOutPageRecommendation. This helps to reduce confusion about where it will appear, and what content it should contain. If necessary, numbers can be added to the name to differentiate between two eSpots appearing on the same page. eSpot names must be valid Java identifiers.

The developer is responsible for providing the appropriate eSpots on the required pages and in the specified locations. The eSpots then have to be created using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator so that they are available for use by content authors.

Related concepts


Related tasks

Create e-Marketing Spots

Add an e-Marketing Spot to a store page (WebSphere Commerce Accelerator)


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