Operate > WebSphere Commerce Accelerator > Request for Quote (RFQ) > Create RFQs

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Create a new response to an RFQ request (seller)

This section explains how to create a new response to an RFQ request.

You have received the request from the buyer for saws and are ready to create and submit a response.

If a request characteristic such as terms and conditions, or product price has been designated as non-changeable by the buyer, we will be unable to respond to it. The Respond button will be disabled in these cases.


  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  2. Click Sales > RFQs. The RFQs page displays.

  3. Select the request to which to respond and click Respond. The General section displays.

    If the list is large, and you cannot find the request, click Find to use the search function.

  4. Complete the notebook pages:

    Option Description

    1. Type a name for the response in the Name field.

    2. Use the Remark text box to communicate any special information, such as new products of possible interest, to the buyer.

    3. Select the fulfillment center.

    4. Determine if all products must be accepted when the response is accepted.
    Attachments information Use the Attachments page to make the responses to the buyer's attachments.

    • To add an attachment, use the browser to select one.

    Terms and conditions information Use the Terms and Conditions page to make the responses to the buyer's terms and conditions.

    1. If you are willing to accept the buyer's terms and conditions move on to the next step. The Products page will display.

    2. To respond with a counteroffer, select the term or condition and click Respond. A text box displays in which you can type the response to the buyer's term or condition. Click OK. A refreshed Terms and Conditions page displays showing the response to the buyer's term or condition.
    Products The Products page serves as the base from which you can respond to product (or substitute product), product price, quantity and units, as well as product specifications and comments.
    Price, quantity and units information

    1. The values specified by the buyer are the default response values. If you are willing to accept the buyer's values, as displayed in the response portion of the list, will be used.

    2. To respond to price, quantity or units values do the following:

    3. Select the product and click Respond. The Respond form displays.

    4. Replace the default values with counteroffers for quantity and price in the appropriate fields. Select the preferred unit of measurement from the Units field.

    5. Click OK. The refreshed Products page displays the response values in the response portion of the list.
    Product specifications Product specifications refer to the unique properties of products that allow one product or service to be differentiated from another. For example, color and material would be suitable specifications for describing apparel products.

    1. Select a product and then click Specifications to view the specifications describing the product. The RFQ Products Specifications Response page displays.

    2. If you are willing to accept the specifications as displayed, click OK. The Products page displays.

    3. To change any of the response values displayed in the specification list, select the product and click Respond. The Product Specifications form displays.

      If the Respond button remains disabled, the buyer has specified that no changes to the specification values will be accepted.

    4. Select a new operator from the Operator field.

    5. Type new values into the Value field.

    6. Select a new unit of measurement from the Units field.

    7. Click OK. A refreshed RFQ Products Specifications Response page displays the responses.

    8. Click OK when the specification responses are completed. The Products page displays.
    Comments Product comments convey information that cannot be included in the existing screens. For example, when ordering shirts, the buyer may only find specifications for material, color and size in the catalog. If the buyer also wanted to specify the number of buttons, for which no specification existed, the specification would be typed in a Comment box.

    The comment function can also be used to order a product not available in the catalog. For example, although you may not sell pants, the buyer might ask you to quote a price for matching pants for the shirts they have ordered.

    1. Click Comments to view the buyers product comments. The Product Comments page displays. Click OK to accept the comments as displayed.

    2. Select a Comment and click Respond to respond to the comment. A text box displays.

    3. Type the response and click OK. A refreshed Product Comments page displays the response.

    4. Click OK if you have finished responding to the comments. The Products page displays.

    If you started creating the response by clicking the New button on the RFQ Responses page, we will be returned to this page rather than the RFQs page.

  5. Click OK. A message is displayed indicating that the response was created successfully. Click OK in the box. The RFQs page displays.

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