Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Communication services

Add a communication service

Communicate with the server is handled by a communication service. The request is prepared by the service request handlers and the specified communication service is invoked to send the request to the server. The response that is returned by the communication service is given back to the request handler so that it can be unmarshalled. This section explains how to add a communication service.

To add a new communication service:


  1. Create an implementation of the ITelesalesCommService interface. For example:
    package extensions; 
    public class ExtendedCommunicationService extends TsCommunication {
            public ExtendedCommunicationService() {
                    System.out.println("ExtendedCommunicationService");         }

  2. Define a new extension definition to the IBM Sales Center communication services extension point. You will need to give the communication service an ID and the name of the class in Step 1. For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?eclipse version="3.0"?>
    <configurator path="config"/>   

  3. Define new IBM Sales Center service request handlers and indicate that they will be serviced by the new communication service.

Related concepts

Communication services

Service request handlers

Related tasks

Add a new service request handler

Replace the default communication service

Extend the IBM Sales Center communication service

Route an existing IBM Sales Center message to a new communication service


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