Samples > Starter stores > Starter store enhancements > Social Commerce

Publish the Social Commerce store archive

The SocialCommerce.sar file is the store archive that contains sample Madisons starter store pages to illustrate the process for adding the Social Commerce user interface widgets to the store pages. Since the Social Commerce store archive is based on the Madisons starter store, publish the store archive on the Madisons store. Use the Publish wizard to publish the Social Commerce store changes on the Madisons starter store pages.

The SocialCommerce.sar file is located in the WC_INSTALL/starterstores/SocialCommerce directory.

Before you begin

Before publishing the Social Commerce store archive, ensure that you have published the Madisons starter store.


  1. If you visited the Madisons storefront before publishing the Social Commerce store archive, complete the following steps before using Social Commerce in the Madisons starter store:

    1. Delete all compiled pages from the Madisons storefront. The SocialCommerce.sar file deploys several JSP file fragments that are placed in the base Madisons store. These files must be recompiled for the Social Commerce features to appear in the storefront. The following examples show paths to directories that contain compiled pages:

      • WebSphere Commerce toolkit environment:


      • Runtime environment:


    2. Use one of the following methods to clear the cache to remove any JSP files that DynaCache might have cached in memory:

  2. Publish the Social Commerce store archive.

Related concepts

Social Commerce features

Manage and moderating Social Commerce content in the store

Related tasks

Work with Social Commerce widgets

Add Social Commerce widgets to store pages

Related reference

Social Commerce accessibility

WebSphere Commerce Dojo Enhancements API

Sample Social Commerce flow changes in the Madisons starter store


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