Troubleshoot and support > Social Commerce

Troubleshoot: Social Commerce features do not appear in the storefront

The Social Commerce features, such as blog entries and photos, are not visible in the Madisons storefront.


Although the Social Commerce store archive file was successfully published on top of the Madisons starter store, the Social Commerce user interface widgets do not appear on any of the Madisons store pages.


The following table lists and describes several potential reasons why the Social Commerce features do not appear in the storefront.

Problem Action
You visited the Madisons storefront before publishing the Social Commerce store archive.

  1. Use one of the following methods to clear the cache to remove any JSP files that DynaCache might have cached in memory:

  2. Delete cached JSP files for the application. The cached files are in the following locations:

    • WCDE_INSTALL\wasprofile\temp\localhost\server1\WC\Stores.war\Madisons

    • WAS_HOME/profiles\instance\temp\WC_node_name\server1\WC_instance\Stores.war\Madisons

No service providers are configured in the adapter.config file. Configure the service providers in the adapter.config file.
Social Commerce did not start successfully. Use one of the following methods to determine why Social Commerce did not start:

  • Use trace files to analyze why Social Commerce did not start:

    • WebSphere Commerce toolkit:

      • WC_INSTALL/wasprofiles/logs/server1

      • WC_INSTALL/workspace/SocApp/logs

    • Runtime:

      • WAS_HOME/profiles/Commerce Instance Name/logs/server1/ directory

      • WAS_HOME/profiles/Commerce Instance Name/installedApps/Cell Name/soccom_instance name.ear/SocApp/logs

  • Use the WebSphere sMash Command Line Interface to manually start Social Commerce and correct any reported configuration issues.

Related reference

Troubleshoot: Photos cannot be uploaded to the photo gallery when using Lotus Connections

Troubleshoot: Changes to blog entry moderation settings are not reflected when using Lotus Connections

Troubleshoot: Changes to blog comment moderation settings are not reflected when using Lotus Connections

Related information

WebSphere sMash DE Documentation


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