Develop > Presentation layer > Customize marketing > Marketing customization: Management Center > Customizing triggers, targets, and actions

Trigger parameters

When a customer triggers a Web or Dialog activity, the marketing services pass trigger parameters to the task commands of all campaign elements in the activity flow. Trigger parameters are name-value pairs containing the current context information for the activity. Campaign element task commands can then extract the relevant trigger parameters to perform their work.

The sources of trigger parameters include:

Methods for processing trigger parameters

Use the following method in the campaign element task command to get the context information from the trigger parameters that the task command needs to do its work:


Tip: In custom code, if create a trigger parameter string to pass to a marketing service, then you can use this method:


List of trigger parameters

The following table lists some of the parameters that the marketing services pass to the campaign elements when the event specified in the trigger occurs:

Parameter Explanation
DM_EmsName The name of the e-Marketing Spot for which to retrieve content.
DM_ReqCmd The current command. This is used to match against behavior rules.
any parameter The current command request parameters. This is used to match against behavior rules. These parameters include:

  • All the name-value pairs in the URL.

  • All name-value pairs specified in the e-Marketing Spot JSP snippet.

DM_RefUrl The current referral URL. This is used to match against behavior rules.
catalogId The current catalog being viewed.
productId The current product being viewed.
categoryId The current category being viewed.
DM_DisplayCategories The number of categories to attempt to retrieve from the active Web activities for an e-Marketing Spot (also defines the maximum number to return).
DM_DisplayProducts The number of products to attempt to retrieve from the active Web activities for an e-Marketing Spot (also defines the maximum number to return).
DM_DisplayContent The number of marketing content to attempt to retrieve from the active Web activities for an e-Marketing Spot (also defines the maximum number to return).
DM_PznId The personalization ID that uniquely identifies a customer. The marketing services determine the customer's personalization ID from the Audit Context.

Related concepts

Marketing activity data storage and process flow

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