Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Plan to use Management Center > Prepare to use Management Center

Disable components in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator

With this Feature Pack, new business user tooling is provided, called the Management Center. By default, after you have enabled the Management Center for Feature Pack 3, the individual tools within the Management Center are automatically enabled, so that the business users can be productive with it immediately.


The new Catalogs tool offers a more intuitive, and more responsive user interface than the one found in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator version of the tool.


In order to simplify the task of finding promotions, new search capabilities have been introduced. This capability depends upon the addition of an index table in the database. The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator based tool does not support this indexing, so once you start using the new tool, use of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator version of the tool should cease immediately.


The Marketing tool in the new Management Center makes use of a new run time, which is not compatible with the previous version, and must be enabled manually. If you are currently making use of campaigns, and Web or e-mail activities, and to use the new Management Center tool for marketing, re-create them in the new tools or wait for a migration tool to become available.


If you have customized the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, we will need to verify which customizations you have in place, and whether they have already been handled in a suitable manner by the new tools in the Management Center before performing the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator disabling tasks.

Once you have determined which of the new Management Center tools are to remain enabled, we will need to disable the corresponding menu items in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator in order to avoid data loss or corruption. Each store type has a file that defines what the user will see in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator menus. The XML files that define the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator can be found in...

Depending on the store models you have in use, we will need to modify one or more of these files. For additional information about these store types and the names of the files to be altered, see Customize the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator home page.

The following steps assume that you have not customized the menu selections. If you have customized the menu selections, you will need to take that into consideration when performing these steps.

Before you begin

Before proceeding with the following, be sure to make a backup copy of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator definition files that work with. These steps are specific to the Consumer Direct model, but other models are similar.

Verify that the business users will not see the menu items that you have removed, by logging onto WebSphere Commerce Accelerator and checking the menu items. Once you have confirmed that the system is operating correctly using the new Management Center tools, you can remove the commented sections of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator configuration file. You may also want to modify the information shown on the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator home page for you store type to remove the information about what the menu items contain so that the business users are not misled. For example, the "Merchandise" and "Marketing" sections on the main screen (see AcceleratorHomeB2C.jsp in the wc_profiledir/CommerceAccelerator.war/tools/common/ directory) refer to functions that are going to be commented in the previous section, which have moved to the Management Center.


  1. Navigate to the WC_EAR/xml/config folder..

  2. Create a new folder called com.ibm.commerce.infrastructure-ext.

  3. Create a file within that folder, called wc-component.xml.

  4. Copy the following to the new file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>  
    <!--  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                              --> 
    <!--                                                                    --> 
    <!--  WebSphere Commerce                                                --> 
    <!--                                                                    --> 
    <!--  (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2007                                      --> 
    <!--                                                                    --> 
    <!--  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or       --> 
    <!--  disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. --> 
    <!--                                                                    --> 
          xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/commerce/foundation/config ../xsd/wc-component.xsd ">      
    <_config:valuemapping externalName="StoreType" internalName="StoreType">                         
    <!-- Map tool type to STORE.STORETYPE in database -->             
    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_CatalogTool" internalValue="B2C, B2B, BBB" />             
    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_MarketingTool" internalValue="B2C, B2B, BBB" />             
    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_PromotionTool" internalValue="B2C, B2B, BBB" />         

  5. Remove the <_config:valuemap .../> entries that you do not want to override. For example, to only limit support for the Marketing tools, remove the others:

    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_CatalogTool" internalValue="B2C, B2B, BBB" />  
    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_PromotionTool" internalValue="B2C, B2B, BBB" />

  6. To restrict support for a tool to only a particular store type, remove the other store types from the internalValue list. For example, to limit the Marketing tools to only support Consumer Direct stores, the entry should be:

    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_MarketingTool" internalValue="B2C" />

  7. To remove all access to a tool from the Management Center, remove all store types from its internalValue list. It is not sufficient to simply comment the entry, as this will not override the default definition. For example, to remove the Marketing tool from the Management Center, you would have this entry:

    <_config:valuemap externalValue="IBM_MarketingTool" internalValue="" />

  8. Save and close the file.

  9. You will now need to deploy this entire folder to the application server. For details on how to do this, see help topic Deploy J2EE assets for a single file.

  10. Once you have deployed the file, restart the server for the changes to take effect.

  11. Log in to the Management Center to verify that the tools have been disabled properly.

Previous topic: Enable the Management Center

Next topic: Disable the catalog tool in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator


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