Operate > IBM Management Center for WebSphere Commerce > Catalogs tool > Work with categories
A category, also known as a catalog group, is used to group products and services offered by the store. You can create, find, list, change, and delete categories. You can classify products and SKUs under different parent categories.
The Master Catalog view displays the hierarchical structure of categories in the store. For example, a catalog can have four main categories such as Unassigned Catalog Entries, Furniture, Kitchenware, and Tableware. Most categories also include subcategories, for instance the Furniture category contains Desk Lamps, Table Lamps, and Desks child categories.
Master Catalog view
The Unassigned Catalog Entries folder contains all the catalog entries that are not assigned to a parent category in the Master Catalog. You are recommended to always assign a parent category to a catalog entry.
Master Catalog storefront view.
From the preceding diagrams, you can see that the categories are structured the same way in the Management Center as it is on the storefront.
Related tasks
Determine whether a sales catalog, category, or catalog entry belongs to the catalog asset store