Prepare IWWCM to create WebSphere Commerce content


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To prepare IBM Workplace Web Content Management to create WebSphere Commerce content:

  1. Create a new Web content library to contain the WebSphere commerce content with the same name as provided in the LIBRARY_NAME.

    You can use the default library available in IWWCM.

  2. Define the publish and expired workflow actions, and define the draft, publish, and expired workflow stages. Ensure the workflow actions are selected as shown:

    • draft - No workflow stage action.

    • publish - Under Properties > Execute on Entering Stage, click Select Actions and choose the Publish workflow action.

    • expired - Under Properties > Execute on Entering Stage, click Select Actions and choose the Expired workflow action.

    For more information see, Create a workflow stage

  3. Define a workflow for WebSphere Commerce content and select the workflow stages defined in the previous step.

    Ensure that the workflow stages are in the following order: draft, publish, and expired.

    For more information see,

  4. Create a new Web Content Management site and site area to contain your WebSphere Commerce content.

  5. Update the <Sites> tag or property with the new site name.

    The 'Sites' property is found within the Cacher sub-section of the Module Config section of file. see the

  6. Define the following global components for the WebSphere Commerce content site:

    Global component Component type Description
    Product Display url text Product display URL value. The default product display URL for WebSphere Commerce is: ProductDisplay?
    Category Display url text Category display URL value. The default category display URL for WebSphere Commerce is: CategoryDisplay?

  7. Define an authoring template for WebSphere Commerce content.

  8. Define a presentation template for WebSphere Commerce content.


Related Concepts

IWWCM integration for WebSphere Commerce


Related tasks

Overview: Integrating WebSphere Commerce and IWWCM

Install IWWCM integration for WebSphere Commerce on the WebSphere Commerce system