Define an authoring template for WebSphere Commerce content

Authoring templates define what data entry fields are available when creating new content using Web Content Management. The number of authoring templates you define for your WebSphere Commerce content depends on the types of content you want to manage in WebSphere Commerce.

For more information about Web Content Management authoring templates, see the Authoring templates Authoring templates topic in the WebSphere Portal Information Center.

To define an authoring template for WebSphere Commerce content:

  1. Create an authoring template in Web Content Management for WebSphere Commerce content by following the instructions provided in the Creating an authoring template Creating an authoring template topic in the WebSphere Portal Information Center.

    When creating the authoring template, in addition to including components for the article contents, include the following components in the template:

    Component ID Component type Description
    Product ID 1 text This is the SKU of the first WebSphere Commerce item associated with this article. (Enter the part number of the product)
    Product image 1 image (Optional) This is an image of the product with the SKU defined by the Product1 text component
    Product ID n text To associate multiple SKUs with this article, you can specify additional text components. (Enter the part number of the product)

    For example, if you want to associate three products with an article, add Product ID 1, Product ID 2, and Product ID 3 text components in the authoring template.

    You may have to create these additional text components before you can add them to the authoring template.

    Product image n image (Optional) For each additional Product image n text component you define, you can define an image component to associate an image with the product.
    Store ID text This is the unique identifier for the WebSphere Commerce store with which you associate the new content.

    If you enter a Store ID value when you create the authoring template, this value becomes the default value the store ID when you create content using this authoring template.

    Catalog ID text This is the unique identifier for the catalog with which you associate the new content.

    If you enter a catalog ID value when create the authoring template , this value becomes the default value for the catalog ID when you create content using this authoring template.

    Workspace ID text This is the unique identifier for the workspace in which the new content will go. (Enter the workspace identifier W_######)
    Taskgroup ID
    This is the unique identifier for the task group that contains the task. (Enter the task group identifier G_######)
    Task ID text This is the unique identifier for the workspace task for which you create content. (Enter the task identifier T_######)

    When you create content using this authoring template, these text components define the link between WebSphere Commerce and the content.

    All component IDs are case sensitive and must be spelled correctly. The components in the table above are defined in the file. It is not recommended to change the component IDs, however, if you do, you must ensure that any component IDs you use, match those in the properties file.

    Use the following Web Content Management components to define the content of your article:

    Component ID Component type Description
    Title text (Required) This component provides the title for the article.

    This component is required for the Presentation_template_name -Title presentation template and can be used in the Presentation_template_name presentation template.

    Summary text (Required) This component provides a summary of the article.

    This component is required for the Presentation_template_name -Summary presentation template and can be used in the Presentation_template_name presentation template.

    Abstract rich text (Optional) This component can provide a section of the article.
    Main body rich text (Optional) This component can provide a section of the article.
    Article image image (Optional) This component allows you to associate an image with the article.

    You can also use any of your own components but you will need to modify your presentation templates to render the new components.

  2. Live access to the All users group under system defined security for the template you just created. For more information, see the WebSphere Portal Information Center.

  3. Ensure that you associate the authoring template with the Web Content Management site and site areas you created to contain WebSphere Commerce content.

  4. Select the authoring templates you want to use with WebSphere Commerce.


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IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce


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Overview: Integrating WebSphere Commerce and IBM Workplace Web Content Management