Create new WebSphere Commerce Analyzer parameters

To create new parameters that you can edit or maintain using the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameter Manager:

  1. Open the following file:
    • WCA_installdir\lib\ contains the parameters that display in the Select WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameters page in the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameter Manager.
  2. Add the new parameter or parameters to the file.

    Note: IBM recommends that you prefix your customer-defined parameter names with UX (user extension) to easily identify them as being customer-defined and not supplied with WebSphere Commerce Analyzer. For more information about the parameters and their default values, see WebSphere Commerce Analyzer parameters.

  3. Use the following examples as a guideline for creating new parameters:  parameter identification  (PARAM_TYPE)
    parm1.type=s               how is the parameter handled on the panel: 
                                 1=single value, 
                                 n=multiple values, 
                                 s=predefined values
    parm1.values=Y;N  values for the drop-down selection box
    parm1.defaults=Y  default setting
  • Save your changes.