WebSphere Commerce Analyzer parameters
Parameters affect the state of the data mart after you perform an extraction. These parameters control the execution of the system and also control the analytic conclusions. Parameters are modified using the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameter Manager.
The following table illustrates which parameters in the WCA.PARAMETERS table each page in the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameter Manager edits.
Pages in WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameter Manager WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameters Select Stores, Report Language and Currency page store, REPORT_CURRENCY, REPORT_LANGUAGE Select Catalog ANALYSIS_CATALOG_ID Select Orders to be Totaled by RFM page RFM_INTERVAL, RFM_BINS, RFM_LAST_RUN, ORDER_STATUS_ID_SUM_MEMBER, ORDER_STATUS_ID_SUM_TRADING, ORDER_STATUS_XFERRED, RFM_LAST_RUN Determine Abandoned Orders Criteria ABANDONED_MINUTES, ABANDONED_ORD_STATUS Select Order Item Status Attributes NON_PURGE_ORD_STATUS, ORDERS_AWAITING_PAYMENT, ORDER_STATUS_BILLED, ORDER_STATUS_canceled, ORDER_STATUS_COLLECTED, ORDER_STATUS_ID_NOREV Select Member Attributes ADDRESS_MEMBER_TYPE_ID, DMT_PROSPECT_ORD_STATUS, DMT_PURCHASER_ORD_STATUS Associate Contract Status with Report Contract Status CONTRACT_ACTIVE, CONTRACT_IN_PREPARATION, CONTRACT_canceled Load Language and Financial Periods many _REF tables Associate Orders with Coupon Promotions, Campaign Activities, and Metaphors FE_EFFECTIVE_MINUTES, FE_EFFECTIVE_ORD_STATUS, FM_EFFECTIVE_MINUTES, FM_EFFECTIVE_ORD_STATUS, CPN_REDEEMED_ORDER_STATUS Determine Orders Deleted by User Criteria NON_PURGE_ORD_STATUSSelect WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Parameters PRODUCT_PRICE_AGGREGATE, ORG_BUSINESS_TYPE, ORG_INDUSTRY_TYPE, HOTSPOT_LIMIT, WSA_PARM_TYPE (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2006. All Rights Reserved.