Configure the WebSphere Commerce Payments Cassette plug-in
Registering with the payment back-end system
Some WebSphere Commerce Payment cassettes require that merchants register with the provider of the services for the payment back-end system. For example, the cassettes for BankServACH, VisaNet, and Paymentech all require a form of merchant registration before transactions can be processed through the back-end financial system.
Since there is no direct communication with a payment back-end system with the OfflineCard cassette or CustomOffline cassette, registration with a payment service provider is not required to use the WC Payments Cassette plug-in or those cassettes.
Important! If you are interested in using an offline payment mechanism, you should give serious consideration to using the SimpleOffline payment plug-in rather than the OfflineCard cassette or CustomOffline cassette. For information about advantages of using payment plug-ins, see the topic Advantages of using payment plug-ins.
When using third-party payment cassettes, check the cassette documentation for registration procedures.
Configure WebSphere Commerce Payments and the payment cassette
To use the WC Payments Cassette plug-in, configure the depricated implementation of WebSphere Commerce Payments and at least one of its supported payment cassettes as usual.
When configuring the merchant cassette settings, be sure to select No Auto Approve in the advanced settings. Automatic approvals should not be selected. Likewise, do not select any automatic deposit setting (do not select Automatically deposit non-wallet purchases). Selection of automatic approvals or deposits interferes with Payment Rules processing and will cause the WC Payments Cassette plug-in to not work properly.
The WC Payments Cassette plug-in always issues a command to create an order and approve the payment separately. If automatic approval is selected, when the WC Payments Cassette plug-in creates an order, the order is automatically approved in WebSphere Commerce Payments. Then, when the WC Payments Cassette plug-in issues an APPROVE command, the operation will fail.
If deposits occur automatically for the cassette, when the WebSphere Commerce Payments requests that an approve transaction take place, the payment will be approved and deposited in WebSphere Commerce Payments without the Controller or the Payment Rules subcomponent knowing about it. If the Controller requests another deposit to take place, the deposit operation will fail in WebSphere Commerce Payments because a payment has already been deposited.
Configure the plug-in
To configure this plug-in for use in WebSphere Commerce:
- Refer to the instructions in Configure a payment plug-in. An example of the Payment system plug-in mapping XML file follows. The example shows the WC Payments Cassette plug-in is configured to be used with the BankServ payment system (the Cassette for BankServACH).
<PaymentSystemName name="BankServ" > <Mapping paymentConfigurationId="WCPaymentsBank" PluginName="WCPaymentsPlugin" > <Property name="ProfileName" value="WCPPlugin_BankServACH"/> <Property name="SupportsOnlineTransaction" value="yes"/> </Mapping> </PaymentSystemName>The WC Payments Cassette plug-in requires the following properties:
- ProfileName
- The short form of the name of the Cashier profile to be used with the payment cassette. For example:
- For the BankServACH profile, use WCPPlugin_BankServACH.
- For the Paymentech profile, use WCPPlugin_Paymentech.
- For the VisaNet profile for regular credit cards, use WCPPlugin_VisaNet.
- For the OfflineCard cassette profile, you can use WCPPlugin_OfflineCard; however, consider using the SimpleOffline plug-in instead of the WC Payments Cassette plug-in.
- For the CustomOffline COD.profile, you can use WCPPlugin_CustomOffline_COD; however, consider using the SimpleOffline plug-in instead of the WC Payments Cassette plug-in.
- For the CustomOffline BillMe.profile, use WCPPlugin_CustomOffline_BillMe; however, consider using the SimpleOffline plug-in instead of the WC Payments Cassette plug-in.
- SupportsOnlineTransaction
- If the payment system supports online transactions, this property should be set to 'yes', indicating the payment actions will be processed online. If you are using the OfflineCard or CustomOffline payment cassettes, this value should be 'no'.
If the value is 'no', the payment actions will be set as PENDING after the WebSphere Commerce Payments and the WC Payments Cassette plug-in process the offline transaction. After a manual action is taken to process the payment (such as approving the payment using the WebSphere Commerce Payments administration GUI), the WC Payments Cassette plug-in can issue a query to synchronize the transactions. When the Payment Rules subcomponent queries a payment or a credit, the payment or credit will be synchronized with the payment back-end system.
- Ensure that the correct payment system name is reflected in the PaymentMethodConfigurations XML file and RefundMethodConfigurations XML file used by Payment Rules. The payment system name can be any string independent of the plug-in name, as long as the name is consistent between the PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml file and the PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml (or RefundMethodConfigurations.xml) file.
Special configuration information
In addition to performing the previous tasks, modify the WC Payments Cassette plug-in deployment descriptor (PluginDeployment.xml) file to set the connection parameters, including the host name (WebSphere Commerce Payments Web server) and port. For instructions, see the topic WC Payments Cassette plug-in deployment descriptor.
Refresh the registries "EDPRegistry" and "PPCRegistry" in site administration console or restart WebSphere Commerce server after you have completed your configuration changes to load the configurations for use. Ensure that WebSphere Commerce Payments is started.
A WebSphere Commerce trace component for the plug-in is provided for you to perform tracing of the plug-in when necessary. Refer to Trace components for more information.
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