Advantages of using payment plug-ins
The use of payment plug-ins has the following advantages:
- You can use the orders and Payment Rules functions in WebSphere Commerce.
- You can have a payment mechanism without having to use payment cassettes.
- It is not necessary to use the traditional payment task commands (such as DoPayment and DoDeposit) and policy commands to perform transactions. The use of many of these commands is not supported with the payment plug-ins.
- Plug-ins are horizontally scalable across your system.
- For those developers who need to integrate a payment system into WebSphere Commerce, payment plug-ins are easier to develop and test than payment cassettes, and should therefore be significantly less expensive to implement.
- If required, query logic can be easily implemented through query APIs.
- Plug-ins do not have to issue database commands to process or store data.
- As a J2EE component, a plug-in implements a component-oriented design rather than a task-oriented design.
- Commerce transactions are not blocked while waiting for the payment back-end system to respond.
If you are currently using payment cassettes, consider these advantages and evaluate whether your payment processing would be better served through the use of payment plug-ins instead.
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