WebSphere Commerce Payments Cassette plug-in deployment descriptor
The WebSphere Commerce Payments Cassette plug-in integrates with the WebSphere Commerce Payments Cassette through the plug-in deployment descriptor. The following PluginDeployment.xml file is the deployment descriptor used by the WebSphere Commerce Payments Cassette plug-in. The deployment descriptor describes the specific configuration requirements that must be resolved for the plug-in to work correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Plugin xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../PaymentPlugin.xsd"> <PluginInformation jndi="ejb/com/ibm/commerce/payments/plugin/wcpayments/bean/WCPaymentsPluginHome" home="com.ibm.commerce.payments.plugin.wcpayments.bean.WCPaymentsPluginHome" name="WCPaymentsPlugin" version="1.0.0" vendor="IBM" independentCredit="true" virtualTerminal="http://black.cn.ibm.com:5432/webapp/PaymentManager"> <PluginProperty name="hostName" value="black.cn.ibm.com"/> <PluginProperty name="port" value="5433"/> <PluginProperty name="useSSL" value="true"/> <PluginProperty name="userid" value="wcsadmin"/> <PluginProperty name="maxWCOrderCreationRetries" value="5"/> </PluginInformation> </Plugin>In addition to the common plug-in parameters (such as jndi and home), the WebSphere Commerce Payments plug-in requires the following properties that are unique to this plug-in:
- host_name
- The fully qualified host name for the WebSphere Commerce Payments Web server. The host name can be a virtual host name on the Web server. Be sure to specify the actual host name for your environment when configuring this plug-in.
- port
- The port number WebSphere Commerce Payments is running on as shown in the Configuration Manager WebServer information for the Payments instance. Value 5432 indicates a WebSphere Commerce Payments non-secure server; 5433 indicates a secure server and requires the useSSL property value of "true."
- useSSL
- Indicator of whether the Secure Sockets Layer is used with the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance. A value of "true" indicates it is used; "false" indicates it is not used.
- userid
- The user ID associated with the WebSphere Commerce user. Specify your Payment Administrator's user ID.
- maxWCorderCreationRetries
- (Optional)
- The maximum number of times the plug-in should attempt to create an order ID in WebSphere Commerce Payments before throwing an exception. Order IDs are generated randomly because multiple payment instructions can exist for one order, multiple payments can exist for one payment instruction, and one payment corresponds to an order in WebSphere Commerce Payments. An order ID is generated randomly for each payment. If the order already exists in WebSphere Commerce Payments, the creation of the order is retried. To illustrate: Suppose the maximum retries is set to 3. An attempt is made to create a WebSphere Commerce Payments order with a randomly generated order ID of "14" but that order ID already exists. A second attempt is made to create the order with the random ID of "27." That order ID already exists. A third attempt is made to create an order with a random ID of "50." If that order ID already exists, the maximum retries was achieved and the plug-in throws an exception.
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