Catalog entries

Catalog entries represent merchandise in an online catalog that often includes a code, a name, a description, one or more offer prices, images, and other details. A catalog entry can be a product, SKU, bundle, or kit.

Catalog entries can be a single item (atomic) or composed of several other catalog entries (composite). An atomic catalog entry is an individually orderable entity that needs no further SKU resolution. For example, an atomic item such as a shirt in the color blue, size small can be added to a shopping cart for purchase. In this example the shirt represents an atomic item because it has a SKU and is orderable. When composite, a catalog entry represents unresolved products or bundles that may need additional information before becoming atomic entities. Composite catalog entries are those items that are not individually orderable. For example, a men's shirt represents a composite item that requires further SKU resolution on the basis of size and color before it can be orderable.

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