Process: Manage Customer
To allow for the creation and management of customer profiles, and for managing member resources such as roles, member groups, and organizations. This process is for customer management in the consumer direct and B2B direct models.
Customer management includes all logic and data relevant to registration, authentication, and grouping of all customers. With the sub-processes in this group you can do the following:
-- Register a customer to a store: New customers can be registered with a store either by performing a self-registration, or by going through a Customer Service Representative.
-- Manage the customer profile: The customer can manage their user profile directly, or by going through a Customer Service Representative. The user profile is configurable in the attributes that can be captured about a customer, but generally consists of the customer's personal information, address book, and password.
-- Create a buyer organization: Sellers can create buyer organizations under which customers can be registered.
-- Administer the member subsystem: The administrative capabilities of the member subsystem can be used to load customers, manage member groups, and monitor failed authentication attempts to detect access violations.
Professional, Enterprise
- Administer member subsystem
- Create buyer organization
- CSR-manage profile
- CSR-register customer to store
- Self-manage profile
- Self-register to store
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