Process: Create buyer organization
To allow sellers to create buyer organizations.
Sellers can use the administrative tooling to create buyer organizations. Buyers can then register under these buyer organizations, and be granted rights based on this membership.
Allow creation of a new organization in the WebSphere Commerce organization hierarchy.
The organization creation process can be customized to record additional attributes about the organization.
Professional, Enterprise
Task Description Role Assign roles to buyer admin The new user is assigned the role of buyer administrator in the new buyer organization.
Seller Create departments The buyer organization can be partitioned into multiple departments.
Seller Determine organization parent Organizations must always have a parent. The Seller would have communicated the parent organization as part of the creation request.
Seller Enter buyer admin registration info Information about the buyer administrator is entered, including e-mail address and password.
Seller Enter required organization info On a Seller's behalf, the Customer Service Representative would enter information about the new buyer organization into the system. See the OrgEntityAddCmd in the online help for more details on the parameters available, including the mandatory parameters.
Seller Submit registration form The customer submits the registration form. If the data in the form is complete and valid, the customer is registered.
Business artifacts
- Approved buyer admin
- Approved registration notification
- Buyer organization
- Customer information
- Pending Buyer Administrator
- Rejected registration notification
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