Process: Locate a hosted store
To provide a variety of ways for customers to locate the hosted store where they want to shop.
Registered and unregistered customers can find the hosted store they want to shop at by store category or by product.
- Find hosted stores by store category - customers can find the hosted stores that are listed under different categories. For example, electronics stores or fashion stores.
- Find hosted stores by product - customers can find the hosted stores that carry a particular product.
Task Description Role Add product to shopping cart Adds the selected items to the shopping cart
Customer Enter search criteria A CSR chooses which key information that will be used to find a customer profile, enters key information about a customer in order to determine if a customer profile has already been entered into the system.
Customer Select hosted store A customer selects a hosted store link from the search results.
Customer Select store category A customer selects one of the many store categories available on the site.
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