Install Member Manager on your WebSphere Commerce Developer machine
The steps on this page describe how to install Member Manager on WebSphere Commerce Developer.
- Log in as the Administrator.
- Stop the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit server.
- Exit the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit.
- Navigate to the WCDE_installdir/components/WMM directory.
- Extract the contents of the to your WCDE_installdir/WAS_profile directory.
- Navigate to WCDE_installdir/WAS_profile/lib directory.
- Modify the ejb-jar.xml file contained within the wmm.ejb.jar file. To modify this file complete the following steps:
- Open the wmm.ejb.jar and extract the ejb-jar.xml file.
- Open the ejb-jar.xml file in a text editor and remove the following entries:
<resource-ref id="ResourceRef_1049051571850"> <res-ref-name>jdbc/wmmDS</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> <res-sharing-scope>Shareable</res-sharing-scope> </resource-ref>
The resource-ref number might differ from the number listed in the above example.
- Save the file and place it back in the wmm.ejb.jar file.
- Do one of the following steps:
Proceed to step 9.
- If you have not applied a WebSphere Commerce V6 fix pack:
- Navigate to the WCDE_installdir/wc.modules/ejbs/ databaseType directory. For example, if you are using a DB2 database, the path is WCDE_installdir/wc.modules/ejbs/db2.
- Open the MemberManager.jar file and extract the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file.
- Open the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file in a text editor and complete the following updates:
- Search for the following entry
<ejbBindings xmi:id="EnterpriseBeanBinding_1046474650584" jndiName="ejb/MemberServiceHome">- Rename the entry to
<ejbBindings xmi:id="EnterpriseBeanBinding_1046474650584" jndiName="ejb/XXX_Unused_MemberServiceHome">- Search for the following entry
<ejbRefBindings xmi:id="EjbRefBinding_1071090165092" jndiName="ejb/MemberServiceHome">- Rename the entry to
<ejbRefBindings xmi:id="EjbRefBinding_1071090165092" jndiName="ejb/XXX_Unused_MemberServiceHome">- Save ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi back into MemberManager.jar.
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit.
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Toolkit server .
- Open the WAS Administration Console from within the WebSphere Commerce Developer toolkit.
- Install the Member Manager application:
- Select Applications then Enterprise Applications.
- Select Install.
- In the Local File System field, type WCDE_installdir/ WAS_profile/installableApps/wmm.ear and select Next.
- Select the Generate Default Bindings check box and click Next.
- A security warning might be issued. Select Continue.
- Complete the steps required to install the enterprise application. On the Map Resource Reference to Resources page, complete the following steps:
- Under Specify existing Resource JNDI name, select DefaultDatasource and click the Apply button.
- Select the check boxes for wmm.ejb and wmm.internal.ejb.
- Click Next multiple times to progress through multiple pages, then click the Finish button.
- To verify that the installation completed successfully, ensure that you get the message Application wmm installed successfully in the Administration Console.
- Click Save to Master Configuration then select Save again to commit the changes.
- Next task: Configure the WebSphere Commerce database when using customized DNs.
Related Concepts
Directory services and WebSphere Commerce
Related tasks
Configure directory services (LDAP) with WebSphere Commerce
Install Member Manager on i5/OS
Configure the WebSphere Commerce database when using customized DNs
Configure Member Manager