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Administer applications using wsadmin.sh

Use administrative scripts and wsadmin.sh to install, uninstall, and manage applications.

There are two methods we can use to install, uninstall, and manage applications. Use the commands for the AdminApp and AdminControl objects to invoke operations on the application configuration.

Alternatively, we can use the AdminApplication and BLAManagement Jython script libraries to perform specific operations to configure your enterprise and business-level applications.

The scripting library provides a set of procedures to automate the most common administration functions. We can run each script procedure individually, or combine several procedures to quickly develop new scripts.

We might need to complete one or more of the following topics to administer the application configurations with wsadmin.sh.



  • Commands for the AdminApp object
  • Application installation and uninstallation scripts
  • Application deployment configuration scripts
  • Application administration scripts