Manage JavaServer Faces implementations using
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a user interface framework, or API, that eases the development of Java-based web applications. The product supports JSF at a runtime level, which reduces the size of applications because runtime binaries are not included in the web application. Use the wsadmin tool to set the JSF implementation as the Apache MyFaces 2.2 project.
Use the JSF run time for the following tasks:
- Construct a user interface from a set of reusable user interface components.
- Simplify migration of application data to and from the user interface.
- Help manage user interface state across server requests.
- Provide a simple model for wiring client-generated events to server-side application code.
- Support custom user interface components for build and reuse.
- Start the wsadmin scripting tool.
- Review specification documentation for JSF 2.2 to determine whether to use JSF with the applications.
- Use the modifyJSFImplementation command for the AdminTask object to set the JSF implementation. Set the MyFaces implementation for JSF:
AdminTask.modifyJSFImplementation('application _name', '[-implName "MyFaces"]')The only valid value for the -implName parameter is MyFaces. MyFaces sets the JSF implementation to the default implementation, which is MyFaces 2.2.
- Recompile the JavaServer Pages (JSP) if you switched implementations and use precompiled JavaServer Pages (JSP) that contain JSF .
JavaServer Faces JSP class loading settings JSFCommands JSP and JSF option settings