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Manage the realm in a federated repository configuration

The realm can consist of identities in:

Before configuring the realm, review Federated repositories limitations.


  1. Configure the realm using one of the following topics...

  2. Configure supported entity types

    Configure supported entity types before managing this account with Users and Groups. The Base entry for the default parent determines the repository location where entities of the specified type are placed on a create operation.

  3. Configure the mapping for user or group attributes of a user registry to federated repository properties in the realm

  4. Optional: Under Additional properties, click the Custom properties link to configure custom properties.

  5. Optional: Use one or more of the following tasks to extend the capabilities of storing data and attributes in the realm:

    1. Configure an entry mapping repository

      An entry mapping repository is used to store data for managing profiles on multiple repositories.

    2. Configure a property extension repository

      A property extension repository is used to store attributes that cannot be stored in the LDAP server.

    1. Set up a database repository using wsadmin commands

  6. Optional: Use one or more of the following advanced user tasks to extend the capabilities of LDAP repositories in the realm:

  7. Optional: Manage configured repositories

  8. Optional: Add an external repository into the realm

  9. Optional: Change the password for the repository configured under federated repositories

What to do next

  1. After configuring the federated repositories, click Security > Global security to return to the Global security panel. Verify that Federated repositories is identified in the Current realm definition field. If Federated repositories is not identified, select Federated repositories from the Available realm definitions field and click Set as current. To verify the federated repositories configuration, click Apply on the Global security panel. If Federated repositories is not identified in the Current realm definition field, the federated repositories configuration is not used by WebSphere Application Server.

  2. If we are enabling security, complete the remaining steps as specified in Enable WebSphere Application Server security. As the final step, validate this setup by clicking Apply in the Global security panel.

  3. Save, stop, and restart all the product servers (deployment managers, nodes, and Application Servers) for changes in this panel to take effect. If the server comes up without any problems, the setup is correct.
