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Submit jobs from an external job scheduler

We can submit jobs from an external job scheduler to batch using the WSGrid utility.

Set up the external scheduler interface.

If an external interface is configured to use the default messaging system, we can use the WSGrid command line script to submit a job to the job scheduler.

(ZOS) If an external interface is configured to use the default messaging system, we can use the WSGrid command line script or JZOS Batch Toolkit for z/OS SDKs to submit a job to the job scheduler. If an external interface is configured to use IBM MQ, we can use JCL to submit a job to the scheduler.


We have submitted a job from an external job scheduler to batch using the WSGrid utility.

What to do next

Review the output of the WSGrid utility.



  • (ZOS) Integration of an external workload scheduler to manage batch workloads
  • Set up the external scheduler interface using the default messaging provider
  • (ZOS) Set up the external scheduler interface using IBM MQ
  • Configure the job scheduler
  • Secure the job scheduler using roles
  • Configure the external scheduler interface
  • Example: Jobs from repository properties file
  • Example: Compute-intensive properties file
  • Example: Transactional batch properties file