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Set up the external scheduler interface using the default messaging provider

The external scheduler interface uses Java Message Service (JMS) as its default messaging provider. JMS is a bidirectional communication mechanism between an external client and the job scheduler.

Ensure that we configure and secure the job scheduler.

We can run the wsgridConfig.py script to enable the external scheduler interface.

The following diagram illustrates the elements that the script performs to set up the external scheduler interface. These elements include the job scheduler server, the job scheduler bus, the jms/com.ibm.ws.grid.InputQueue JMS input queue, and the jms/com.ibm.ws.grid.OutputQueue output queue:


  1. Run the wsgridConfig.py script to enable the external scheduler interface.

    By running the script from the deployment manager, we configure the job scheduler message-driven interface, the service integration bus and the JMS queues.

    For example:
    wsadmin -user <username> -password <userpassword>
     -f ../bin/wsgridConfig.py -install -node nodeName
     -server serverName
     -providers "hostname,<SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS>"  


    wsadmin -user <username> -password <userpassword>
     -f ../bin/wsgridConfig.py -install -cluster clusterName
     -providers "hostname,<SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS>;

    For more information about the command options, read the wsgridConfig.py topic.

  2. If security is enabled on the administrative console, update the bus created.

    1. On the administrative console, click Service integration > Buses; select the bus created in the previous step.

      The default bus name is JobSchedulerBus.

    2. Click Security.
    3. Clear Enable bus security.

    4. For Permitted transports, select Allow the use of all defined transport channel chains.

    5. Click Apply and save the changes.

  3. Change values for the CSIv2 inbound and outbound communications.

    1. On the administrative console, click Security > Global security > RMI/IIOP security > CSIv2 inbound communications.

    2. For Transport, select SSL-supported instead of SSL-required.

    3. Click Apply and save the changes.

    4. On the administrative console, click Security > Global security > RMI/IIOP security > CSIv2 outbound communications.

    5. For Transport, select SSL-supported instead of SSL-required.

    6. Click Apply and save the changes.

  4. Restart the cell for configuration changes to take effect.

What to do next

Submit a job from the external job scheduler interface to batch.


  • Submitting jobs from an external job scheduler
  • Configure the external scheduler interface
  • wsgridConfig.py batch script