Example: Compute-intensive properties file
The example file WSGrid.ci.job illustrates the properties necessary to define the single step of the SimpleCI compute intensive job.
# Specify name by which this job is known job-name=SimpleCIEar # Note, if not specified application-name defaults to job-name. # This is the jndi name of the Compute Intensive Controller system SLSB. controller-jndi-name=ejb/com/ibm/ws/ci/SimpleCIEJB # This is the name of the compute intensive POJO class that implements the # business logic ci-class-name=com.ibm.websphere.ci.samples.SimpleCIWork # The following properties are passed to SimpleCIWork prop.calculationTimeInSecs=30 prop.outputFileName=/temp/ci.outThe WSGrid invocation to submit the job described by the preceding properties file is:
WSGrid WGrid.cntl WSGrid.ci.job
WSGrid command-line utility Batch job properties WSGrid properties file examples