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Batch control properties

Properties specified through the WSGrid properties file describe the batch job to be run under the control of WSGrid. This topic describes a set of control properties.

Property name Description
scheduler-connection-factory The JNDI name of the Java Message Service (JMS) connection factory for the job scheduler message-driver interface application. The default is jms/com.ibm.ws.grid.ConnectionFactory.
scheduler-host Host address of the job scheduler server
scheduler-input-queue The JNDI name of the JMS input queue for the job scheduler message-driver interface application. The default is jms/com.ibm.ws.grid.InputQueue.
scheduler-output-queue The JNDI name of the JMS output queue for the job scheduler message-driver interface application. The default is jms/com.ibm.ws.grid.OutputQueue.
scheduler-port The HTTP port address of job scheduler server.
submitter-userid The identity of the job submitter. This ID must be assigned to either the lrsubmitter role or lradmin role in order to submit jobs.
submitter-password Password of the job submitter. The password might be obfuscated using the WebSphere PropFilePasswordEncoder utility.
debug Specify true to send debug output to the standard output stream.
timeout Timeout value for individual messages sent back from the job scheduler. Units are in milliseconds. The default is 5000.
submit-timeout Amount of time in milliseconds the WSGRID utility waits for an initial response from the job scheduler. If this timeout expires, WSGRID concludes the job scheduler is not up and exits with an error message and RC=4084 (-16).
restart-job The job ID of the job to restart, for example, restart-job=postingSample:0001.


  • WSGrid command-line utility
  • Job scheduler integration with external schedulers
  • Common batch job properties
  • Transactional batch properties
  • Compute-intensive and native-execution properties
  • WSGrid properties file examples
  • Example: Control file