WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer the Liberty profile > Administer the Liberty profile manually

Add and remove Liberty features

Features are the units of functionality by which you control the pieces of the runtime environment that are loaded into a particular server. To add or remove a Liberty feature, you add or remove an XML snippet in the <feature> sub-element of the server.xml configuration file. When you add or remove Liberty features, the changes are applied dynamically.

We can add and remove Liberty features as described in this topic, or with developer tools.

These are the XML snippets that enable the main features:

Including a feature in the configuration might cause one or more Liberty features.additional, required features to be loaded automatically. For example, if you include the wab-1.0 feature, the servlet-3.0 and blueprint-1.0 features are loaded automatically.

  1. Edit...


  2. Add or remove features in the configuration file.

    The set of features is enclosed within the < featureManager> element, and each feature within the <feature> subelement. For example:

    server     < featureManager>
            <feature>servlet-3.0</feature>         <feature>localConnector-1.0</feature>     </featureManager> </server>

    The matching of feature names is not case-sensitive. This is also a valid server configuration:

    < featureManager>
            <feature>Servlet-3.0</feature>         <feature>localConnector-1.0</feature> </featureManager>

  3. Save the changes to the configuration file.

If the server is running, the changes are applied dynamically.

Parent topic: Administer the Liberty profile manually

Related concepts:

Liberty profile: Feature management
Liberty profile: Server configuration


Liberty features
Liberty profile: Configuration elements in server.xml