WAS v8.5 > Reference > Configuration file descriptions
Liberty profile: Configuration elements in server.xml
- activedLdapFilterProperties
- administrator-role
- application
- application-bnd
- version
- security-role
- name
- user
- name
- access-id
- group
- name
- access-id
- special-subject
- type
- run-as
- userid
- password
- applicationMonitor
- authCache
- authData
- authentication
- basicRegistry
- bundleRepository
- channelfw
- classloader
- delegation
- parentFirst
- parentLast
- privateLibraryRef
- commonLibraryRef
- apiTypeVisibility
- privateLibrary
- commonLibrary
- config
- onError
- monitorInterval
- updateTrigger
- polled
- mbean
- disabled
- connectionManager
- agedTimeout
- connectionTimeout
- maxIdleTime
- maxPoolSize
- minPoolSize
- purgePolicy
- EntirePool
- FailingConnectionOnly
- ValidateAllConnections
- reapTime
- maxConnectionsPerThread
- numConnectionsPerThreadLocal
- customLdapFilterProperties
- dataSource
- jndiName
- jdbcDriverRef
- connectionManagerRef
- type
- javax.sql.XADataSource
- javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
- javax.sql.DataSource
- connectionSharing
- MatchOriginalRequest
- MatchCurrentState
- isolationLevel
- statementCacheSize
- transactional
- beginTranForResultSetScrollingAPIs
- beginTranForVendorAPIs
- commitOrRollbackOnCleanup
- commit
- rollback
- queryTimeout
- recoveryAuthDataRef
- syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout
- supplementalJDBCTrace
- jdbcDriver
- connectionManager
- recoveryAuthData
- domino50LdapFilterProperties
- edirectoryLdapFilterProperties
- executor
- name
- maxThreads
- coreThreads
- keepAlive
- stealPolicy
- rejectedWorkPolicy
- featureManager
- fileset
- hostInfo
- userId
- password
- userHome
- sudoUser
- sudoPassword
- sshPort
- hostName
- privateKeyPath
- publicKeyPath
- privateKeyPassword
- httpClassification
- httpDispatcher
- httpEncoding
- converter.Shift_JIS
- converter.EUC-JP
- converter.EUC-KR
- converter.EUC_KR
- converter.EUC-TW
- converter.Big5
- converter.GB2312
- converter.ISO-2022-KR
- encoding.en
- encoding.fr
- encoding.de
- encoding.es
- encoding.pt
- httpEndpoint
- httpOptionsRef
- sslOptionsRef
- tcpOptionsRef
- enabled
- host
- httpPort
- httpsPort
- virtualHost
- httpOptions
- sslOptions
- tcpOptions
- httpOptions
- httpSession
- storageRef
- sslTrackingEnabled
- urlRewritingEnabled
- protocolSwitchRewritingEnabled
- cookiesEnabled
- cookieName
- cookieDomain
- cookieMaxAge
- cookiePath
- cookieSecure
- cookieHttpOnly
- maxInMemorySessionCount
- allowOverflow
- invalidationTimeout
- securityIntegrationEnabled
- idLength
- useContextRootAsCookiePath
- alwaysEncodeUrl
- cloneId
- cloneSeparator
- debugCrossover
- forceInvalidationMultiple
- idReuse
- noAdditionalInfo
- reaperPollInterval
- rewriteId
- securityUserIgnoreCase
- V8.5.0.1 invalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException
- httpSessionDatabase
- dataSourceRef
- useMultiRowSchema
- db2RowSize
- 4KB
- 8KB
- 16KB
- 32KB
- tableSpaceName
- scheduleInvalidation
- scheduleInvalidationFirstHour
- scheduleInvalidationSecondHour
- writeFrequency
- writeInterval
- writeContents
- noAffinitySwitchBack
- onlyCheckInCacheDuringPreInvoke
- optimizeCacheIdIncrements
- tableName
- useInvalidatedId
- useOracleBlob
- V8.5.0.1 skipIndexCreation
- V8.5.0.1 usingCustomSchemaName
- idsLdapFilterProperties
- include
- iplanetLdapFilterProperties
- jaasLoginContextEntry
- loginModuleRef
- jaasLoginModule
- className
- controlFlag
- libraryRef
- library
- options
- jdbcDriver
- jndiEntry
- jpa
- defaultJtaDataSourceJndiName
- defaultNonJtaDataSourceJndiName
- defaultPersistenceProvider
- entityManagerPoolCapacity
- excludedApplication
- jspEngine
- disableJspRuntimeCompilation
- extendedDocumentRoot
- jdkSourceLevel
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
- keepGenerated
- useInMemory
- recompileJspOnRestart
- useImplicitTagLibs
- disableResourceInjection
- keyStore
- ldapRegistry
- baseDN
- ldapType
- reuseConnection
- sslEnabled
- sslRef
- searchTimeout
- connectTimeout
- certificateMapMode
- certificateFilter
- activedFiltersRef
- customFiltersRef
- domino50FiltersRef
- edirectoryFiltersRef
- idsFiltersRef
- iplanetFiltersRef
- netscapeFiltersRef
- securewayFiltersRef
- failoverServers
- activedFilters
- customFilters
- domino50Filters
- edirectoryFilters
- idsFilters
- iplanetFilters
- netscapeFilters
- securewayFilters
- library
- logging
- maxFileSize
- maxFiles
- logDirectory
- messageFileName
- traceFileName
- traceSpecification
- traceFormat
- consoleLogLevel
- ltpa
- mimeTypes
- monitor
- nativeTransactionManager
- netscapeLdapFilterProperties
- pluginConfiguration
- pluginInstallRoot
- webserverPort
- webserverSecurePort
- sslKeyringLocation
- sslStashfileLocation
- sslCertlabel
- V8.5.0.1 ipv6Preferred
- properties
- properties.datadirect.sqlserver
- databaseName
- serverName
- portNumber
- accountingInfo
- alternateServers
- alwaysReportTriggerResults
- applicationName
- authenticationMethod
- auto
- kerberos
- ntlm
- userIdPassword
- bulkLoadBatchSize
- bulkLoadOptions
- clientHostName
- clientUser
- codePageOverride
- connectionRetryCount
- connectionRetryDelay
- convertNull
- dateTimeInputParameterType
- auto
- dateTime
- dateTimeOffset
- dateTimeOutputParameterType
- auto
- dateTime
- dateTimeOffset
- describeInputParameters
- describeAll
- describeIfDateTime
- describeIfString
- noDescribe
- describeOutputParameters
- describeAll
- describeIfDateTime
- describeIfString
- noDescribe
- enableBulkLoad
- enableCancelTimeout
- encryptionMethod
- noEncryption
- loginSSL
- requestSSL
- failoverGranularity
- atomic
- atomicWithRepositioning
- disableIntegrityCheck
- nonAtomic
- failoverMode
- connect
- extended
- select
- failoverPreconnect
- hostNameInCertificate
- initializationString
- insensitiveResultSetBufferSize
- javaDoubleToString
- JDBCBehavior
- loadBalancing
- loginTimeout
- longDataCacheSize
- netAddress
- packetSize
- queryTimeout
- resultsetMetaDataOptions
- selectMethod
- cursor
- direct
- snapshotSerializable
- spyAttributes
- stringInputParameterType
- nvarchar
- varchar
- stringOutputParameterType
- nvarchar
- varchar
- suppressConnectionWarnings
- transactionMode
- explicit
- implicit
- truncateFractionalSeconds
- trustStore
- trustStorePassword
- useServerSideUpdatableCursors
- validateServerCertificate
- XATransactionGroup
- XMLDescribeType
- longvarbinary
- longvarchar
- properties.db2.i.native
- databaseName
- user
- password
- access
- all
- autoCommit
- batchStyle
- behaviorOverride
- blockSize
- cursorHold
- cursorSensitivity
- asensitive
- sensitive
- dataTruncation
- dateFormat
- dmy
- eur
- mdy
- iso
- jis
- julian
- usa
- ymd
- dateSeparator
- decimalSeparator
- doEscapeProcessing
- fullErrors
- libraries
- lobThreshold
- lockTimeout
- loginTimeout
- maximumPrecision
- maximumScale
- minimumDivideScale
- networkProtocol
- portNumber
- prefetch
- queryOptimizeGoal
- reuseObjects
- serverName
- serverTraceCategories
- systemNaming
- timeFormat
- eur
- hms
- iso
- jis
- usa
- timeSeparator
- transactionTimeout
- translateBinary
- translateHex
- binary
- character
- useBlockInsert
- properties.db2.i.toolbox
- serverName
- databaseName
- behaviorOverride
- bidiImplicitReordering
- bidiNumericOrdering
- bidiStringType
- bigDecimal
- blockCriteria
- blockSize
- cursorHold
- cursorSensitivity
- asensitive
- insensitive
- sensitive
- dataCompression
- dataTruncation
- dateFormat
- Range:
- dmy eur mdy iso jis julian usa ymd
- holdInputLocators
- holdStatements
- isolationLevelSwitchingSupport
- keepAlive
- lazyClose
- libraries
- lobThreshold
- loginTimeout
- maximumPrecision
- maximumScale
- metaDataSource
- minimumDivideScale
- naming
- packageCCSID
- packageCache
- packageCriteria
- packageError
- exception
- warning
- packageLibrary
- prefetch
- prompt
- proxyServer
- qaqqiniLibrary
- queryOptimizeGoal
- receiveBufferSize
- remarks
- rollbackCursorHold
- savePasswordWhenSerialized
- secondaryUrl
- sendBufferSize
- serverTraceCategories
- soLinger
- soTimeout
- sortLanguage
- sortTable
- sortWeight
- shared
- unqiue
- tcpNoDelay
- threadUsed
- timeFormat
- timeSeparator
- datastream
- diagnostic
- translateBinary
- translateBoolean
- translateHex
- trueAutoCommit
- xaLooselyCoupledSupport
- properties.db2.jcc
- V8.5.0.1 activateDatabase
- driverType
- databaseName
- serverName
- V8.5.0.1 alternateGroupDatabaseName
- V8.5.0.1 alternateGroupPortNumber
- V8.5.0.1 alternateGroupServerName
- blockingReadConnectionTimeout
- clientAccountingInformation
- clientApplicationInformation
- clientRerouteServerListJNDIName
- clientUser
- clientWorkstation
- V8.5.0.1 connectionCloseWithInFlightTransaction
- V8.5.0.1 currentAlternateGroupEntry
- currentFunctionPath
- V8.5.0.1 currentLocaleLcCtype
- currentLockTimeout
- currentPackagePath
- currentPackageSet
- currentSQLID
- currentSchema
- cursorSensitivity
- V8.5.0.1 enableAlternateGroupSeamlessACR
- enableClientAffinitiesList
- V8.5.0.1 enableExtendedDescribe
- V8.5.0.1 enableExtendedIndicators
- enableNamedParameterMarkers
- enableSeamlessFailover
- enableSysplexWLB
- fetchSize
- fullyMaterializeInputStreams
- V8.5.0.1 fullyMaterializeInputStreamsOnBatchExecution
- fullyMaterializeLobData
- V8.5.0.1 implicitRollbackOption
- V8.5.0.1 interruptProcessingMode
- V8.5.0.1 keepAliveTimeOut
- keepDynamic
- kerberosServerPrincipal
- loginTimeout
- V8.5.0.1 maxConnCachedParamBufferSize
- maxRetriesForClientReroute
- V8.5.0.1 profileName
- queryCloseImplicit
- queryDataSize
- V8.5.0.1 queryTimeoutInterruptProcessingMode
- readOnly
- V8.5.0.1 recordTemporalHistory
- resultSetHoldability
- resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries
- retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage
- retryIntervalForClientReroute
- securityMechanism
- sendDataAsIs
- sessionTimeZone
- sqljCloseStmtsWithOpenResultSet
- sqljEnableClassLoaderSpecificProfiles
- sslConnection
- streamBufferSize
- stripTrailingZerosForDecimalNumbers
- V8.5.0.1 sysSchema
- V8.5.0.1 timerLevelForQueryTimeOut
- V8.5.0.1 traceFile
- traceFileAppend
- V8.5.0.1 traceFileCount
- V8.5.0.1 traceFileSize
- traceLevel
- V8.5.0.1 traceOption
- V8.5.0.1 translateForBitData
- V8.5.0.1 updateCountForBatch
- useCachedCursor
- V8.5.0.1 useIdentityValLocalForAutoGeneratedKeys
- useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics
- V8.5.0.1 useJDBC41DefinitionForGetColumns
- useTransactionRedirect
- xaNetworkOptimization
- properties.derby.client
- createDatabase
- connectionAttributes
- loginTimeout
- retrieveMessageText
- securityMechanism
- shutdownDatabase
- shutdown
- peerAuthentication
- traceDirectory
- traceFile
- traceFileAppend
- traceLevel
- properties.derby.embedded
- properties.informix
- ifxCPMAgeLimit
- ifxCPMInitPoolSize
- ifxCPMMaxConnections
- ifxCPMMaxPoolSize
- ifxCPMMinAgeLimit
- ifxCPMMinPoolSize
- ifxCPMServiceInterval
- ifxGL_DATE
- ifxPATH
- ifxPROXY
- ifxTRACE
- loginTimeout
- roleName
- properties.informix.jcc
- databaseName
- serverName
- currentLockTimeout
- deferPrepares
- driverType
- enableNamedParameterMarkers
- enableSeamlessFailover
- enableSysplexWLB
- fetchSize
- fullyMaterializeLobData
- keepDynamic
- loginTimeout
- progressiveStreaming
- queryDataSize
- resultSetHoldability
- resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries
- retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage
- securityMechanism
- traceDirectory
- traceFileAppend
- useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics
- properties.microsoft.sqlserver
- applicationIntent
- ReadOnly
- authenticationScheme
- JavaKerberos
- NativeAuthentication
- encrypt
- failoverPartner
- hostNameInCertificate
- integratedSecurity
- lastUpdateCount
- lockTimeout
- loginTimeout
- multiSubnetFailover
- packetSize
- responseBuffering
- adaptive
- full
- selectMethod
- cursor
- sendStringParametersAsUnicode
- sendTimeAsDatetime
- trustServerCertificate
- trustStore
- trustStorePassword
- workstationID
- xopenStates
- properties.oracle
- properties.sybase
- networkProtocol
- socket
- resourceManagerName
- quickStartSecurity
- safAuthorization
- roleMapper
- safCredentials
- unauthenticatedUser
- profilePrefix
- safRegistry
- safRoleMapper
- securewayLdapFilterProperties
- ssl
- sslDefault
- sslOptions
- tcpOptions
- transaction
- recoverOnStartup
- waitForRecovery
- acceptHeuristicHazard
- clientInactivityTimeout
- heuristicRetryInterval
- heuristicRetryWait
- propogatedOrBMTTranLifetimeTimeout
- totalTranLifetimeTimeout
- transactionLogDirectory
- transactionLogSize
- enableLoggingForHeuristicReporting
- timeoutGracePeriodEnabled
- lpsHeuristicCompletion
- defaultMaxShutdownDelay
- trustAssociation
- invokeForUnprotectedURI
- failOverToAppAuthType
- interceptors
- invokeBeforeSSO
- invokeAfterSSO
- libraryRef
- variable
- virtualHost
- webAppSecurity
- allowFailOverToBasicAuth
- displayAuthenticationRealm
- httpOnlyCookies
- logoutOnHttpSessionExpire
- logoutPageRedirectDomainNames
- postParamCookieSize
- postParamSaveMethod
- Cookie
- Session
- preserveFullyQualifiedReferrerUrl
- singleSignonEnabled
- ssoCookieName
- ssoDomainNames
- ssoRequiresSSL
- ssoUseDomainFromURL
- useAuthenticationDataForUnprotectedResource
- webAlwaysLogin
- webContainer
- listeners
- decodeUrlAsUtf8
- fileServingEnabled
- disallowAllFileServing
- directoryBrowsingEnabled
- serveServletsByClassnameEnabled
- disallowServeServletsByClassName
- doNotServeByClassName
- trustHostHeaderPort
- trusted
- extractHostHeaderPort
- httpsIndicatorHeader
- exposeWebInfOnDispatch
- decodeUrlPlusSign
- channelWriteType
- suppressHtmlRecursiveErrorOutput
- fileWrapperEvents
- defaultTraceRequestBehavior
- defaultHeadRequestBehavior
- tolerateSymbolicLinks
- symbolicLinksCacheSize
- enableErrorExceptionTypeFirst
- enableMultiReadOfPostData
- copyAttributesKeySet
- dispatcherRethrowsEr
- ignoreSessiononStaticFileRequest
- invokeFilterInitAtStartup
- enableJspMappingOverride
- enableDefaultIsElIgnoredInTag
- parseUtf8PostData
- logServletContainerInitializerClassLoadingErrors
- allowIncludeSendError
- skipMetaInfResourcesProcessing
- metaInfResourcesCacheSize
- xPoweredBy
- disableXPoweredBy
- deferServletLoad
- asyncMaxSizeTaskPool
- asyncPurgeInterval
- asyncTimeoutDefault
- asyncTimerThreads
- wlmClassification
- zosWorkloadManager
List of default Microsoft Active Directory LDAP filters.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.actived.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the registry for users.
- Default: (&(sAMAccountName=%v)(objectcategory=user))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the registry for groups.
- Default: (&(cn=%v)(objectcategory=group))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: user:sAMAccountName
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default: memberof:member
- Required: true
- Data type: string
A collection of users and/or groups assigned the server administrator role.
PID: com.ibm.ws.management.security.role.administrator.
Define the properties of an application.
PID: com.ibm.ws.app.manager.
- location
- Location of an application expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server-level apps directory.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- name
- Name of an application.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- type
- Type of application archive.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- context-root
- Context root of an application.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- autoStart
- Indicates whether or not the server should start the application automatically when the server starts.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Binds general deployment information included in the application to specific resources.
PID: com.ibm.ws.javaee.dd.appbnd, and it is the child of complex type "application".
- security-role
- Required: false
- Data type: A role mapped to users and groups in a domain user registry.
- user
- Required: false
- Data type: A user possessing a security role.
- group
- Required: false
- Data type: A group possessing a security role.
- special-subject
- Required: false
- Data type: Name of a special-subject possessing a security role.
- run-as
- Required: false
- Data type: ID and password of a user required to access a bean from another bean.
- userid
- ID of a user required to access a bean from another bean.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- password
- Password of a user required to access a bean from another bean. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. To encode the password, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
Define how the server responds to application additions, updates, and deletions.
PID: com.ibm.ws.app.manager.monitor.
- pollingRate
- Rate at which the server checks for application additions, updates, and deletions. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 500ms
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dropins
- Location of the application drop-in directory expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server directory.
- Default: dropins
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dropinsEnabled
- Monitor the drop-in directory for application additions, updates, and deletions.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- updateTrigger
- Application update method or trigger.
- Default: polled
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Control the operation of the authentication cache service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authentication.cache.
- initialSize
- Initial number of entries supported by the authentication cache.
- Default: 50
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- maxSize
- Maximum number of entries supported by the authentication cache.
- Default: 25000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- timeout
- Amount of time after which an entry in the cache will be removed. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 600s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- allowBasicAuthLookup
- Allow lookup by user ID and hashed password.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Authentication data for connecting to an Enterprise Information System (EIS).
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.jca.internal.authdata.config.
- user
- Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- password
- Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. IBM recommends encoding this password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option.
- Required: true
- Data type: password (string)
Control the built-in authentication service configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authentication.
- cacheEnabled
- Enable the authentication cache.
- Default: true
- Required: true
- Data type: boolean
- allowHashtableLoginWithIdOnly
- Allow an application to login with just an identity in the hashtable properties. Use this option only when we have applications that require this and have other means to validate the identity.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.basic.config.
- user
- Required: false
- Data type: A user in a Basic User Registry.
name Name of a user in a Basic User Registry.
Required: true
Data type: stringpassword Password of a user in a Basic User Registry. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. IBM recommends encoding the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option.
Required: true
Data type: password (string)
- group
- Required: false
- Data type: A group in a Basic User Registry.
EBA bundle repository service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.eba.bundle.repository.
Define channel and chain management settings.
PID: com.ibm.ws.channelfw.
- chainStartRetryInterval
- Time interval between start retries. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 5s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- chainStartRetryAttempts
- Number of retry attempts to make per chain.
- Default: 60
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- chainQuiesceTimeout
- Default amount of time to wait while quiescing chains. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 30s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- warningWaitTime
- Amount of time to wait before notifying of a missing factory configuration. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 10s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Classloader Service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.classloading.classloader, and it is the child of complex type "application".
- delegation
- Control whether parent classloader is used before or after this classloader.
- Default: parentFirst
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- privateLibraryRef
- List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders.
- Required: false
- Data type: List of configuration IDs of type library (comma-separated string).
- commonLibraryRef
- List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders.
- Required: false
- Data type: List of configuration IDs of type library (comma-separated string).
- apiTypeVisibility
- The types of API package this class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, ibm-spi, third-party.
- Default: spec,ibm-api,user
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- privateLibrary
- List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type library.
- commonLibrary
- List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type library.
Define how the server processes configuration information.
PID: com.ibm.ws.config.
- onError
- Action to take after incurring a configuration error.
- Inherits: onError
- Default: WARN
- Range:
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- monitorInterval
- Rate at which the server checks for configuration updates. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 500ms
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- updateTrigger
- Configuration update method or trigger.
- Default: polled
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Connection Manager configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jca.connectionManager.
- agedTimeout
- Amount of time before a physical connection can be discarded by pool maintenance. A value of -1 disables this timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: -1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- connectionTimeout
- Amount of time after which a connection request times out. A value of -1 disables this timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 30s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- maxIdleTime
- Amount of time after which an unused or idle connection can be discarded during pool maintenance, if doing so does not reduce the pool below the minimum size. A value of -1 disables this timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 30m
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- maxPoolSize
- Maximum number of physical connections for a pool. A value of 0 means unlimited.
- Default: 50
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- minPoolSize
- Minimum number of physical connections to maintain in the pool. The pool is not pre-populated. Aged timeout can override the minimum.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- purgePolicy
- Which connections to destroy when a stale connection is detected in a pool.
- Default: EntirePool
- Range:
- EntirePool
- When a stale connection is detected, all connections in the pool are marked stale, and when no longer in use, are closed.
- FailingConnectionOnly
- When a stale connection is detected, only the connection which was found to be bad is closed.
- ValidateAllConnections
- When a stale connection is detected, connections are tested and those found to be bad are closed.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- reapTime
- Amount of time between runs of the pool maintenance thread. A value of -1 disables pool maintenance. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 3m
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- maxConnectionsPerThread
- Limits the number of open connections on each thread.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- numConnectionsPerThreadLocal
- Caches the specified number of connections for each thread.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
List of default Custom LDAP filters. PID is com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.custom.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=ePerson))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default:
(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=groupOfURLs)))- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:uid
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default:
groupOfNames:member;groupOfUniqueNames:uniqueMember- Required: true
- Data type: string
Define a data source configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.
- jndiName
- JNDI name for a data source.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- jdbcDriverRef
- JDBC driver for a data source.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type jdbcDriver (string).
- connectionManagerRef
- Connection manager for a data source.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type connectionManager (string).
- type
- Type of data source.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- connectionSharing
- How connections are matched for sharing.
- Default: MatchOriginalRequest
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- isolationLevel
- Default transaction isolation level.
- Range:
- Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
- Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
- Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
- Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.
- Snapshot isolation for Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver and DataDirect Connect for JDBC driver.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- statementCacheSize
- Maximum number of cached statements per connection.
- Default: 10
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- transactional
- Enable participation in transactions that are managed by the application server.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- beginTranForResultSetScrollingAPIs
- Attempt transaction enlistment when result set scrolling interfaces are used.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- beginTranForVendorAPIs
- Attempt transaction enlistment when vendor interfaces are used.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- commitOrRollbackOnCleanup
- Determines how to clean up connections that might be in a database unit of work (AutoCommit=false) when the connection is closed or returned to the pool.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- queryTimeout
- Default query timeout for SQL statements. In a JTA transaction, syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout can override this default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- recoveryAuthDataRef
- Authentication data for transaction recovery.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type authData (string).
- syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout
- Use the time remaining (if any) in a JTA transaction as the default query timeout for SQL statements.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- supplementalJDBCTrace
- Supplements the JDBC driver trace logged when JDBC driver trace is enabled in bootstrap.properties. JDBC driver trace specifications include: com.ibm.ws.database.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.db2.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.derby.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.informix.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.oracle.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.sqlserver.logwriter, com.ibm.ws.sybase.logwriter.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- jdbcDriver
- JDBC driver for a data source.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type jdbcDriver.
- connectionManager
- Connection manager for a data source.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type connectionManager.
- recoveryAuthData
- Authentication data for transaction recovery.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type authData.
List of default IBM Lotus Domino LDAP filters.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.domino50.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=Person))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=dominoGroup))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: person:uid
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default: dominoGroup:member
- Required: true
- Data type: string
List of Novell eDirectory LDAP filters. PID is com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.eDirectory.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=Person))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfNames))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: person:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default: groupOfNames:member
- Required: true
- Data type: string
Define threading and execution settings for the server.
PID: com.ibm.ws.threading.
- name
- Name of the executor for which the thread is performing work.
- Default: Default Executor
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- maxThreads
- Maximum number of threads that can be associated with the executor. If greater than 0, this value must be greater than or equal to the value of coreThreads. If the value of maxThreads is less than or equal to 0, the maximum number of threads is unbounded.
- Default: -1
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- coreThreads
- Steady-state or core number of threads to associate with the executor. The number of threads associated with the executor will quickly grow to this number. If this value is less than 0, a default value is used. This default value is calculated based on the number of hardware threads on the system.
- Default: -1
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- keepAlive
- Amount of time to keep an idle thread in the pool before allowing it to terminate. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 60s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- stealPolicy
- The work-stealing policy to employ. The options for this policy determine how work is queued, and how threads obtain queued work.
- Default: LOCAL
- Range:
- All threads that generate work own a local work pile. Threads that are associated with the executor take work from other threads when the local work pile is exhausted.
- A global work queue is used for work generated by threads that are not associated with the executor. Work generated by threads associated with the executor are placed on a local work pile. This work pile is owned by the generating thread, unless another thread steals it. Threads that are associated with the executor take work associated with other threads if the local work pile is empty and there is no work on the global work queue.
- A global work queue is used to feed work to threads that are associated with the executor. No stealing will occur.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- rejectedWorkPolicy
- Policy to employ when the executor is unable to stage work for execution.
- Default: ABORT
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Define how the server loads features.
PID: com.ibm.ws.kernel.feature.
- onError
- Action to take after a failure to load a feature.
- Inherits: onError
- Default: WARN
- Range:
- Server will issue warning and error messages when it incurs a feature configuration error.
- Server will issue a warning or error message on the first feature configuration error occurrence and then stop the server.
- Server will not issue any warning and error messages when it incurs a feature configuration error.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
Fileset Service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.kernel.metatype.helper.fileset.
- dir
- The base directory to search for files.
- Default: .
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- caseSensitive
- Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true).
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- includes
- The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *).
- Default: *
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- excludes
- The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- scanInterval
- Scanning interval to check the fileset for changes as a long with a time unit suffix h-hour, m-minute, s-second, ms-millisecond (e.g. 2ms or 5s). Disabled (scanInterval=0) by default. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Host information configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.management.repository.member.internal.publisher.HostPublisher.
- userId
- The user id for rxa connection
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- The password for the user id
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- userHome
- The home directory of the user
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sudoUser
- The sudo user id
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sudoPassword
- The password for the sudo user
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- sshPort
- The SSH running port
- Default: 22
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- hostName
- The fully qualified host name
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- privateKeyPath
- The SSH private key file path and name
- Default: ${server.output.dir}/resources/security/id_rsa
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- publicKeyPath
- The SSH public key file path and name
- Default: ${server.output.dir}/resources/security/id_rsa.pub
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- privateKeyPassword
- The password for the SSH private key
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
An element representing a rule used by WLM for classifying incoming HTTP requests.
PID: com.ibm.ws.zos.wlm.httpclassification, and it is the child of complex type "wlmClassification".
- transactionClass
- Define the priority
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- host
- Define which host to map the transaction class to
- Default: *
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- port
- Define which port to map the transaction class to
- Default: *
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- resource
- Define the URI to use when mapping transaction class
- Default: *
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- method
- Define the HTTP method to map to
- Default: *
- Required: false
- Data type: string
HTTP Dispatcher ocnfiguration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.http.dispatcher.
Configuration properties for the HTTP Transport Encoding service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.transport.http.encoding.
- converter.Shift_JIS
- Converter for Shift_JIS
- Default: Cp943C
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.EUC-JP
- Converter for EUC-JP
- Default: Cp33722C
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.EUC-KR
- Converter for EUC-KR
- Default: Cp970
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.EUC_KR
- Converter for EUC_KR
- Default: Cp970
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.EUC-TW
- Converter for EUC-TW
- Default: Cp964
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.Big5
- Converter for Big5
- Default: Cp950
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.GB2312
- Converter for GB2312
- Default: EUC_CN
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- converter.ISO-2022-KR
- Converter for ISO-2022-KR
- Default: ISO2022KR
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.en
- Encoding for 'en' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.fr
- Encoding for 'fr' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.de
- Encoding for 'de' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.es
- Encoding for 'es' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.pt
- Encoding for 'pt' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.da
- Encoding for 'da' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ca
- Encoding for 'ca' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.fi
- Encoding for 'fi' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.it
- Encoding for 'it' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.nl
- Encoding for 'nl' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.no
- Encoding for 'no' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sv
- Encoding for 'sv' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.is
- Encoding for 'is' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.eu
- Encoding for 'eu' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.cs
- Encoding for 'cs' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.hr
- Encoding for 'hr' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.hu
- Encoding for 'hu' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.lt
- Encoding for 'lt' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.pl
- Encoding for 'pl' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sh
- Encoding for 'sh' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sk
- Encoding for 'sk' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sl
- Encoding for 'sl' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sq
- Encoding for 'sq' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.fo
- Encoding for 'fo' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ro
- Encoding for 'ro' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.mt
- Encoding for 'mt' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-3
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.et
- Encoding for 'et' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-4
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.lv
- Encoding for 'lv' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-4
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.be
- Encoding for 'be' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.bg
- Encoding for 'bg' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.mk
- Encoding for 'mk' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ru
- Encoding for 'ru' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sr
- Encoding for 'sr' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.uk
- Encoding for 'uk' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ar
- Encoding for 'ar' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-6
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.fa
- Encoding for 'fa' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-6
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ms
- Encoding for 'ms' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-6
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.el
- Encoding for 'el' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-7
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.iw
- Encoding for 'iw' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.he
- Encoding for 'he' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ji
- Encoding for 'ji' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.yi
- Encoding for 'yi' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.tr
- Encoding for 'tr' locale
- Default: ISO-8859-9
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.th
- Encoding for 'th' locale
- Default: windows-874
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.vi
- Encoding for 'vi' locale
- Default: windows-1258
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ja
- Encoding for 'ja' locale
- Default: Shift_JIS
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ko
- Encoding for 'ko' locale
- Default: EUC-KR
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.zh
- Encoding for 'zh' locale
- Default: GB2312
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.zh_TW
- Encoding for 'zh_TW' locale
- Default: Big5
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.hy
- Encoding for 'hy' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ka
- Encoding for 'ka' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.hi
- Encoding for 'hi' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.mr
- Encoding for 'mr' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.sa
- Encoding for 'sa' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.ta
- Encoding for 'ta' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encoding.bn
- Encoding for 'bn' locale
- Default: UTF-8
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Configuration properties for an HTTP endpoint.
PID: com.ibm.ws.http.
- httpOptionsRef
- HTTP protocol options for the endpoint.
- Inherits: defaultHTTPVar
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type httpOptions (string).
- sslOptionsRef
- SSL protocol options for the endpoint.
- Inherits: defaultSSLVar
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type sslOptions (string).
- tcpOptionsRef
- TCP protocol options for the endpoint.
- Default: defaultTCPOptions
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type tcpOptions (string).
- enabled
- Toggle the availability of an endpoint. When true, this endpoint will be activated by the dispatcher to handle HTTP requests.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- host
- IP address, domain name server (DNS) host name with domain name suffix, or just the DNS host name, used by a client to request a resource. Use '*' for all available network interfaces.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- httpPort
- The port used for client HTTP requests. Use -1 to disable this port.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- httpsPort
- The port used for client HTTP requests secured with SSL (https). Use -1 to disable this port.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- virtualHost
- ID of a configured virtual host. All endpoints are associated with the 'default_host' virtual host by default.
- Default: default_host
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- httpOptions
- HTTP protocol options for the endpoint.
- Inherits: defaultHTTPVar
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type httpOptions.
- sslOptions
- SSL protocol options for the endpoint.
- Inherits: defaultSSLVar
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type sslOptions.
- tcpOptions
- TCP protocol options for the endpoint.
- Default: defaultTCPOptions
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type tcpOptions.
HTTP protocol configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.http.options.
- keepAliveEnabled
- Enable persistent connections (HTTP keepalive). If true, connections are kept alive for reuse by multiple sequential requests and responses. If false, connections are closed after the response is sent.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- maxKeepAliveRequests
- Maximum number of persistent requests allowed on a single HTTP connection if persistent connections are enabled. A value of -1 means unlimited.
- Default: 100
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- persistTimeout
- Amount of time that a socket will be allowed to remain idle between requests. This setting only applies if persistent connections are enabled. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 30s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- readTimeout
- Amount of time to wait for a read request to complete on a socket after the first read occurs. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 60s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- writeTimeout
- Amount of time to wait on a socket for each portion of the response data to be transmitted. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 60s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Configuration for HTTP session management.
PID: com.ibm.ws.session.
- storageRef
- ID of the persistent storage location for session data. If no storage location is defined, session data will be stored in the local application server's memory.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sslTrackingEnabled
- Session tracking uses SSL information as a session ID.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- urlRewritingEnabled
- The session management facility uses rewritten URLs to carry the session IDs.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- protocolSwitchRewritingEnabled
- Adds the session ID to a URL when the URL requires a switch from HTTP to HTTPS or from HTTPS to HTTP.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- cookiesEnabled
- Session tracking uses cookies to carry session IDs.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- cookieName
- Unique name for a session management cookie.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- cookieDomain
- Domain field of a session tracking cookie.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- cookieMaxAge
- Maximum amount of time that a cookie can reside on the client browser.
- Default: -1
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- cookiePath
- A cookie is sent to the URL designated in the path.
- Default: /
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- cookieSecure
- The session cookies include the secure field.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- cookieHttpOnly
- Session cookies include the HttpOnly field. Browsers that support the HttpOnly field do not enable cookies to be accessed by client-side scripts. Using the HttpOnly field will help prevent cross-site scripting attacks.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- maxInMemorySessionCount
- Maximum number of sessions to maintain in memory for each web module.
- Default: 1000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- allowOverflow
- Allows the number of sessions in memory to exceed the value of the Max in-memory session count property.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- invalidationTimeout
- Amount of time a session can go unused before it is no longer valid.
- Default: 1800
- Required: false
- Data type: long
- securityIntegrationEnabled
- Enable security integration, which causes the session management facility to associate the identity of users with their HTTP sessions.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- idLength
- Length of the session identifier.
- Default: 23
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- useContextRootAsCookiePath
- The cookie path equals the context root of the web module instead of /
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- alwaysEncodeUrl
- The Servlet 2.5 specification specifies to not encode the URL on a response.encodeURL call if it is not necessary. To support backward compatibility when URL encoding is enabled, set this property to true to call the encodeURL method. The URL is always encoded, even if the browser supports cookies.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- cloneId
- The clone ID of the cluster member. Within a cluster, this ID must be unique to maintain session affinity. When set, this name overwrites the default name generated by the server.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- cloneSeparator
- The single character used to separate the session ID from the clone ID in session cookies. The default value should usually be used. On some Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) devices, a colon (:) is not allowed, so a plus sign (+) should be used instead. Different values should rarely be used. You should understand the clone character requirements of other products running on the system before using this property to change the clone separator character. The fact that any character can be specified as the value for this property does not imply the character we specify will function correctly. This fact also does not imply that IBM is responsible for fixing any problem that might arise from using an alternative character.
- Default: :
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- debugCrossover
- Enable this option to perform additional checks to verify that only the session associated with the request is accessed or referenced, and log messages if any discrepancies are detected. Disable this option to skip the additional checks.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- forceInvalidationMultiple
- If wer requests normally are not bound by a response time limit, specify 0 to indicate the session manager should wait indefinitely until a request is complete before attempting to invalidate the session. Otherwise, set this property to a positive integer to delay the invalidation of active sessions. Active timed out sessions will not be invalidated by the first invalidation interval pass, but will be invalidated by the interval pass based on this value. For example, a value of 2 would invalidate an active session on the second invalidation interval pass after the session timeout has expired.
- Default: 3
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- idReuse
- In a multi-JVM environment not configured for session persistence, setting this property to "true" enables the session manager to use the same session information for all of a user's requests even if the web applications that are handling these requests are governed by different JVMs. The default value for this property is false. Set to true to enable the session manager to use the session ID sent from a browser to preserve session data across web applications that are running in an environment not configured for session persistence.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- noAdditionalInfo
- Forces removal of information not needed in session identifiers.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- reaperPollInterval
- The wake-up interval, in seconds, for the process that removes invalid sessions. Minimum value is 30 seconds. If a value less than the minimum is entered, an appropriate value is automatically determined and used. This value overrides the default installation value, which is between 30 and 360 seconds, based off the session timeout value. Because the default session timeout is 30 minutes, the reaper interval is usually between 2 and 3 minutes.
- Default: -1
- Required: false
- Data type: long
- rewriteId
- Use this property to change the key used with URL rewriting.
- Default: jsessionid
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- securityUserIgnoreCase
- Indicates the session security identity and the client security identity should be considered a match even if their cases are different. For example, when this property is set to true, the session security identity USER1 matches the client security identities User1 and user1.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 invalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException
- Set to true if, in response to an unauthorized request, you want the session manager to invalidate a session instead of issuing an UnauthorizedSessionRequestException error message. When a session is invalidated, the requester can create a new session, but does not have access to any of the previously saved session data. This allows a single user to continue processing requests to other applications after a logout while still protecting session data.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Control how HTTP sessions are persisted to a database.
PID: com.ibm.ws.session.db.
- dataSourceRef
- ID of the data source the session manager should use to persist HTTP session data.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- useMultiRowSchema
- When enabled, each session data attribute is placed in a separate row in the database, allowing larger amounts of data to be stored for each session. This configuration can yield better performance when session attributes are very large and few changes are required to the session attributes. When disabled, all session data attributes are placed in the same row for each session.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- db2RowSize
- Table space page size configured for the sessions table, if using a DB2 database. Increasing this value can improve database performance in some environments.
- Default: 4KB
- Range:
- 4KB
- Use the default table space page size of 4 KB. We do not need to create a DB2 buffer pool or table space, and we do not need to specify a table space name.
- 8KB
- Use a table space page size of 8 KB. You must additionally create a DB2 buffer pool and table space, and specify 8KB as the page size for both. You must also specify the name of the table space you created.
- 16KB
- Use a table space page size of 16 KB. You must additionally create a DB2 buffer pool and table space, and specify 16KB as the page size for both. You must also specify the name of the table space you created.
- 32KB
- Use a table space page size of 32 KB. You must additionally create a DB2 buffer pool and table space, and specify 32KB as the page size for both. You must also specify the name of the table space you created.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- tableSpaceName
- Table space to be used for the sessions table. This value is only required when the DB2 Row Size is greater than 4KB.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- scheduleInvalidation
- Enable this option to reduce the number of database updates required to keep the HTTP sessions alive. Specify the two hours of a day when there is the least activity in the application server. When this option is disabled, the invalidator process runs every few minutes to remove invalidated HTTP sessions.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- scheduleInvalidationFirstHour
- Indicates the first hour during which the invalidated sessions are cleared from the persistent store. Specify this value as an integer between 0 and 23. This value is valid only when schedule invalidation is enabled.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- scheduleInvalidationSecondHour
- Indicates the second hour during which the invalidated sessions are cleared from the persistent store. Specify this value as an integer between 0 and 23. This value is valid only when schedule invalidation is enabled.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- writeFrequency
- When session data is written to the persistent store. By default, session data is written to the persistent store after the servlet completes execution. Changing this value can improve performance in some environments.
- Range:
- Session data is written to the persistent store after the servlet completes execution.
- A programmatic sync on the IBMSession object is required to write the session data to the persistent store.
- Session data is written to the persistent store based on the specified write interval value.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- writeInterval
- Number of seconds that should pass before writing session data to the persistent store. The default is 120 seconds. This value is only used when a time based write frequency is enabled.
- Default: 120
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- writeContents
- How much session data should be written to the persistent store. By default, only updated attributes are written, but all attributes can be written instead (regardless of whether or not they changed).
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- noAffinitySwitchBack
- Set to "true" to maintain affinity to the new member even after original one comes back up. When a cluster member fails, its requests routed to a different cluster member, and sessions are activated in that other member. Thus, session affinity is maintained to the new member, and when failed cluster member comes back up, the requests for sessions that were created in the original cluster member are routed back to it. Allowed values are true or false, with the default being false. Set to true when we have distributed sessions configured with time-based write. Note that this property has no affect on the behavior when distributed sessions is not enabled.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- onlyCheckInCacheDuringPreInvoke
- A value of true indicates the last access time of a session should only be updated if a request gets the session. A value of false indicates the last access time of a session should be updated upon every request. Changing this value can improve performance in some environments.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- optimizeCacheIdIncrements
- If the user's browser session is moving back and forth across multiple web applications, you might see extra persistent store activity as the in-memory sessions for a web module are refreshed from the persistent store. As a result, the cache IDs are continually increasing and the in-memory session attributes are overwritten by those of the persistent copy. Set to true to prevent the cache IDs from continually increasing. A value of true indicates the session manager should assess whether the in-memory session for a web module is older than the copy in persistent store. If the configuration is a cluster, ensure the system times of each cluster member are as identical as possible.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- tableName
- The database table name.
- Default: sessions
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- useInvalidatedId
- Set to "true" to reuse the incoming ID if the session with that ID was recently invalidated. This is a performance optimization because it prevents checking the persistent store.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- useOracleBlob
- Set to "true" to create the database table using the Binary Large Object (BLOB) data type for the medium column. This value increases performance of persistent sessions when Oracle databases are used. Due to an Oracle restriction, BLOB support requires use of the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) database driver for more than 4000 bytes of data. You must also ensure that a new sessions table is created before the server is restarted by dropping your old sessions table or by changing the datasource definition to reference a database that does not contain a sessions table.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 skipIndexCreation
- Set to "true" to disable index creation on server startup. This custom property should only be used to manually create our own database indices for session persistence. However, IBM recommends that you let session manager create database indices. Before enabling this property, make sure the correct index does exist on your session database.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 usingCustomSchemaName
- Set to "true" if you are using DB2 for session persistence and the currentSchema property is set in the data source.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
List of default IBM Tivoli Directory Server LDAP filters.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.ids.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=ePerson))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default:
(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(objectclass=groupOfURLs)))- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:uid
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default:
groupOfNames:member;groupOfUniqueNames:uniqueMember- Required: true
- Data type: string
Configuration resource to include in the servers configuration.
List of default Sun Java System Directory Server LDAP filters. PID is com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.iPlanet.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default: (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: inetOrgPerson:uid
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default: nsRole:nsRole
- Required: true
- Data type: string
The JAAS login context entry configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authentication.internal.jaas.jaasLoginContextEntry.
- name
- Name of a JAAS configuration entry.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- loginModuleRef
- A reference to the ID of a JAAS login module.
- Default: hashtable, userNameAndPassword, certificate, token
- Required: false
- Data type: List of configuration IDs of type jaasLoginModule (comma-separated string).
A login module in the JAAS configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authentication.internal.jaas.jaasLoginModuleConfig.
- className
- Fully-qualified package name of the JAAS login module class.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- controlFlag
- The login module's control flag. Valid values are REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT, and OPTIONAL.
- Default: REQUIRED
- Range:
- This LoginModule is REQUIRED as per the JAAS specification. The LoginModule is required to succeed.
- controlFlag.REQUISITE
- This LoginModule is SUFFICIENT as per the JAAS specification. The LoginModule is not required to succeed. If authentication is successful, no other LoginModules will be called and control is returned to the caller.
- This LoginModule is OPTIONAL as per the JAAS specification. The LoginModule is not required to succeed.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- libraryRef
- A reference to the ID of the shared library configuration.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type library (string).
Identifies a JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.jdbcDriver.
- libraryRef
- Identifies JDBC driver JARs and native files.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type library (string).
- javax.sql.XADataSource
- JDBC driver implementation of javax.sql.XADataSource.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
- JDBC driver implementation of javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- javax.sql.DataSource
- JDBC driver implementation of javax.sql.DataSource.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- library
- Identifies JDBC driver JARs and native files.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type library.
A single entry in the JNDI default namespace.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jndi.internal.JNDIEntry.
Configuration properties for the Java Persistence API container.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jpacomponent.
- defaultJtaDataSourceJndiName
- Default Java. Transaction API (JTA) data source JNDI name to be used by applications running in this server. By default, data sources are JTA. Only data sources that are transactional are allowed in this field.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- defaultNonJtaDataSourceJndiName
- Default non-transactional data source JNDI name to be used by applications running in this server. Only data sources that have been marked as non-transactional are allowed in this field.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- defaultPersistenceProvider
- Default persistence provider.
- Default: com.ibm.websphere.persistence.PersistenceProviderImpl
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- entityManagerPoolCapacity
- EntityManager pool capacity per PersistenceContext reference. Minimum is 0 and the maximum is 500.
- Default: -1
- Required: false
- Data type: int
JSP 2.2 configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jsp.2.2.
- disableJspRuntimeCompilation
- Disable compilation of JSPs at runtime.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- extendedDocumentRoot
- Directory the JSP engine will search for additional JSP files to serve.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- jdkSourceLevel
- Default Java source level for JSPs compiled by the JSP engine.
- Default: 15
- Range: 13 14 15 16
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- keepGenerated
- Keep Java source files generated for JSPs.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- useInMemory
- Generate Java source and classes in memory (without writing to disk).
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- recompileJspOnRestart
- Recompile JSPs after an application is restarted. JSPs are recompiled on first access.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- useImplicitTagLibs
- Allow JSPs to use jsx and tsx tag libs.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- disableResourceInjection
- Disable injection of resources into JSPs.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
A repository of security certificates used for SSL encryption.
PID: com.ibm.ws.ssl.keystore.
- password
- The password used to load the keystore file. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. Use the securityUtility tool to encode the password.
- Required: true
- Data type: password (string)
- location
- An absolute or relative path to the keystore file. If a relative path is provided, the server will attempt to locate the file in the ${server.config.dir}/resources/security directory. Use the keystore file for a file-based keystore, the keyring name for SAF keyrings, or the device configuration file for hardware cryptography devices. In the SSL minimal configuration, the location of the file is assumed to be ${server.config.dir}/resources/security/key.jks.
- Default: ${server.output.dir}/resources/security/key.jks
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- type
- A keystore type supported by the target SDK.
- Default: jks
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Configuration properties for an LDAP user registry. PID is com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.config.
- host
- Address of the LDAP server in the form of a IP address or a domain name service (DNS) name.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- port
- Port number of the LDAP server.
- Required: true
- Data type: int
- baseDN
- Base distinguished name (DN) of the directory service, which indicates the starting point for LDAP searches in the directory service.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- ldapType
- Type of LDAP server to which a connection will be established.
- Range:
- Microsoft Active Directory
- actived
- Custom
- IBM Lotus Domino
- domino50
- Novell eDirectory
- edirectory
- IBM Tivoli Directory Server
- ibm_dir_server
- Sun Java System Directory Server
- iplanet
- Netscape Directory Server
- netscape
- IBM SecureWay Directory Server
- secureway
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- realm
- The realm name represents the user registry.
- Default: LdapRegistry
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- bindDN
- Distinguished name (DN) for the application server, which is used to bind to the directory service.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- bindPassword
- Password for the bind DN. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. IBM recommends encoding the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- ignoreCase
- Perform a case-insensitive authentication check.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- recursiveSearch
- Performs a nested group search. Select this option only if the LDAP server does not support recursive server-side searches.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- reuseConnection
- Requests the application server to reuse the LDAP server connection.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sslEnabled
- Indicates whether an SSL connection should be made to the LDAP server.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sslRef
- ID of the SSL configuration to be used to connect to the SSL-enabled LDAP server.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- searchTimeout
- Maximum time for an LDAP server to respond before a request is canceled. This is equivalent to a read timeout once the connection is established. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 1m
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- connectTimeout
- Maximum time for establishing a connection to the LDAP server. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 1m
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- certificateMapMode
- Whether to map x.509 certificates into an LDAP directory by EXACT_DN or CERTIFICATE_FILTER. Specify CERTIFICATE_FILTER to use the specified certificate filter for the mapping.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- certificateFilter
- Filter certificate mapping property for the LDAP filter. The filter is used to map attributes in the client certificate to entries in the LDAP registry. For example, the filter can be specified as: uid=${SubjectCN}.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- activedFiltersRef
- List of default Microsoft Active Directory LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type activedLdapFilterProperties (string).
- customFiltersRef
- List of default Custom LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type customLdapFilterProperties (string).
- domino50FiltersRef
- List of default IBM Lotus Domino LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type domino50LdapFilterProperties (string).
- edirectoryFiltersRef
- List of Novell eDirectory LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type edirectoryLdapFilterProperties (string).
- idsFiltersRef
- List of default IBM Tivoli Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type idsLdapFilterProperties (string).
- iplanetFiltersRef
- List of default Sun Java System Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type iplanetLdapFilterProperties (string).
- netscapeFiltersRef
- List of default Netscape Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type netscapeLdapFilterProperties (string).
- securewayFiltersRef
- List of default IBM SecureWay Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type securewayLdapFilterProperties (string).
- failoverServers
- List of LDAP failover servers.
- Required: false
- Data type: List of LDAP failover servers.
- name
- Configuration properties for LDAP failover servers.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- server
- Configuration properties for LDAP failover server.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration properties for LDAP failover server.
- host
- LDAP server host name, which can be either an IP address or a domain name service (DNS) name.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- port
- LDAP failover server port.
- Required: true
- Data type: int
- activedFilters
- List of default Microsoft Active Directory LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type activedLdapFilterProperties.
- customFilters
- List of default Custom LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type customLdapFilterProperties.
- domino50Filters
- List of default IBM Lotus Domino LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type domino50LdapFilterProperties.
- edirectoryFilters
- List of Novell eDirectory LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type edirectoryLdapFilterProperties.
- idsFilters
- List of default IBM Tivoli Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type idsLdapFilterProperties.
- iplanetFilters
- List of default Sun Java System Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type iplanetLdapFilterProperties.
- netscapeFilters
- List of default Netscape Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type netscapeLdapFilterProperties.
- securewayFilters
- List of default IBM SecureWay Directory Server LDAP filters.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type securewayLdapFilterProperties.
Shared Library.
PID: com.ibm.ws.classloading.sharedlibrary.
- name
- Name of shared library for administrators
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- description
- Description of shared library for administrators
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- filesetRef
- Id of referenced Fileset
- Required: false
- Data type: List of configuration IDs of type fileset (comma-separated string).
- apiTypeVisibility
- The types of API package this library's class loader will be able to see, as a comma-separated list of any combination of the following: spec, ibm-api, ibm-spi, third-party.
- Default: spec,ibm-api,user
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Control the output of log and trace messages.
PID: com.ibm.ws.logging.
- maxFileSize
- Maximum size of a log file, in megabytes, before being rolled over; a value of 0 means no limit.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.max.file.size
- Default: 20
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- maxFiles
- Maximum number of log files that will be kept, before the oldest file is removed; a value of 0 means no limit.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.max.files
- Default: 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- logDirectory
- Location to which all log files will be written. Default is ${server.output.dir}/logs.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.log.directory
- Default: ${server.output.dir}/logs
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- messageFileName
- Name of the file to which message output will be written relative to the configured log directory. The default value is messages.log.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.message.file.name
- Default: messages.log
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFileName
- Name of the file to which trace output will be written relative to the configured log directory. The default value is trace.log.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.trace.file.name
- Default: trace.log
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceSpecification
- A trace specification that conforms to the trace specification grammar and specifies the initial state for various trace components. An empty value is allowed and treated as 'disable all trace'. Any component not specified is initialized to a default state of disabled.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.trace.specification
- Default: *=info=enabled
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFormat
- This format is used for the trace log.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.trace.format
- Default: ENHANCED
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- consoleLogLevel
- The logging level used to filter messages written to system streams. Default is audit.
- Inherits: com.ibm.ws.logging.console.log.level
- Default: AUDIT
- Range:
INFO Info, audit, and warning messages will be written to the system output stream. Error messages will be written to the system error stream. AUDIT Audit and warning messages will be written to the system output stream. Error messages will be written to the system error stream. WARNING Warning messages will be written to the system output stream. Error messages will be written to the system error stream. ERROR Error messages will be written to the system error stream. OFF No server output will be written to system streams. Only JVM output will be written to system streams.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) token configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.token.ltpa.LTPAConfiguration.
- keysFileName
- Path of the file containing the token keys.
- Default: ${server.config.dir}/resources/security/ltpa.keys
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- keysPassword
- Password for the token keys. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. IBM recommends encoding the password, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option.
- Default: {xor}CDo9Hgw=
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- expiration
- Amount of time after which a token expires in minutes. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h) or minutes (m). For example, specify 30 minutes as 30m. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1h30m is equivalent to 90 minutes.
- Default: 120m
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 monitorInterval
- Rate at which the server checks for updates to the LTPA token keys file. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 0ms
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Definition of mime types shared by all http virtual hosts.
PID: com.ibm.ws.http.mimetype.
- type
- Definition of mime type as id=value. Use the extension as the id, and the associated type as the value.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Configuration for Monitoring.
PID: com.ibm.ws.monitor.internal.MonitoringFrameworkExtender.
Configures the RRS Native Transaction Manager.
PID: com.ibm.ws.zos.tx.
- shutdownTimeout
- The amount of time to wait before allowing the native context manager to stop if one or more native contexts are in-use. A native context is considered in-use if it contains an RRS unit of recovery with one or more interests. The timeout is specified by a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m) or hours (h). For example, fifteen seconds is specified as 15s. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 15s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- resourceManagerNamePrefix
- The resource manager prefix to be used as part of the server generated resource manager name registered with Resource Recovery Services (RRS). The prefix must contain 1 to 8 alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9) and national (@,#,$) character only. The prefix name of DEFAULT is a reserved prefix name that identifies a default server configuration and should not be used for securing server access.
- Default: DEFAULT
- Required: false
- Data type: string
List of default Netscape Directory Server LDAP filters.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.netscape.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default:
(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)))- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: inetOrgPerson:uid
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default: groupOfNames:member;groupOfUniqueNames:uniqueMember
- Required: true
- Data type: string
Generate plugin configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.generatePluginConfig.
- pluginInstallRoot
- Web container plugin installation position in file system
- Default: .
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- webserverPort
- Web server HTTP port
- Default: 80
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- webserverSecurePort
- Web server HTTPS port
- Default: 443
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sslKeyringLocation
- Location of SSL keyring
- Default: PATH/FILE
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sslStashfileLocation
- Location of SSL stashfile
- Default: PATH/FILE
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sslCertlabel
- SSL cert label
- Default: REPLACE
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 ipv6Preferred
- IPv6 is preferred
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
List of JDBC vendor properties for the data source. For example, databaseName="dbname" serverName="localhost" portNumber="50000".
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- URL for connecting to the database.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
Data source properties for the DataDirect Connect for JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.datadirect.sqlserver, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 1433
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- accountingInfo
- JDBC driver property: accountingInfo.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- alternateServers
- JDBC driver property: alternateServers.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- alwaysReportTriggerResults
- JDBC driver property: alwaysReportTriggerResults.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- applicationName
- JDBC driver property: applicationName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- authenticationMethod
- JDBC driver property: authenticationMethod.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- bulkLoadBatchSize
- JDBC driver property: bulkLoadBatchSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: long
- bulkLoadOptions
- JDBC driver property: bulkLoadOptions.
- Required: false
- Data type: long
- clientHostName
- JDBC driver property: clientHostName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- clientUser
- JDBC driver property: clientUser.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- codePageOverride
- JDBC driver property: codePageOverride.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- connectionRetryCount
- JDBC driver property: connectionRetryCount.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- connectionRetryDelay
- JDBC driver property: connectionRetryDelay. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- convertNull
- JDBC driver property: convertNull.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- dateTimeInputParameterType
- JDBC driver property: dateTimeInputParameterType.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dateTimeOutputParameterType
- JDBC driver property: dateTimeOutputParameterType.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- describeInputParameters
- JDBC driver property: describeInputParameters.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- describeOutputParameters
- JDBC driver property: describeOutputParameters.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- enableBulkLoad
- JDBC driver property: enableBulkLoad.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- enableCancelTimeout
- JDBC driver property: enableCancelTimeout.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- encryptionMethod
- JDBC driver property: encryptionMethod.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- failoverGranularity
- JDBC driver property: failoverGranularity.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- failoverMode
- JDBC driver property: failoverMode.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- failoverPreconnect
- JDBC driver property: failoverPreconnect.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- hostNameInCertificate
- JDBC driver property: hostNameInCertificate.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- initializationString
- JDBC driver property: initializationString.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- insensitiveResultSetBufferSize
- JDBC driver property: insensitiveResultSetBufferSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- javaDoubleToString
- JDBC driver property: javaDoubleToString.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBCBehavior
- JDBC driver property: JDBCBehavior. Values are: 0 (JDBC 4.0) or 1 (JDBC 3.0).
- Default: 0
- Range:
- 0
- JDBC 4.0
- 1
- JDBC 3.0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- loadBalancing
- JDBC driver property: loadBalancing.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- longDataCacheSize
- JDBC driver property: longDataCacheSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- netAddress
- JDBC driver property: netAddress.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- packetSize
- JDBC driver property: packetSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- queryTimeout
- JDBC driver property: queryTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- resultsetMetaDataOptions
- JDBC driver property: resultsetMetaDataOptions.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- selectMethod
- JDBC driver property: selectMethod.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- snapshotSerializable
- JDBC driver property: snapshotSerializable.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- spyAttributes
- JDBC driver property: spyAttributes.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- stringInputParameterType
- JDBC driver property: stringInputParameterType.
- Default: varchar
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- stringOutputParameterType
- JDBC driver property: stringOutputParameterType.
- Default: varchar
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- suppressConnectionWarnings
- JDBC driver property: suppressConnectionWarnings.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- transactionMode
- JDBC driver property: transactionMode.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- truncateFractionalSeconds
- JDBC driver property: truncateFractionalSeconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- trustStore
- JDBC driver property: trustStore.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- trustStorePassword
- JDBC driver property: trustStorePassword.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- useServerSideUpdatableCursors
- JDBC driver property: useServerSideUpdatableCursors.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- validateServerCertificate
- JDBC driver property: validateServerCertificate.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- XATransactionGroup
- JDBC driver property: XATransactionGroup.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- XMLDescribeType
- JDBC driver property: XMLDescribeType.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Data source properties for the IBM DB2 for i Native JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.db2.i.native, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Default: *LOCAL
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- access
- JDBC driver property: access.
- Default: all
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- autoCommit
- JDBC driver property: autoCommit.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- batchStyle
- JDBC driver property: batchStyle.
- Default: 2.0
- Range:
- 2.0
- 2.1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- behaviorOverride
- JDBC driver property: behaviorOverride.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- blockSize
- JDBC driver property: blockSize.
- Default: 32
- Range:
- 0
- 8
- 16
- 32
- 64
- 128
- 256
- 512
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- cursorHold
- JDBC driver property: cursorHold.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- cursorSensitivity
- Default: asensitive
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dataTruncation
- JDBC driver property: dataTruncation.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dateFormat
- JDBC driver property: dateFormat.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dateSeparator
- JDBC driver property: dateSeparator.
- Range:
- /
- The forward slash character (/).
- -
- The dash character (-).
- .
- The period character (.).
- ,
- The comma character (,).
- b
- The character b
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- decimalSeparator
- JDBC driver property: decimalSeparator.
- Range:
- .
- The period character (.).
- ,
- The comma character (,).
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- directMap
- JDBC driver property: directMap.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- doEscapeProcessing
- JDBC driver property: doEscapeProcessing.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- fullErrors
- JDBC driver property: fullErrors.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- libraries
- JDBC driver property: libraries.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- lobThreshold
- JDBC driver property: lobThreshold.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- lockTimeout
- JDBC driver property: lockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- maximumPrecision
- JDBC driver property: maximumPrecision.
- Default: 31
- Range:
- 31
- 63
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- maximumScale
- JDBC driver property: maximumScale.
- Default: 31
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- minimumDivideScale
- JDBC driver property: minimumDivideScale.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- networkProtocol
- JDBC driver property: networkProtocol.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- prefetch
- JDBC driver property: prefetch.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- queryOptimizeGoal
- JDBC driver property: queryOptimizeGoal. Values are: 1 (*FIRSTIO) or 2 (*ALLIO).
- Default: 2
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- reuseObjects
- JDBC driver property: reuseObjects.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverTraceCategories
- JDBC driver property: serverTraceCategories.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- systemNaming
- JDBC driver property: systemNaming.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- timeFormat
- JDBC driver property: timeFormat.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- timeSeparator
- JDBC driver property: timeSeparator.
- Range:
- :
- The colon character (:).
- .
- The period character (.).
- ,
- The comma character (,).
- b
- The character b
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- trace
- JDBC driver property: trace.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- transactionTimeout
- JDBC driver property: transactionTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- translateBinary
- JDBC driver property: translateBinary.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- translateHex
- JDBC driver property: translateHex.
- Default: character
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- useBlockInsert
- JDBC driver property: useBlockInsert.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Data source properties for the IBM DB2 for i Toolbox JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.db2.i.toolbox, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- access
- JDBC driver property: access.
- Default: all
- Range:
- all
- read call
- read only
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- behaviorOverride
- JDBC driver property: behaviorOverride.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- bidiImplicitReordering
- JDBC driver property: bidiImplicitReordering.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- bidiNumericOrdering
- JDBC driver property: bidiNumericOrdering.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- bidiStringType
- JDBC driver property: bidiStringType.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- bigDecimal
- JDBC driver property: bigDecimal.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- blockCriteria
- JDBC driver property: blockCriteria. Values are: 0 (no record blocking), 1 (block if FOR FETCH ONLY is specified), 2 (block if FOR UPDATE is specified).
- Default: 2
- Range: 0 1 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- blockSize
- JDBC driver property: blockSize.
- Default: 32
- Range: 0 8 16 32 64 128 256 512
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- cursorHold
- JDBC driver property: cursorHold.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- cursorSensitivity
- Default: asensitive
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dataCompression
- JDBC driver property: dataCompression.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- dataTruncation
- JDBC driver property: dataTruncation.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- dateFormat
- JDBC driver property: dateFormat.
- Range: dmy eur mdy iso jis julian usa ymd
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- dateSeparator
- JDBC driver property: dateSeparator.
- Range:
/ forward slash character (/). - dash character (-). . period character (.). , comma character (,). space character ( ).
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- decimalSeparator
- JDBC driver property: decimalSeparator.
- Range:
- .
- The period character (.).
- ,
- The comma character (,).
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- driver
- JDBC driver property: driver.
- Default: toolbox
- Range:
- native
- toolbox
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- errors
- JDBC driver property: errors.
- Default: basic
- Range:
- basic
- full
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- extendedDynamic
- JDBC driver property: extendedDynamic.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- extendedMetaData
- JDBC driver property: extendedMetaData.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- fullOpen
- JDBC driver property: fullOpen.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- holdInputLocators
- JDBC driver property: holdInputLocators.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- holdStatements
- JDBC driver property: holdStatements.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- isolationLevelSwitchingSupport
- JDBC driver property: isolationLevelSwitchingSupport.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- keepAlive
- JDBC driver property: keepAlive.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- lazyClose
- JDBC driver property: lazyClose.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- libraries
- JDBC driver property: libraries.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- lobThreshold
- JDBC driver property: lobThreshold.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- maximumPrecision
- JDBC driver property: maximumPrecision.
- Default: 31
- Range:
- 31
- 63
- 64
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- maximumScale
- JDBC driver property: maximumScale.
- Default: 31
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- metaDataSource
- JDBC driver property: metaDataSource.
- Default: 1
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- minimumDivideScale
- JDBC driver property: minimumDivideScale.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- naming
- JDBC driver property: naming.
- Default: sql
- Range:
- sql
- system
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- package
- JDBC driver property: package.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- packageAdd
- JDBC driver property: packageAdd.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- packageCCSID
- JDBC driver property: packageCCSID. Values are: 1200 (UCS-2) or 13488 (UTF-16).
- Default: 13488
- Range:
- 1200
- 1200 (UCS-2)
- 13488
- 13488 (UTF-16)
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- packageCache
- JDBC driver property: packageCache.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- packageCriteria
- JDBC driver property: packageCriteria.
- Default: default
- Range:
- default
- select
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- packageError
- JDBC driver property: packageError.
- Default: warning
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- packageLibrary
- JDBC driver property: packageLibrary.
- Default: QGPL
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- prefetch
- JDBC driver property: prefetch.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- prompt
- JDBC driver property: prompt.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- proxyServer
- JDBC driver property: proxyServer.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- qaqqiniLibrary
- JDBC driver property: qaqqiniLibrary.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- queryOptimizeGoal
- JDBC driver property: queryOptimizeGoal. Values are: 1 (*FIRSTIO) or 2 (*ALLIO).
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- receiveBufferSize
- JDBC driver property: receiveBufferSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- remarks
- JDBC driver property: remarks.
- Default: system
- Range:
- sql
- system
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- rollbackCursorHold
- JDBC driver property: rollbackCursorHold.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- savePasswordWhenSerialized
- JDBC driver property: savePasswordWhenSerialized.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- secondaryUrl
- JDBC driver property: secondaryUrl.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- secure
- JDBC driver property: secure.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sendBufferSize
- JDBC driver property: sendBufferSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- serverTraceCategories
- JDBC driver property: serverTraceCategories.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- soLinger
- JDBC driver property: soLinger. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- soTimeout
- JDBC driver property: soTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sort
- JDBC driver property: sort.
- Default: hex
- Range:
- hex
- language
- table
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sortLanguage
- JDBC driver property: sortLanguage.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sortTable
- JDBC driver property: sortTable.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sortWeight
- JDBC driver property: sortWeight.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- tcpNoDelay
- JDBC driver property: tcpNoDelay.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- threadUsed
- JDBC driver property: threadUsed.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- timeFormat
- JDBC driver property: timeFormat.
- Range:
- eur
- hms
- iso
- jis
- usa
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- timeSeparator
- JDBC driver property: timeSeparator.
- Range:
- :
- The colon character (:).
- .
- The period character (.).
- ,
- The comma character (,).
- The space character ( ).
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- toolboxTrace
- JDBC driver property: toolboxTrace.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- trace
- JDBC driver property: trace.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- translateBinary
- JDBC driver property: translateBinary.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- translateBoolean
- JDBC driver property: translateBoolean.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- translateHex
- JDBC driver property: translateHex.
- Default: character
- Range:
- binary
- character
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- trueAutoCommit
- JDBC driver property: trueAutoCommit.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- xaLooselyCoupledSupport
- JDBC driver property: xaLooselyCoupledSupport.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
Data source properties for the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ for DB2.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.db2.jcc, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- V8.5.0.1 activateDatabase
- JDBC driver property: activateDatabase.
- Required: true
- Data type: int
- driverType
- JDBC driver property: driverType.
- Default: 4
- Range:
- 2
- Type 2 JDBC driver.
- 4
- Type 4 JDBC driver.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 50000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- V8.5.0.1 alternateGroupDatabaseName
- JDBC driver property: alternateGroupDatabaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 alternateGroupPortNumber
- JDBC driver property: alternateGroupPortNumber.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 alternateGroupServerName
- JDBC driver property: alternateGroupServerName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- blockingReadConnectionTimeout
- JDBC driver property: blockingReadConnectionTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- clientAccountingInformation
- JDBC driver property: clientAccountingInformation.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- clientApplicationInformation
- JDBC driver property: clientApplicationInformation.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- clientRerouteServerListJNDIName
- JDBC driver property: clientRerouteServerListJNDIName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- clientUser
- JDBC driver property: clientUser.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- clientWorkstation
- JDBC driver property: clientWorkstation.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 connectionCloseWithInFlightTransaction
- JDBC driver property: connectionCloseWithInFlightTransaction.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 currentAlternateGroupEntry
- JDBC driver property: currentAlternateGroupEntry.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- currentFunctionPath
- JDBC driver property: currentFunctionPath.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 currentLocaleLcCtype
- JDBC driver property: currentLocaleLcCtype.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- currentLockTimeout
- JDBC driver property: currentLockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- currentPackagePath
- JDBC driver property: currentPackagePath.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- currentPackageSet
- JDBC driver property: currentPackageSet.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- currentSQLID
- JDBC driver property: currentSQLID.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- currentSchema
- JDBC driver property: currentSchema.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- cursorSensitivity
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- deferPrepares
- JDBC driver property: deferPrepares.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 enableAlternateGroupSeamlessACR
- JDBC driver property: enableAlternateGroupSeamlessACR.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- enableClientAffinitiesList
- JDBC driver property: enableClientAffinitiesList. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 enableExtendedDescribe
- JDBC driver property: enableExtendedDescribe.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 enableExtendedIndicators
- JDBC driver property: enableExtendedIndicators.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableNamedParameterMarkers
- JDBC driver property: enableNamedParameterMarkers. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableSeamlessFailover
- JDBC driver property: enableSeamlessFailover. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableSysplexWLB
- JDBC driver property: enableSysplexWLB.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- fetchSize
- JDBC driver property: fetchSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- fullyMaterializeInputStreams
- JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeInputStreams.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 fullyMaterializeInputStreamsOnBatchExecution
- JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeInputStreamsOnBatchExecution.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- fullyMaterializeLobData
- JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeLobData.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 implicitRollbackOption
- JDBC driver property: implicitRollbackOption.
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 interruptProcessingMode
- JDBC driver property: interruptProcessingMode.
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 keepAliveTimeOut
- JDBC driver property: keepAliveTimeOut. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- keepDynamic
- JDBC driver property: keepDynamic.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- kerberosServerPrincipal
- JDBC driver property: kerberosServerPrincipal.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 maxConnCachedParamBufferSize
- JDBC driver property: maxConnCachedParamBufferSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- maxRetriesForClientReroute
- JDBC driver property: maxRetriesForClientReroute.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 profileName
- JDBC driver property: profileName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- queryCloseImplicit
- JDBC driver property: queryCloseImplicit. Values are: 1 (QUERY_CLOSE_IMPLICIT_YES) or 2 (QUERY_CLOSE_IMPLICIT_NO).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- queryDataSize
- JDBC driver property: queryDataSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 queryTimeoutInterruptProcessingMode
- JDBC driver property: queryTimeoutInterruptProcessingMode.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- readOnly
- JDBC driver property: readOnly.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 recordTemporalHistory
- recordTemporalHistory.desc
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- resultSetHoldability
- JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldability. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries
- JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage
- JDBC driver property: retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- retryIntervalForClientReroute
- JDBC driver property: retryIntervalForClientReroute. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- securityMechanism
- Range:
- 3
- 4
- 7
- 9
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 15
- 16
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- sendDataAsIs
- JDBC driver property: sendDataAsIs.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sessionTimeZone
- JDBC driver property: sessionTimeZone.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sqljCloseStmtsWithOpenResultSet
- JDBC driver property: sqljCloseStmtsWithOpenResultSet.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sqljEnableClassLoaderSpecificProfiles
- JDBC driver property: sqljEnableClassLoaderSpecificProfiles.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sslConnection
- JDBC driver property: sslConnection.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- streamBufferSize
- JDBC driver property: streamBufferSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- stripTrailingZerosForDecimalNumbers
- JDBC driver property: stripTrailingZerosForDecimalNumbers.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 sysSchema
- JDBC driver property: sysSchema.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 timerLevelForQueryTimeOut
- JDBC driver property: timerLevelForQueryTimeOut.
- Range:
- -1
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- traceDirectory
- JDBC driver property: traceDirectory.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 traceFile
- JDBC driver property: traceFile.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFileAppend
- JDBC driver property: traceFileAppend.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 traceFileCount
- JDBC driver property: traceFileCount.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 traceFileSize
- JDBC driver property: traceFileSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- traceLevel
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 traceOption
- JDBC driver property: traceOption
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 translateForBitData
- JDBC driver property: translateForBitData.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 updateCountForBatch
- JDBC driver property: updateCountForBatch.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- useCachedCursor
- JDBC driver property: useCachedCursor.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- V8.5.0.1 useIdentityValLocalForAutoGeneratedKeys
- JDBC driver property: useIdentityValLocalForAutoGeneratedKeys.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics
- JDBC driver property: useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- V8.5.0.1 useJDBC41DefinitionForGetColumns
- JDBC driver property: useJDBC41DefinitionForGetColumns.
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- useTransactionRedirect
- JDBC driver property: useTransactionRedirect.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- xaNetworkOptimization
- JDBC driver property: xaNetworkOptimization.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Data source properties for Derby Network Client JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.derby.client, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- createDatabase
- JDBC driver property: createDatabase.
- Range:
- create
- When the first connection is established, automatically create the database if it doesn't exist.
- false
- Do not automatically create the database.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 1527
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- connectionAttributes
- JDBC driver property: connectionAttributes.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- retrieveMessageText
- JDBC driver property: retrieveMessageText.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- securityMechanism
- Default: 3
- Range:
- 3
- 4
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Required: false
- Data type: short
- shutdownDatabase
- JDBC driver property: shutdownDatabase.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ssl
- JDBC driver property: ssl.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceDirectory
- JDBC driver property: traceDirectory.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFile
- JDBC driver property: traceFile.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFileAppend
- JDBC driver property: traceFileAppend.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- traceLevel
- Required: false
- Data type: int
Data source properties for Derby Embedded JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.derby.embedded, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- createDatabase
- JDBC driver property: createDatabase.
- Range:
- create
- When the first connection is established, automatically create the database if it doesn't exist.
- false
- Do not automatically create the database.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- connectionAttributes
- JDBC driver property: connectionAttributes.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- shutdownDatabase
- JDBC driver property: shutdownDatabase.
- Range:
- shutdown
- Shut down the database when a connection is attempted.
- false
- Do not shut down the database.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Data source properties for the Informix JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.informix, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFXHOST.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 1526
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- JDBC driver property: ifxCLIENT_LOCALE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ifxCPMAgeLimit
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMAgeLimit. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ifxCPMInitPoolSize
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMInitPoolSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- ifxCPMMaxConnections
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMaxConnections.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- ifxCPMMaxPoolSize
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMaxPoolSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- ifxCPMMinAgeLimit
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMinAgeLimit. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ifxCPMMinPoolSize
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMMinPoolSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- ifxCPMServiceInterval
- JDBC driver property: ifxCPMServiceInterval. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBANSIWARN.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBCENTURY.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBDATE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBSPACETEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBTEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBTIME.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDBUPSPACE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDB_LOCALE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxDELIMIDENT.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxENABLE_TYPE_CACHE.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxFET_BUF_SIZE.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- ifxGL_DATE
- JDBC driver property: ifxGL_DATE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxGL_DATETIME.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_AUTOFREE.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_DIRECTIVES.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_LOCK_MODE_WAIT. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 2s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_SOC_TIMEOUT. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_USEPUT.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_USE_STRENC.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxIFX_XASPEC.
- Default: y
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXCONRETRY.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXCONTIME. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXOPCACHE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxINFORMIXSTACKSIZE.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- JDBC driver property: ifxJDBCTEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_IFXBASE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_PASSWD.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_URL.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxLDAP_USER.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxLOBCACHE.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- JDBC driver property: ifxNEWCODESET.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxNEWLOCALE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxNODEFDAC.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxOPTCOMPIND.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxOPTOFC.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxOPT_GOAL.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ifxPATH
- JDBC driver property: ifxPATH.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxPDQPRIORITY.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxPLCONFIG.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxPLOAD_LO_PATH.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxPROTOCOLTRACE.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- JDBC driver property: ifxPROTOCOLTRACEFILE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ifxPROXY
- JDBC driver property: ifxPROXY.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxPSORT_DBTEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxPSORT_NPROCS.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxSECURITY.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxSQLH_FILE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxSQLH_LOC.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxSQLH_TYPE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxSSLCONNECTION.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxSTMT_CACHE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ifxTRACE
- JDBC driver property: ifxTRACE.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- JDBC driver property: ifxTRACEFILE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxTRUSTED_CONTEXT.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: ifxUSEV5SERVER.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: ifxUSE_DTENV.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- roleName
- JDBC driver property: roleName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Data source properties for the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ for Informix.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.informix.jcc, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 1526
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- currentLockTimeout
- JDBC driver property: currentLockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 2s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: DBANSIWARN.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: DBDATE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: DBPATH.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: DBSPACETEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: DBTEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: DBUPSPACE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: DELIMIDENT.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- deferPrepares
- JDBC driver property: deferPrepares.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- driverType
- JDBC driver property: driverType.
- Default: 4
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableNamedParameterMarkers
- JDBC driver property: enableNamedParameterMarkers. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableSeamlessFailover
- JDBC driver property: enableSeamlessFailover. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableSysplexWLB
- JDBC driver property: enableSysplexWLB.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- fetchSize
- JDBC driver property: fetchSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- fullyMaterializeLobData
- JDBC driver property: fullyMaterializeLobData.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- JDBC driver property: IFX_DIRECTIVES.
- Range:
- ON
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: IFX_EXTDIRECTIVES.
- Range:
- ON
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: IFX_UPDDESC.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: INFORMIXOPCACHE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: INFORMIXSTACKSIZE.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- keepDynamic
- JDBC driver property: keepDynamic.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: NODEFDAC.
- Range:
- yes
- no
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: OPTCOMPIND.
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: OPTOFC.
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: PDQPRIORITY.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- progressiveStreaming
- JDBC driver property: progressiveStreaming. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- NO
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- JDBC driver property: PSORT_DBTEMP.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- JDBC driver property: PSORT_NPROCS.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- queryDataSize
- JDBC driver property: queryDataSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- resultSetHoldability
- JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldability. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries
- JDBC driver property: resultSetHoldabilityForCatalogQueries. Values are: 1 (HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) or 2 (CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT).
- Range:
- 1
- 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage
- JDBC driver property: retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- securityMechanism
- Range:
- 3
- 4
- 7
- 9
- Required: false
- Data type: short
- JDBC driver property: STMT_CACHE.
- Range:
- 0
- 1
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceDirectory
- JDBC driver property: traceDirectory.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFile
- JDBC driver property: traceFile.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- traceFileAppend
- JDBC driver property: traceFileAppend.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- traceLevel
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics
- JDBC driver property: useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics. Values are: 1 (YES) or 2 (NO).
- Required: false
- Data type: int
Data source properties for Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.microsoft.sqlserver, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- instanceName
- JDBC driver property: instanceName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 1433
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- applicationIntent
- JDBC driver property: applicationIntent.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- applicationName
- JDBC driver property: applicationName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- authenticationScheme
- JDBC driver property: authenticationScheme.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- encrypt
- JDBC driver property: encrypt.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- failoverPartner
- JDBC driver property: failoverPartner.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- hostNameInCertificate
- JDBC driver property: hostNameInCertificate.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- integratedSecurity
- JDBC driver property: integratedSecurity.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- lastUpdateCount
- JDBC driver property: lastUpdateCount.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- lockTimeout
- JDBC driver property: lockTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- multiSubnetFailover
- JDBC driver property: multiSubnetFailover.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- packetSize
- JDBC driver property: packetSize.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- responseBuffering
- JDBC driver property: responseBuffering.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- selectMethod
- JDBC driver property: selectMethod.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- sendStringParametersAsUnicode
- JDBC driver property: sendStringParametersAsUnicode.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sendTimeAsDatetime
- JDBC driver property: sendTimeAsDatetime.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- trustServerCertificate
- JDBC driver property: trustServerCertificate.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- trustStore
- JDBC driver property: trustStore.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- trustStorePassword
- JDBC driver property: trustStorePassword.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- URL for connecting to the database. Example: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=myDB.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- workstationID
- JDBC driver property: workstationID.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- xopenStates
- JDBC driver property: xopenStates.
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Data source properties for Oracle JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.oracle, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- driverType
- JDBC driver property: driverType.
- Default: thin
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 1521
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- URL for connecting to the database. Examples: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/sample or jdbc:oracle:oci:@//localhost:1521/sample.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- connectionProperties
- JDBC driver property: connectionProperties.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- networkProtocol
- JDBC driver property: networkProtocol.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ONSConfiguration
- JDBC driver property: ONSConfiguration.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- serviceName
- JDBC driver property: serviceName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- TNSEntryName
- JDBC driver property: TNSEntryName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Data source properties for Sybase JDBC driver.
PID: com.ibm.ws.jdbc.dataSource.properties.sybase, and it is the child of complex type "dataSource".
- databaseName
- JDBC driver property: databaseName.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- serverName
- Server where the database is running.
- Default: localhost
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- portNumber
- Port on which to obtain database connections.
- Default: 5000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- user
- Database user name.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- password
- Password for database user.
- Required: false
- Data type: password (string)
- connectionProperties
- JDBC driver property: connectionProperties.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- loginTimeout
- JDBC driver property: loginTimeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- networkProtocol
- JDBC driver property: networkProtocol.
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- resourceManagerName
- JDBC driver property: resourceManagerName.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- Default: false
- Range:
- true
- false
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- version
- JDBC driver property: version.
- Required: false
- Data type: int
Simple administrative security configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.quickStartSecurity.
- userName
- Single user defined as part of the quick start security configuration. This user is granted the Administrator role.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userPassword
- Password for the single user defined as part of the quick start security configuration. IBM recommends encoding this password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option.
- Required: true
- Data type: password (string)
Control the operation of the SAF Authorization Service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authorization.saf.
Control the operation of the SAF Credentials Service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.credentials.saf.
- unauthenticatedUser
- SAF user ID of the unauthenticated user.
- Default: WSGUEST
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- profilePrefix
- Profile prefix used to specify the SAF APPL-ID when creating SAF credentials and authorizing users against SAF resource profiles.
- Default: BBGZDFLT
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Configuration properties for a SAF user registry.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.saf.config.
Define how to generate SAF EJBROLE resource profile names from application role names.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authorization.saf.internal.SAFRoleMapperImpl.
- profilePattern
- Pattern to use for generating EJBROLE resource profile names from application role names.
- Default: %profilePrefix%.%resource%.%role%
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- toUpperCase
- Convert the EJBROLE resource profile name to upper-case.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
List of default IBM SecureWay Directory Server LDAP filters.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.registry.ldap.internal.filters.secureway.
- userFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry.
- Default: (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=ePerson))
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupFilter
- An LDAP filter clause for searching the user registry for groups.
- Default:
(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)))- Required: true
- Data type: string
- userIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a user to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:uid
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupIdMap
- An LDAP filter that maps the name of a group to an LDAP entry.
- Default: *:cn
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- groupMemberIdMap
- An LDAP filter that identifies user to group memberships.
- Default: groupOfNames:member;groupOfUniqueNames:uniqueMember
- Required: true
- Data type: string
An SSL configuration repertoire with an ID, a defined keystore, and an optional truststore.
PID: com.ibm.ws.ssl.repertoire.
- keyStoreRef
- A keystore containing key entries for the SSL configuration repertoire. This attribute is required.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- trustStoreRef
- A keystore containing trusted certificate entries used by the SSL configuration repertoire for signing verification. This attribute is optional. If unspecified, the same keystore is used for both key and trusted certificate entries.
- Default: ${keyStoreRef}
- Required: false
- Data type: string
The default configuration repertoire for SSL services.
PID: com.ibm.ws.ssl.default.
- sslRef
- The default SSL configuration repertoire. Default is defaultSSLSettings.
- Default: defaultSSLConfig
- Required: false
- Data type: string
The SSL protocol configuration for a transport.
PID: com.ibm.ws.sslchannel.options.
- sessionTimeout
- Amount of time to wait for a read or write request to complete on a socket. This value is overridden by protocol-specific timeouts. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 1d
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- V8.5.0.1 suppressHandshakeErrors
- Disable logging of SSL handshake errors. SSL handshake errors can occur during normal operation, however these messages can be useful when SSL is behaving unexpectedly.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- sslRef
- The default SSL configuration repertoire. Default is defaultSSLSettings.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Define TCP protocol settings.
PID: com.ibm.ws.tcpchannel.options.
- inactivityTimeout
- Amount of time to wait for a read or write request to complete on a socket. This value is overridden by protocol-specific timeouts. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds.
- Default: 60s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- soReuseAddr
- Enable immediate rebind to a port with no active listener.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Configuration properties for the Transaction Manager service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.transaction.
- recoverOnStartup
- Whether the server should begin transaction recovery at server startup.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- waitForRecovery
- Whether the server should wait for transaction recovery to complete before accepting new transactional work.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- acceptHeuristicHazard
- Whether all applications on this server accept the possibility of a heuristic hazard occurring in a two-phase transaction containing a one-phase resource.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- clientInactivityTimeout
- Maximum duration between transactional requests from a remote client. Any period of client inactivity that exceeds this timeout results in the transaction being rolled back in this application server. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 60s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- heuristicRetryInterval
- Amount of time the application server waits before retrying a completion signal, such as commit or rollback, after a transient exception from a resource manager or remote partner. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 60s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- heuristicRetryWait
- The number of times the application server retries a completion signal, such as commit or rollback. Retries occur after a transient exception from a resource manager or remote partner.
- Default: 5
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- propogatedOrBMTTranLifetimeTimeout
- Upper limit of the transaction timeout for transactions that run in this server. This value should be greater than or equal to the value specified for the total transaction timeout. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 0
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- totalTranLifetimeTimeout
- Default maximum time allowed for transactions started on this server to complete. Any such transactions that do not complete before this timeout occurs are rolled back. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 12000s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- transactionLogDirectory
- A directory for this server where the transaction service stores log files for recovery.
- Default: ${server.config.dir}/tranlog/
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- transactionLogSize
- Size of transaction log files in Kilobytes.
- Default: 1024
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableLoggingForHeuristicReporting
- Whether the application server logs about-to-commit-one-phase-resource events from transactions that involve both a one-phase commit resource and two-phase commit resources.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- timeoutGracePeriodEnabled
- Whether there is a delay between a transaction timeout and the abnormal ending of the servant region that was running the transaction.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- lpsHeuristicCompletion
- Direction used to complete a transaction that has a heuristic outcome; either the application server commits or rolls back the transaction, or depends on manual completion by the administrator. Allowed values are: COMMIT, ROLLBACK and MANUAL
- Default: ROLLBACK
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- defaultMaxShutdownDelay
- Default maximum shutdown delay. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. We can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds.
- Default: 2s
- Required: false
- Data type: string
Control the operation of the trust association interceptor (TAI) service.
PID: com.ibm.ws.security.authentication.tai.
- interceptors
- Required: true
- Data type: Define a trust association interceptor.
- enabled
- Enable or disables the interceptor.
- Default: true
- Required: true
- Data type: boolean
- className
- Fully-qualified package name of the interceptor class.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- invokeBeforeSSO
- Invoke an interceptor before single sign-on (SSO).
- Default: true
- Required: true
- Data type: boolean
- invokeAfterSSO
- Invoke an interceptor after single sign-on (SSO).
- Default: false
- Required: true
- Data type: boolean
- libraryRef
- A reference to the ID of the shared library configuration.
- Required: false
- Data type: Configuration ID of type library (string).
- library
- A reference to the ID of the shared library configuration.
- Required: false
- Data type: Element of type library.
- properties
- Required: false
Declare a new variable by specifying the name and value for the variable.
- name
- The name of the variable.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
- value
- The value to be assigned to the variable.
- Required: true
- Data type: string
Virtual host configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.http.virtualhost.
- enabled
- Enable this virtual host.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Configures web container application security.
PID: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.security.internal.WebAppSecurityCollaboratorImpl.
- allowFailOverToBasicAuth
- Whether to fail over to basic authentication when certificate authentication fails. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.wsspi.security.web.failOverToBasicAuth.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- allowLogoutPageRedirectToAnyHost
- Warning, security risk: Setting this property to true may open the systems to potential URL redirect attacks. If set to true, any host can be specified for the logout page redirect. If set to false, and the logout page points to a different host, or one not listed in the logout page redirect domain list, then a generic logout page is displayed. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.allowAnyLogoutExitPageHost.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- displayAuthenticationRealm
- Warning, security risk: if this property is set to true, and the user registry's realm name contains sensitive information, it is displayed to the user. For example, if an LDAP configuration is used, the LDAP server hostname and port are displayed. This configuration controls what the HTTP basic authentication login window displays when the realm name is not defined in the application web.xml. If the realm name is defined in the application web.xml file, this property is ignored. If set to true, the realm name displayed will be the user registry realm name for the LTPA authentication mechanism or the Kerberos realm name for the Kerberos authentication mechanism. If set to false, the realm name displayed will be "Default Realm". The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.displayRealm.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- httpOnlyCookies
- Whether the HTTP only (HttpOnly) cookies option is enabled.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- logoutOnHttpSessionExpire
- Whether users will be logged out after the HTTP session timer expires. If set to false, the user credential will stay active until the Single Sign-On token timeout occurs. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.security.web.logoutOnHTTPSessionExpire.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- logoutPageRedirectDomainNames
- A pipe (|) separated list of domain names allowed for the logout page redirect (localhost is implied). The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.logoutExitPageDomainList.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- postParamCookieSize
- Size of the POST parameter cookie. If the size of the cookie is larger than the browser limit, unexpected behavior may occur. The value of this property must be a positive integer and represents the maximum size of the cookie in bytes. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.util.postParamMaxCookieSize.
- Default: 16384
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- postParamSaveMethod
- Where POST parameters are stored upon redirect. Valid values are cookie (POST parameters are stored in a cookie), session (POST parameters are stored in the HTTP Session) and none (POST parameters are not preserved). The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.util.postParamSaveMethod.
- Default: Cookie
- Range:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- preserveFullyQualifiedReferrerUrl
- Warning, security risk: Setting this to true may open the systems to potential URL redirect attacks. This property specifies whether the fully qualified referrer URL for form login redirects is preserved. If false, the host for the referrer URL is removed and the redirect is to localhost. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.util.fullyQualifiedURL
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- singleSignonEnabled
- Whether single sign-on is enabled.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- ssoCookieName
- Customizes the SSO cookie name. A custom cookie name allows you to logically separate authentication between SSO domains and to enable customized authentication to a particular environment. Before setting this value, consider that setting a custom cookie name can cause an authentication failure. For example, a connection to a server that has a custom cookie property set sends this custom cookie to the browser. A subsequent connection to a server that uses either the default cookie name or a different cookie name, is not able to authenticate the request via a validation of the in-bound cookie. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.customSSOCookieName.
- Default: LtpaToken2
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ssoDomainNames
- A pipe (|) separated list of domain names that SSO Cookies should be presented. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.security.config.SingleSignonConfig
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- ssoRequiresSSL
- Whether a SSO cookie is sent over SSL. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.websphere.security.customSSOCookieName
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- ssoUseDomainFromURL
- Whether to use the domain name from the request URL for the cookie domain.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- useAuthenticationDataForUnprotectedResource
- Whether authentication data can be used when accessing an unprotected resource. The unprotected resource can access validated authenticated data that it previously could not access. This option enables the unprotected resource to call the getRemoteUser, isUserInRole, and getUserPrincipal methods to retrieve an authenticated identity. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.wsspi.security.web.webAuthReq=persisting.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- webAlwaysLogin
- Whether the login() method will throw an exception when an identity has already been authenticated.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
Configuration for the web container.
PID: com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.
- listeners
- A comma separated list of listener classes.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- decodeUrlAsUtf8
- Decode URL using the an encoding setting of UTF-8.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- fileServingEnabled
- Enable file serving if this setting was not explicitly specified for the application.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- disallowAllFileServing
- Disable all file serving by applications. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.disallowAllFileServing.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- directoryBrowsingEnabled
- Enable directory browsing of an application.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- serveServletsByClassnameEnabled
- Enable servlets to be accessed in a web application using a class name if not explicitly specified.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- disallowServeServletsByClassName
- Disallows the use of serveServletsByClassnameEnabled on the application server level. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.disallowserveservletsbyclassname.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- doNotServeByClassName
- A semi-colon delimited list of classes to be completely disallowed from being served by classname. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.donotservebyclassname.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- trustHostHeaderPort
- Set to true and the com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.extractHostHeaderPort custom property to true to return the port number from the request host header first.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- trusted
- Enable the application server to use inbound private headers from the web server plug-in.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- extractHostHeaderPort
- The web container will return a port number from the host header, if any, or the URL port on which the client connection was accepted. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.extracthostheaderport.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- httpsIndicatorHeader
- For SSL offloading, set to the name of the HTTP header variable inserted by the SSL accelerator/proxy/load balancer.
- Default:
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- exposeWebInfOnDispatch
- If true, a servlet can access files in the WEB-INF directory. If false (default), a servlet cannot access files the WEB-INF directory.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- decodeUrlPlusSign
- Decode the plus sign when it is part of the URL. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.decodeurlplussign.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- channelWriteType
- When set to 'sync', responses will be written synchronously; otherwise, responses will be written asychronously. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.channelwritetype.
- Default: async
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- suppressHtmlRecursiveErrorOutput
- Suppresses the HTML output of a recursive error that cannot be handled by an application's configured error page. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.suppressHtmlRecursiveErrorOutput.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- fileWrapperEvents
- Web container will generate SMF and PMI data when serving the static files. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.fileWrapperEvents.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- defaultTraceRequestBehavior
- Restore HTTP TRACE processing. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.DefaultTraceRequestBehavior.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- defaultHeadRequestBehavior
- Restore the behavior where the HEAD request is not subject to the security constraint defined for the GET method. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.DefaultHeadRequestBehavior.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- tolerateSymbolicLinks
- Enable the web container to support the use of symbolic links. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.TolerateSymbolicLinks.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- symbolicLinksCacheSize
- Initial size of the symbolic link cache. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.SymbolicLinksCacheSize.
- Default: 1000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- enableErrorExceptionTypeFirst
- Web container is updated to search and use the exception-type before the error-code. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.enableErrorExceptionTypeFirst.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- enableMultiReadOfPostData
- Retain post data for multiple read accesses. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.enablemultireadofpostdata.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- copyAttributesKeySet
- Web container will return an enumeration of a copy of the list attributes to the servlet to avoid a concurrent access error by the servlet. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.copyattributeskeyset.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- dispatcherRethrowsEr
- Web container will re-throw errors allowing interested resources to process them. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.dispatcherRethrowser.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- ignoreSessiononStaticFileRequest
- Improves performance by preventing the web container from accessing a session for static file requests involving filters. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.IgnoreSessiononStaticFileRequest.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- invokeFilterInitAtStartup
- Web container will call the filter's init() method at application startup. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokeFilterInitAtStartup.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- enableJspMappingOverride
- Allow the JSP mapping to be overridden so the application can serve the JSP contents itself. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.enablejspmappingoverride.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- enableDefaultIsElIgnoredInTag
- Correct the default behavior of the EL expression's evaluation in the tag files. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.jsp.enabledefaultiselignoredintag.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- parseUtf8PostData
- Web container will detect non URL encoded UTF-8 post data and include it in the parameter values. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.parseutf8postdata.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- logServletContainerInitializerClassLoadingErrors
- Log servlet container class loading errors as warnings rather than logging them only when debug is enabled. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.logservletcontainerinitializerclassloadingerrors.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- allowIncludeSendError
- Allow RequestDispatch to send errors on Include methods. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.allowincludesenderror.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- skipMetaInfResourcesProcessing
- Do not search the meta-inf directory for application resources. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.skipmetainfresourcesprocessing.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- metaInfResourcesCacheSize
- Initial size (number of entries) of the meta-inf resource cache. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.metainfresourcescachesize.name.
- Default: 20
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- xPoweredBy
- Alternative string for the X-Powered-By header setting. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.xpoweredby.
- Required: false
- Data type: string
- disableXPoweredBy
- Disable setting of the X-Powered-By header. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.disablexpoweredby.
- Default: false
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- deferServletLoad
- Defer servlet loading and initialization until the first request.
- Default: true
- Required: false
- Data type: boolean
- asyncMaxSizeTaskPool
- Maximum size of tasks in the Async task pool before automatically purging canceled tasks. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asyncmaxsizetaskpool.
- Default: 5000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- asyncPurgeInterval
- Time interval to wait between each required purge of the cancelled task pool. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asyncpurgeinterval.
- Default: 30000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- asyncTimeoutDefault
- Async servlet timeout value used when a timeout value has not been explcitly specified. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asynctimeoutdefault.
- Default: 30000
- Required: false
- Data type: int
- asyncTimerThreads
- Maximum number of threads to use for async servlet timeout processing. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asynctimerthreads.
- Default: 2
- Required: false
- Data type: int
Contains, as child elements, the classification rules WLM will use when classifying requests.
PID: com.ibm.ws.zos.wlm.classification.
Configuration properties for logging on z/OS.
PID: com.ibm.ws.zos.logging.config.
WLM Native Enclave Manager Configuration.
PID: com.ibm.ws.zos.wlm.WLMConfigManager.