WAS v8.5 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer the Liberty profile

Administer the Liberty profile manually


server.xml is the primary configuration file.

bootstrap.properties specifies properties that need to be available before the primary configuration is processed. If updated, restart the server with the --clean option for the changes to take effect.


  1. Start and stop a server manually
  2. Add and remove Liberty features
  3. Use includes, variables, and Ref tags in configuration files
  4. Liberty profile dynamic updates
  5. Configure class loaders and libraries for Java EE applications
  6. Configure the Liberty profile with a web server plug-in
  7. Configure session persistence for the Liberty profile
  8. Connect to the Liberty profile using JMX
  9. Administer data access applications on the Liberty profile
  10. Administer web applications on the Liberty profile


However, the only required configuration element in server.xml is a server definition:

Beyond this server definition, you only specify overrides and additions to the default configuration values. For example, to change the transaction timeout value, we specify:

Some attributes can have multiple values. For example, you use a list of values to define the features that are to be provided by the server:

server     < featureManager>
        <feature>servlet-3.0</feature>         <feature>localConnector-1.0</feature>     </featureManager> </server>

See also Add and remove Liberty features.

Where multiple instances of a resource type can be configured, for example applications or data sources, you need only provide the attributes that are unique for the resource. We can let the other attributes use the default values, or override them as needed. Therefore the contents of server.xml can be brief. For example, here is a complete server configuration to run a web application:

server      < featureManager>
         <feature>servlet_3.0</feature>      </featureManager>      <application name="snoop" location="/mywebapps/snoop"war"/> </server>

For detailed information about specific aspects of server configuration, see the subtopics.

Parent topic: Administer the Liberty profile


Liberty profile: Server configuration
Administer using WebSphere Studio
Edit using WebSphere Studio
Display server configuration