WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information

Liberty features


Features are the units of functionality by which you control the pieces of the runtime environment that are loaded into a particular server.

Including a feature in the configuration might cause one or more additional features to be loaded automatically. For example, if you include the wab-1.0 feature, the servlet-3.0 and blueprint-1.0 features are loaded automatically. Each feature includes a brief description, and an example of how the feature is declared within the <featureManager> element inside server.xml...

.mf files

For a full list of available features, see the .mf files under...

The feature information is given in the Subsystem-Content element in the .mf file. Each .mf file represents a feature in the Liberty profile. The file name matches the feature name. For example, the servlet-3.0 feature is defined in a file called servlet-3.0.mf.

Available features

Bean validation <feature>beanvalidation-1.0</feature> Validate JavaBeans at each layer of an application using annotations or Validation.xml.
Blueprint <feature>blueprint-1.0</feature> Deploy OSGi applications.
JAX-R) <feature>jaxrs-1.1</feature> Support for Java API for RESTful Web Services.
JDBC <feature>jdbc-4.0</feature> Support for applications that access a database. We can take an existing application that uses JDBC and a data source, and deploy the application to a server.
JNDI <feature>jndi-1.0</feature> Support for a single JNDI entry definition in the server configuration of the Liberty profile.
Java Persistence API (JPA) <feature>jpa-2.0</feature> Support for applications that use application-managed and container-managed JPA written to the JPA 2.0 specification. The support is built on top of Apache OpenJPA with extensions to support the container-managed programming model.
Java Server Faces (JSF) <feature>jsf-2.0</feature> Support for web applications that use the JSF framework. This framework simplifies the construction of user interfaces. If we include the jsf-2.0 feature, you also include the jsp-2.2 feature, because the JSF framework is an extension of the JSP framework.
Java Server Pages (JSP) <feature>jsp-2.2</feature> Support for JSPs that are written to the JSP 2.2 specification.

>If we include the jsp-2.2 feature, you also include the servlet-3.0 feature.

JavaScript Object Notation Library <feature>json-1.0</feature> Access to the JSON4J library that provides a set of JSON handling classes for Java environments. The JSON4J library provides a simple Java model for constructing and manipulating data to be rendered as JSON data.
Local JMX Connector <feature>localConnector-1.0</feature> Local JMX connector built into the JVM. The JMX connector can only be used on the same host machine by someone running under the same user ID and the same JDK. It enables local access by JMX clients such as jConsole, or other JMX clients that use the Attach API.
Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) <feature>monitor-1.0</feature> PMI support on the Liberty profile.
OSGi JPA <feature>osgi.jpa-1.0</feature> JPA support for OSGi applications on the Liberty profile.
REST connector <feature>restConnector-1.0</feature> Secure JMX connector that can be used locally or remotely using any JDK. It enables remote access by JMX clients through a REST-based connector and requires SSL and basic user security configuration.
SSL <feature>ssl-1.0</feature> Support for SSL connections. The Liberty profile provides a dummy keystore and a dummy truststore, which are the same as those provided by previous versions of WAS. The secure HTTPS listener is not started unless the ssl-1.0 feature is enabled.

To specify the SSL certificates, add a pointer into server.xml.

To change the HTTPS port, set the <httpsPort> attribute of the < httpEndpoint> element in server.xml.

Security <feature>appSecurity-1.0</feature> Secure server runtime environment and applications...

  • Basic user registry
  • LDAP user registry
  • Basic authorization
  • Web application security
    • Basic authentication login

    • Form-login Form-logout
    • Programmatic APIs: getRemoteUser, getUserPrincipal, isUserInRole, authenticate, logout, login

To use this feature, first configure a user registry, such as the basic user registry or the LDAP user registry.

Server status <feature>serverStatus-1.0</feature> Automatically publish status to WAS dmgrs and job managers aware of the server as a resource in their Job configuration. Known states are: Started and Stopped.
Servlet <feature>servlet-3.0</feature> Support HTTP Servlets written to the Java Servlet 3.0 specification.
Session Persistence <feature>sessionDatabase-1.0</feature> Sffinity and failover support.
Web application bundle (WAB) <feature>wab-1.0</feature> Support WAB resources inside enterprise bundles, including static web content and JSPs, HTTP servlets written to the Servlet 3.0 specification, and blueprint applications.

If we include the wab-1.0 feature, you also include the servlet-3.0 and blueprint-1.0 features.

Parent topic: Liberty profile: Feature management

Related concepts:

Liberty profile: Feature management
Liberty profile: Server configuration


Deploy a JPA application to the Liberty profile
Add and remove Liberty features


JavaServer Faces (wikipedia)

Java Servlet 3.0 specification

Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 specification

Java Server Pages (JSP) 2.2 specification

Bean Validation specification

Java API for RESTful Web Services ( JAX-RS) 1.0 specification
