WAS v8.5 > Administering applications and their environment > Administering the Liberty profile > Administering the Liberty profile manually > Connect to the Liberty profile using JMX > Configuring secure JMX connection to the Liberty profile

Map the administrator role for the Liberty profile

We can use quickStartSecurity element or any supported user registries for the administrator role mapping on the Liberty profile. All the JMX methods and MBeans accessed through the REST connector are currently protected by a single role named "administrator". To get started quickly, use quickStartSecurity element to configure a single user with administrator role and configure the default SSL configuration.

We can also use any supported user registry. We cannot use quickStartSecurity element if we have already configured another user registry. In this case, we have to map users or roles from the registry to the administrator role.

Parent topic: Configuring secure JMX connection to the Liberty profile


Connect to the Liberty profile using JMX


Liberty profile: Configuration elements in server.xml

Task topic

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