WAS v8.5 > Reference > Developer detailed usage information![]()
Liberty profile: List of provided MBeans
For each MBean in the list:
- The name is the javax.management.ObjectName that uniquely identifies the MBean. When there are multiple instances of an MBean, the ObjectName might contain a wildcard (*) described in the Comments.
- The Management Interface specifies the name of the Java interface that might be used to construct a proxy object for the MBean
- WebSphere:name=com.ibm.ws.jmx.mbeans.generatePluginConfig
- Management interface: com.ibm.websphere.webcontainer.GeneratePluginConfigMBean
- WebSphere:service=com.ibm.ws.kernel.filemonitor.FileNotificationMBean
- Management interface: com.ibm.websphere.filemonitor.FileNotificationMBean
- WebSphere:service=com.ibm.websphere.application.ApplicationMBean,name=*
- Management interface: com.ibm.websphere.application.ApplicationMBean
- One instance is available for each application in the system, where * is a unique application name.
- WebSphere:type=JvmStats
- Management interface: com.ibm.websphere.monitor.jmx.JvmMXBean
- Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled.
- WebSphere:type=ServletStats,name=*
- Management interface: com.ibm.websphere.webcontainer.ServletStatsMXBean
- When the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled, one instance is available for each servlet that has been served, where * is of the form...
- WebSphere:type=ThreadPoolStats,name=Default Executor
- Management interface: com.ibm.websphere.monitor.jmx.ThreadPoolMXBean
- Available when the monitor-1.0 feature is enabled.
Parent topic:Working with JMX MBeans on the Liberty profile