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Policy set bindings settings for WS-Security

Use this page to view, define or configure general bindings and application specific properties for the WS-Security policy. We can configure the main policy or the secure conversation bootstrap policy by editing the general bindings.

This administrative console page applies only to JAX-WS applications.

To use this administrative console page to view the general default bindings, click Services > Policy sets > Default policy set bindings. We can use this navigation path for viewing only. To edit or configure the general default bindings...

  1. Navigate to the general bindings collection panel by clickingServices > Policy sets > General client policy set bindings or Services > Policy sets > General provider policy set bindings path.

  2. Click a general binding in the Name column.

  3. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.

If we choose to use a sample binding provided in the product, you must edit the sample user name and password provided for the Username token and LTPA token. The values provided are only examples; to use them successfully, modify the values for our own environment. We can change the user ID and password for authentication using a scripting command or by editing a copy of the general binding.

The following configuration links are provided for both the main security policy and for secure conversation bootstrap policy bindings.

Authentication and protection

Links to the collection of policy authentication and protection configuration settings. Click this link to access the collection of authentication and protection settings where we can configure authentication, signature, and encryption information that the policy requires.

Keys and certificates

Links to the collection of WS-Security policy keys and certificates.


Links to a panel to configure the caller settings. The caller specifies the token or message part that represents the identity to be set in the caller subject of the service.

The caller settings are available only for the service provider policy sets and bindings. The caller settings are not available for service client policy sets and bindings.

Message expiration

Links to a panel to define settings for message expiration. When you enable message expiration, the message expires after the specified interval.

Custom properties

Links to a panel where we can specify custom properties that apply to both inbound and outbound messages or specify properties that apply only to inbound or only to outbound messages.


Related tasks

  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console

  • Inbound and outbound custom properties
  • HTTP transport policy settings
  • Keys and certificates
  • WS-Security authentication and protection
  • Caller settings
  • Message expiration settings
  • Actor roles settings
  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings
  • Search attached applications collection

    Related information:

  • Web Services Addressing policy set binding