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Search attached applications collection

Use this page to search for applications and other resources that are attached to a specific policy set or to search for applications and other resources that have attached service resources.

To view this administrative console page...

  1. Click Services > Policy sets > Application policy sets >policy_set_name.

  2. Click Attached applications link in the Additional Properties section.


List of applications that match the search text. The application names that are displayed in the Name column are either attached explicitly to the specified policy set or have service resources attached to this policy set.

To alter the policy set that is attached to an application, select an application, and click a button to enable the following options:

Button Resulting action
Detach Policy Set Detaches the current policy set from the selected application or applications. This action also detaches any attached application service resources. This action does not detach other policy sets from the application or application service resources.
Replace Policy Set Displays a list of policy sets that can be attached to the selected application or applications and any contained attached service resources. The policy set is replaced with the one selected. This action does not replace other policy sets that are attached to resources in the application selected.

Click the application name to complete actions such as attaching policy sets to the application, its services, or its endpoints.

Related tasks

  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console

  • Application policy sets collection
  • Application policy set settings
  • Service client policy set and bindings collection
  • Service provider policy sets and bindings collection